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"Let The Bells Ring Out"

Let the bells ring out for Christmas
Let the whole World know, it's here.

Let the bells ring out for Christmas
Let 'em spread the joy and cheer,
Make the whole World know that Christmas Day
Is a special day each year!

For the kids, there's excitement all over their faces
When they find Santa, brought 'em that brand new toy
And for the sad, and the sick and the lonely
Why, just the thought of Christmas, brings 'em a little joy

So let the bells ring out for Christmas
Let them spread the joy and cheer
Let the whole World know, that Christmas Day
Is a special day each year!

But though, there's fun and laughter for all
And tidings that bring good cheer
Let's not forget, at Christmastime
Just why this day is here!

So let the bells ring out for Christmas
Let them spread the joy and cheer
Let the whole World know that Christmas Day
Is a special day, each year!

Walter Brennan song- 1962

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