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With loving memories of my sons
"Ricky and Craig"
You will forever remain
on my mind and in my heart.

" We Remember Them "

In the rising of the sun and in its going down,
We remember them;
In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,
We remember them;
In the opening of the buds in the warmth of summer
We remember them;
In the rustling of the leaves and the beauty of autumn,
We remember them;
In the beginning of the year, and when it ends,
We remember them;
When we are weary and in need of strength,
we remember them;
When we are lost and sick at heart,
We remember them;
When we have joys we yearn to share,
We remember them;
So as long as we live, they too shall live,
For they are now a part of us as

"We Remember Them"

Author Unknown

On the wings of death and sorrow
God sends us a new tomorrow
And in His mercy and His grace
He gives us strength to bravely face
The lonely days that stretch ahead
And know our loved one is not dead
But only sleeping and out of our sight
And we'll meet in that land
Where there is no night.

Helen Steiner Rice

Click Each Link Below For My other pages

My Homepage
Precious Cici
From Me
Nature's Beauty
New Fallen Snow
Teddy Bear
Morning Light
What Is Prayer
My Sister
The Choice
Happy Thanksgiving
Christmas This Year

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