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MUSIC : My Way                                                                                                                                          

This is me, my name is Ryan Tan. I'm just 19 years old but I'm an impish boy and always disobey my parents. In Malaysia, I am obsessed with clubbing activities and I'll go to the night club everyday with my friends which are all hooligans. We will exulting until late at night and I even imbibing alcoholic drinks and ingesting ecstasy pills. I realized what I did was erroneous after I was caught red-handed by the police for buying ecstasy pills. I was detained for 2 days and my parents felt disappointed with me. I pleaded for forgiveness and promised them that I will change my attitude. My parents consensually want me to pursue my study in Korea as they want me to stay away from my hoodlum friends and want me to initiate a new life in Korea. That's the reason why I was sent to South Korea to study in Korea Kent Foreign School (KKFS). By the way, I was quite happy to study in that school because it's my dream to stay in Korea and I want to be acquainted with BoA, my favorite K-pop artiste since she is KKFS's student as well. Actually, I also wanted to be a singer just like her but I think I cannot fulfill my dream because I'm not a good singer despite I love singing.


21/8/2002 (Morning)

Today in airport, my mom cried and unwilling to let me leave because this is my first time I'm going to stay far away from my parents Frankly, I also felt sad. Before I depart I embraced my mom and dad. I took my very first flight to Korea. This was my first time I went abroad and I'm excited, just can't wait to see the city of Korea. After 7 hours of flight, I arrived. I took a cab to my new house. My father bought me that house through his friend in Korea .Wow! I can't believe it, I have my own house.

21/8/2002 (Evening)

Yahoo !!!! This is my new house. As I made my first step into the house, man, it was so nice and all the furniture are well positioned and the interior design was outrageous. It has 2 master bedrooms, 1 incredible bathroom, 1 large kitchen with oven, huge refrigerator, great designed stove, living room was included with 62' television and home hi-fi. All this was never cross over my mind, I never thought that my father will bought me such a luxurious house. However, my house in Malaysia is 100% better than this. After that, I went to Korea Kent Foreign School for my registration and enrolment.

21/8/2002 (Night)

Today was my first day in Korea and I'm too tired to cook after a long journey of flight and settling everything down, so I went to a fast food restaurant to have my dinner. I ordered a set of chicken burger for my dinner. It was just an ordinary fast food just like McDonald, the only different was the taste. What a pity, this is my first time I had my dinner alone without anyone accompany me. Normally in Malaysia, all my mischievous friends will have dinner together before we go to night club.


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