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Linux vs. Unix
The Great Battle

Well, to begin with, Linux and Unix are pretty much the same thing, but talk to any mondo computer geek and they'll tell you how much Unix is better and stuff, but their pretty much the same. Their both operating systems that you can run on your computer, but their nothing like windows. Its kinda like MS dos. You dont have all these colors and graphics and special mouse-click interfaces. Instead, you have what's called a command line interface. In this, same as dos, you give the computer commands and it does what you tell it to (if it understands your commands of course). You can open files and use the internet and things just like in windows, only you dont actually see the files and folders. You can tell the computer to list the files and folders in the directory your in, and then tell it to change directories or open a file or run a program. Sounds simple? It kinda is, but if you wanna get good, it takes awhile. Right now im working on this page through a internet browser on the linux operating system.

Oh, and back to the whole linux vs. unix thing. lol, got a lil carried away there... anyways, Linux is just a free, open source, simpler version of Unix. Linux is usually used by home desktop users, while Unix is used by buisnesses and internet servers and the like. Oh yeah, i forgot the best part! Unix is the operating system of the internet!! That just proves that its a powerful complex operating system, with the smaller linux OS not far behind.

If your interested in getting one of these Linux Operating systems, my favorite is dished out by a company called Slackware. So check it out ok?

Oh, and you CAN run the Linux operating system on the same computer as you have Windows or Mac. I'm doing that myself! But you have to partition you hard drive and you can only run one at a time. Immagine how confusing it would be to have TWO operating systems at the same time!! PHEW!! thank god you cant.

Anyways, LATER!