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3/16/02 - RL Pics @ Camp Pendleton!
Kyle got the pictures scanned of our paintball trip to Camp Pendleton Paintball Park about 3-4 weeks ago. You can check them out by Clicking Here
As far as CF goes, its basically dead. So Colt and I put together an R.F Faction Stone for all the active members. I don't got much more to say for now.


-Evil Poptart

3/10/02 - Is CF Dead?
It seems that a lot of CF aren't showing up anymore after we lost the Britain town. I don't know if it's dead or what. 3 people have already quit CF and True Britainnians to join up with B&B in the Shadowlords. I icq'd Doppel and his response was, "I'm bored of uo now, so is Ares and Yar Pirate, So I'm gonna take a long break." I myself and 2 others are the only active CF members right now. Good Samaritan, SMOKE WEED, and CHRONOS. Everyone else seems to have left CF or is quitting or taking some kind of break. Loosing the britain town made everyone less active it seems like.

So, the question now is, Should the rest of the CF active members go SL or stay TB. That is just about where we stand right now. Narshima, Hopwil, and Jakkalhuat have all quit TB now and are going SL.

Looks like shit is going downhill for CF. Dont expect TB to try and hold Sigils anytime soon unless its W@R, TWA, or TA holding them. The rest of us have gone back to PK'ing in RF. CHRONOS, did a lot to help CF get on their feet and become strong, and it just died. Other than that, I got Evil Poptart's skills back up to the GM's after he died once again in stat. 117 long term 101 short. LOL. So I'll be going out with him soon. He's still #1 on the bounty board.

So anyway, don't got much more to talk about. I'm off to an 8 hour work shift. I'll see ya all around.


-Evil Poptart

3/7/02- Just checkin in..
Well I am just trying this "updater" thing out. Since I am completely computer illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff I had to have the Evil one himself tell me how to do this step by step. Even though the fucker seemed to forget I drove his ass all the way from Corona to Camp Pendleton, even if we did get lost on the way to Denny’s. Anyways meeting Kyle/Poptart/Colt was pretty cool. I have finally put the whole idea that Poptart is gay. Hes just bi-sexual. Anyways the paintball was a blast. I got the ass kicked out of me almost every game, but Kyle on the other hand was Mr. Marine and was taggin fools every game. Poptart and Colt just surrendered every single game. Pop should have some pictures of that up pretty soon.

Just in case some of you newer R.F. members don’t know, I am Nose Goblin aka Taios, Sysco, and Cyris. I am active on Taios, but I am trying to make him perfect for Patch 16 pking. Other than that nothing has been happening in UO for me anyways. Kyle has been kicking ass though and every time I get on icq I see a message from him saying a new person has paid. Kyle you have sick videos at your house, but your one damn good Pker. I guess that’s all from me for now. Ill probabley be updating a lot since I die a lot on Taios and I don’t like to do my homework. So get used to it.


-Nose Goblin

3/6/02 - How do you like the new layout?
Sup fuxors,
How do you like the new layout? Pretty bitchin eh? Well the site is offically up and up for good now. No more changes only updates. There will be a few other updatah's on this page that you might come across. Nose Goblin, Coltrane, and I. Anyway I been working really hard on the page trying to make it look as good as possible. It isn't the best but it will do for now.

Some news...well last Saturday R.F got together and met up at Camp Pendleton Paintball Park.. We were supposed to meet up with some people from OPP and TBH but there were so many fucking people there. There was no way in hell we would run into OPP. We didn't even know what they looked like. So we just kinda got together and played our own rounds with some people we never met before. Kyle, Coltrane, and I were the only ones that showed from R.F. We had a blast took some pictures which I might add will be posted on the page soon. Anyway while we were at Camp Pendleton OPP stole the sigils and held them the whole time we were gone. We woke up late because we stayed up late and what do you know, Minax owns all the towns except Moonglow.

For some Miraculous reason the shadowlords kept it. So there you have it, our little adventure. I got no other bullshit to talk about right now, so Ima bounce up outta here.

And BTW, Here's The R.F Kill Shot of the Week...Enjoy!

**Yes the person that took the screenshot forgot to NightSight himself, but look closely....Does the name appear to be pk killer?**

Peace out,

-Evil Poptart

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