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TG B777-300 Procudures

Written By : Captain Atikom Pookbooncherd

Exevutive chief pilot B777

B777-300 has the highest technology in the aviation history ever.

However it has the best hydrochloric system and the quitest cabin.

Gear pressure is just like B747-400.It's flight dynamic is especially

design for short flaring on final approach.It drops faster than other

aircrafts.Thrust power requires in that period of flaring.

Take off procedure

For all the B777 pilots make sure you have flaps down 10 degrees and elevator trim set for the nose lift.Before you increase

the power up to 100%.Test your take acceleration by increase up to 75% first.Then take off in there is no problem.After take off make that

no stall occurs.If it does.Set the trim back to its position and retract flaps push the yoke forward.

Engines failure after take off

This is the most dangerous problem,which can occur after take off.The best way to restart them is don't get panic and turn main Battery master switch off,turn the back up battery on.The reason is that the back up power use less energy than the main battery.Now cut the fuel feed off and feed the fuel back in again.If not start reverse the engines and push it up again.Sometimes they start sometimes they don't start.If stall occurs push the yoke forward apply gears down incase you might need to make emergency landing if your plane can glide down.All of this must be done in 45 seconds as the plane still powerless.

Microburst hit situation

This kind of storm caused by two sides of wind blow the rain together and when the wind hits eachother it will perform the rain storm in the clouds.It caused many airliners to crash in recent years.In this situation depends on how it hits you.The most of problems it damages the aircraft structure and engines.The best way to void the hit is to request the vector from ATC to change your direction.If it hits you it can cause the pitch trim to disconnect from the from the flight control.But on B777-300 has two strings connected to the flight control,while A300-600R and A310 has only one string attached.Disconnection causes your flight yoke disengaged and autopilot disarmed by warning.Then after that the aircraft will stall.

Worse weather landing

This is what alternate airport requires very often in your flight planning.Most pilots when they go to order the fuel they have planned a head if alternate airport requires.But to land the plane in this sort of weather.make sure to fly high when waiting for clearance and approach establish.After you have recieved clearance for landing.Now fly low and report final turn into the approach.Make sure that you can see the runway after the inner marker signal has gone.If you can't see any airport you must request missed approach and go around and have another try.But if still you can't see the runway.Now you report missed approach and you MUST report going to alternate airport.DO NOT force a landing.Otherwise an accident will happen.

Kathmandu Landing

This procecure has been changed for so many times in this late 10 years for the safest landing at Kathmandu International,which is elevated 5,450 feet above the see level and surrounding with Himalayan elps,which 25,340 feet high with fog and dark clouds covered.This landing procedure has changed from following the mountain terrain aand fly into the airport to fly over the mountains and dig down to the airport and flare on the last minute before touchdown,which is the safer way to land at Kathmandu International.In B777 the way to dig the nose down without going overspeed is to apply fullflaps and idle the thrust and apply speadbrake.Have the nose down 60 degrees and fly into the approach.Do not pull to hard when going into the approach just pull sofly.


I have written this procedure from my own experience ,my decision and aviation knowledge

Captain Atikom Pookbooncherd

Executive Chief pilot B777
