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Knowing your way round this Thai VA
For the recent registered pilots please make sure and understand our system .

To be fly for us you'll need be registered at or sofwares you need to have are squakbox2.3,whazzup,Roger wilco.

After you have done all this,now you can download the fleet,which you'll be flying for us.

Our flight and scheduling system is monthly scheduled.You can check your schedule at our schedule page.

Your schedule will be sent to you by your email.

After you have flown your flight.Then you must log on to our website again to log your flight hours.Your loged flights will be counted on our systems.

Thai VA Ranking system

Your ranking will start at the flight hours you've flown with your previous VA.If you have never flown for any VA before then you will be starting as a trainee pilot.

Thai VA has a differant ranking system from other VAs.We do not use the system such as CAT I ,CAT II,CAT III ;etc .But we use our pilots to fly the fleet they'd desired to.Even trainees if they have choose to fly B747-400 then they will start as simulation training around Bangkok INTL or shortest distance that the following fleet flies but not counted as the real flight you've flown for us.But still counted as the flight hours you've loged.When you have become the SO now you will start to fly the real flight and start to collect your hours to get more promotions.

Thai VA Flight safety

For your safety please read the following produres:

B777 procudures

For more informations about flight safety.Please contact out chief pilots

The main thing is that you must follow the ATC instructions and fast decision making.Aerodynamic knowledge requires in the advance flying.Quick mathemetic thinking method is very important.These are all important for flightsimmers,who want to step to fly the real airliners.

Thai VA Dispatch

It's not like a real dispatch.But it's where news will be updated for our pilots to read.

Thai VA Crew center

Crew center is the latest facility we hve expanded.It is there fore our pilots to download flight briefing and flight plans before they head and fly.

To request of duty you go to our roster page.Otherwise you'll be showing on duty for whole the time

Connection when flying

To join multiplayer under the flight og TGVA is that you need to launch your FS Multiplayer and Squakbox first.Now get online and find the server at .Once you have found a server then type in the IP address of the server into your squakbox then click find game.You should see your game in the list or other's games.Then click at join game.Your callsign must be your flight number.

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