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Riddle of the Nine Plains

Clues are scattered around the world. Each person who discovers and solves the riddle can lead a group of adventurers into the mouth of doom. Remember only one person needs to provide the answer to an insane enough god to send you to hell. Safeguard the secret from others.



The Nine Plains of Hell

Mysterious demons have been popping up around our lovely new continent. Where they come only one could guess. This matter was brought up to the Supreme Creator of Lands, Insanity. After much divining and a thorough look into the matter he determined that the denizens of hell have opened up a gate into our world to try and consume us all. Lucky for us there is still time to stop these hellish monsters from enslaving everyone. Insanity has scattered clues around that only the most skilled of warriors could discover and solve because he will only send the strongest and bravest of men (and women). Since hell is not part of this universe it will be too taxing for the gods of our world to send any soul more than once a day. To do so would doom you to eternal torment because they would not be able to rescue you more than once in that time frame. Only an insane god would ever send somebody to hell in the first place. It is rumored that seven Demon Lords rule The Nine Plains of Hell and each carries an item of priceless power. Slay them all and outfit yourself to defend against any being. 

Recommended Level- A group of travelers totaling 2 million hps.




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Last modified: March 05, 2003