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A lowly Elemental Warrior who as beaten on by everyone when he first started out, but he became much more. He spent many ages training and growing in power persevering through the mobs and monsters who persecuted him. Soon his name became very feared by his enemies and valued highly by his friends. Typhoon was a nightmare to all who opposed. After enough men had died, and enough armies had been conquered he laid down his sword and took his place among the stars finding out he was even better at creating then at destruction.


A whisper. A rustle from the leaves. And suddenly, a leap, shredding and
tearing flesh as if it were threshed wheat. Claws, stained with the blood of
many vile enemies of Gaia, ripping the guts from the unsuspecting victim.
From his travels, he has collected many different colours to his persona,
such as katanas from fallen Samurai, a tattoo depicting the symbol of his
legion, a plate from the defeated corpse of a Hadenman, and a sharktooth from
a defeated monster. He is not without his scars, as one of his eyes were lost
in battle, now replaced with a lighter shaded fake. Yet, despite his fame, he
is still a mystery...



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Last modified: March 05, 2003