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Justice Roy Moore and the Ten Commandments

November 24, 2003

For the sake of argument, let's say that God never handed down the Ten Commandments and that some very wise people were philosophizing gathered around a campfire one evening. The premise of the argument was, "What are the universal concepts any civilization would have to follow in order to survive regardless of species or location within the universe?" At the end of the argument by logical deduction the last five statements within the Ten Commandments would have to be established in a society's code of ethics in order to nurture its own survival as a species.

         Not all ethical premises are law, but most laws are established from ethics. Therefore for a courthouse to display the Ten Commandments is perfectly logical. It displays to everyone walking into the courtroom, "These are the most important rules this court bases its decisions on. Philosophically, within my court, I obey a higher order of law than man's law; Natural Law. Henceforth when man's law violates Natural Law, I rule in favor of Natural Law and the Ten Commandments define Natural Law. The function of the Judicial Branch is not to legislate law, but to interpret it. As Hebrew National has said, 'we have to answer to a higher power.'"

         Some intelligent and advanced thinking men who grappled with all of these controversies in law and ethics founded this country. They exchanged some very heated debates on what they deemed as the best directions and philosophies a new nation should pursue in order to ensure its own survivability. These were Judeo-Christian men for the most part and their belief was that they were not the ultimate power. As an example, an Orthodox Jew wears a yarmulke on his head to remind him that there is a higher power, someone above him that he must answer to and that he should be humble. Based on this, there are many people who follow their religious beliefs to guide them in making what they deem are the moral and correct decisions. Yes, there is to be a separation of religion and state, but what the forefathers meant with this statement was that the state was not to form a religion, not that men could not follow their own religious beliefs in conducting affairs of the state. After all, God is a higher power than the state and in the end, it is not the state that they must answer to but God, which is what, influences, their decisions. This is their philosophical ideology in which they base all their decisions when interpreting the law.

         Based on this it is not a violation of church and state to display the Ten Commandments publicly in a courthouse. Justice Roy Moore is being deliberately grilled in order to drive a point home. To remove Justice Moore's right to practice law based on his violation of a court order is an unjust penalty and is a deliberate attempt to prevent him from establishing his position on the bench in some other region. Obviously, this is not based on law, but on politics and the exercising of one's political agenda.

         The removal of God from the state is historically nothing new. The Soviets did this in forming the government of the U.S.S.R. All religion was condemned and the Proletariat established the morality by which its citizens should live by. The State establishes itself as the new God. "Aye there's the rub! When remove God from the judicial system, from the schools, from everywhere we look what is left? The State! The State establishes itself as the First and Last for everything. It is the Paternal State that will provide us with the new morality. This historically is how socialism and communism diminish the power of its citizens and establish its centralization of power. Once morality established through religion is removed it paves the way for the disassembling the very moral foundation that was built brick by brick by religion. Within a few generations all of the old moralities are forgotten and the new morality replaces it. Be very wary of the removal of natural law within the judicial system.

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