*** IMPORTANT - How to read this chapter

Back to Chapter 2 Next page - How do we decide which things have minds?
*** SUMMARY of Conclusions reached References

This chapter contains a lot of extraneous material, to satisfy the demands of curious readers. This material lies OUTSIDE the "thesis proper" and is marked with a *** sign. Readers can skip it without missing any important philosophical material.

Some of the extraneous material can be considered as interesting "detours". For instance, the case study on plants contains no exciting results, but I have included it for the benefit of readers who wish to evaluate the evidence for or against cognition in plants. Material of this nature will be highlighted as follows: *** EXCURSUS.

Other material of a technical nature is included for those wishing to understand the factual basis for some assertions that I make in this thesis. I have endeavoured to keep this material as jargon-free as possible. This material is marked as follows: *** APPENDIX.

I have also included summary material to help confused readers who are looking for the big picture. This material is marked: *** SUMMARY.

Enjoy the ride!

Back to Chapter 2 Next page - How do we decide which things have minds?
*** SUMMARY of Conclusions reached References