Wills' Projects: The 'ekaviel' suite

About Ekaviel
Ekaviel is a music player for Soundtracker and OctaMED modules, inspired by two programs written (or used) on the Silicon Graphics workstations in the School of Computer Studies at the University of Leeds. The first of these was Shimon Young's "modplay", and the other is my own final year project work. Ekaviel's name is an initialism, based on the first names of the four original band members of Eternal, namely Easther, Ke'lle', Vernett (Vernie), and Louise.
The Ekaviel Suite
Ekaviel has been extensively rewritten since 1995's original versions, including the development of a new build system, and (from version 1.5 on) the companion programs ekdump and eksfplay. Ekaviel itself is now strictly for song playback; ekdump reports song/instrumentation details and does sample extraction (ie. save-to-disk); the eksfplay utility is for playback of individual samples through the playback mechanism, allowing use of SoundTracker representation for the desired pitch.