Wills' Projects: Index
Reasons to Be Here
- Am I who you think I am? A biography
- Announcements and downloads for STUBS and Franki/Earlgrey Linux.
- Other projects and downloads.
- Project-related and other links (including my recommended reading list).
I Am...

Known to most friends as Wills ("as in Three Castles"), I'm a music buff with interests in computing, tenpin bowling, and pinball . I studied for a Bachelor of Science degree at The University of Leeds and now work as a software engineer.
...clear as mud? Read more/get the nickname explained here.
Computing and Me: Talks and Projects

These days, I am interested in free/open source software, hence there are discussions of the GNU GrUB project, VIm, and some small Linux distros here, as well as some software of my own. (Having been a bedroom coder in the eighties, I like the fact F/OSS licensing neither stops the delivery of a stable OS and many accompanying tools in combination, nor does it stop me adapting those tools to suit any system I own, nor fixing them and taking credit -where due- if I find they're broken).
My main computing project is STUBS, which is capable of building a bootable Linux floppy, amongst other things. Other projects include 'wmfd', an analagous (but technically dissimilar) project that generates FreeDOS boot floppies.
Read about these and other projects here.