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Haddock in Team Shock Scandal

Haddock Team Members are:


The internal season is well under way, but the championship odds are still in the balance. Teams are staring to feel the pinch of what is after all a gruelling run-in to the Seasons end. OR ARE THEY?

Disturbing reports of one teams arrogance has been coming in thick and fast

"The all conquering Haddock wish it to be known that the swallows are going down. Pound for pound there is no fitter, stronger, meaner teamin the league. Be afraid be very afraid - The Haddock are at the top and intend to stay!!!!!!!!!"


You will be!! This is An indirect quote from the usurper and pretender to, Captain of this team

Vote NOW is this the kind of talk we can allow on our Mailboxes?

This arrogance must end, we Must let another team win..............errr like Khameleons for example.( Just an idea.)

Haddock fight back,

Click above to see them twist and turn, dangling in the wind.

The Dark side stresses it's impartiality in all Internal League matters.

(Although it's a mystry to me how those Haddock chappies get by with such cheek). We believe in a fair, unbiased contest, and may the best Khameleon win, sorry Team win.

Haddock - Fromage or Frois Grais?

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