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Universal Rx


                 No moving parts, no batteries, 
                 No monthly payments and no fees; 
                 Inflation proof, non-taxable, 
                 In fact, it's quite relaxable. 
                 It can't be stolen, won't pollute, 
                 One size fits all, do not dilute. 
                 It uses little energy, 
                 But yields results enormously. 
                 Relieves your tension and your stress 
                 Invigorates your happiness; 
                 Combats depression, makes you beam, 
                 And elevates your self-esteem! 
                 Your circulation it corrects 
                 Without unpleasant side effects. 
                 It is, I think, the perfect drug: 
                 May I prescribe, my friends . . . the hug! 
                 (And, of course, fully returnable!) 

                 By Henry Matthew Ward 
                 from A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul 
                 Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
                 Hansen & Barry Spilchuk