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PL's Homepage


Last Updated on 23rd April 2005

Getting to know me

Hi ! I'm from Malaysia, situated south to Thailand & north to Singapore.
Like to know U from any parts of the world.

My love

Thank U

Getting-To-Know-Me Links

~~ For Your Pleasure ~~
Get some Music here !!!
Cool sites :-X
Wanna chat :@
How about sending your greetings ?

~~ Information Corner ~~
Malaysia - A beautiful country
Interested in where I come from ?

~~ My Collection~~
* Life Map *
Food of thought I
Food of thought II
Food of thought III
Collection Page I
Collection Page II
Collection Page III
Food :op~~~~

~~ Personal Gallery ~~
Where am I !?
Where are we !?
Look who's turn !?
Latest about PL
more in 2003
Friends' banner 6.2 free products102x50 Free drive space

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