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My name is not Julie.

I thought I'd start off with one of my biggest pet peeves. The fact that most people who email me JUST assume my name is Julie. It's not. Jul is a nickname I have, have had for awhile now, and adopted it when I started making this page. Jul. (Pronounced Jewel... but NO association with the singer.) So, if you read this, from now on, dont assume anything, but call me Jul. :) (Is that soo hard?)

I dont know what to exactly put here, but since many people always ask about me, I thought I'd fill you in just a bit. I dont want to make this some dramatic page, about what I like, what I dislike, or what I believe in. Now that I've stated this, I really do have nothing to put up here.

How about how I started writing? That's pretty easy... I've always loved writing. In a diary, small poems, or just anything on my mind. I read some fanfiction, and liked it. It was creative. Around last summer, I got into a huge fight with someone, and just started writing. I involved Hanson, created new characters, and before I knew it, "To Love You" was in effect. One night. That's all it took. After that, I was hooked, and just kept the story up. I got enough nerve, and posted it. (Hence this page...)

I'm definitely a more private person about things. I dont reveal that much about me, and tend to keep things to myself. It's just the way I've always been. My mind makes me nervous about what somembody might thing of me. I think thats why my writing means so much to me. Because its a way I can express myself, easily. I dont have to see what people think about it. They can read it, or they dont have to... Hopefully, I can get into posting my other stuff besides FANfiction, but that's only if I can muster up the courage.

The character "Julie" in "To Love You..." is not based after me. -one more thing assumed. When I stared writing "To Love You," I wanted to base it on something serious. I'd read all the typical love stories, and wanted something slighly different. (dont get me wrong, I like the 'love stories.' I just wanted a base to it.) That's how I created the whole situation of the story. I am very happy with the outcome of it, and I'm guessing most others are too.

More to come. I havent written so much more since "To Love You." But nothing is finished. I want to wait for one thing to end, before another. (all part of the "dont consume yourself thought below.) As soon as "What Happens Now?" is over, a new story, with new characters, and a refreshing new story line will be up. I'm very excited in awaiting for it.

I hate sequels. Notice that "What Happens Now?" is called a CONTINUATION? I hate the word sequel. It seems to automatically condemn your story as, "not as good as the first." I'm not sure if it will be or not, but there's no way I want to put myself down already. I'll save that for a bad day.

Hmmm... I guess you don't really learn much about me from reading what is above. But, now you know a little bit more about how I think. If you want to know something, just ask.