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What Happens Now?

Disclaimer. If you feel its necessary, you may read it here...

Finally, here it is, the "second part..." Basically a sequel to "To Love You..." but you dont have to read it to be able to read this story. (It would just help you...) Enjoy! (And then,) Tell me what you think...


January 5
Dear Julie,

Things are going ok, I guess. We're all kinda tired, but having a good time. The fans are really nice. Most of them. There are some that just throw themselves on us. It gets annoying. I miss you a lot. I hope everything is going good there. How's school? How's Nicole? Isaac misses her a lot too. He can't wait to see her, and makes sure he tells me this everyday. She's somewhat of a daily conversation.

Zac seems kinda distant, but whatever it is, he doesn't really want to talk about it. I'm kinda worried, but I think he'll be all right. I think he just wants to go home. We all do.

There are a lot of parties and stuff going on. After and before show parties, and then all the parties just to hang out. A ton of them are at the hotels we're staying at, so we just go down to them. It's really cool… I mean, our parents are finally recognizing me and Isaac are older, and let us just hang out. Zac usually just makes appearances to hang out here and there. We make sure he doesn't get too involved, he's 15, you know? It's all cool though. We're meeting a ton of great people. And it's awesome we have our own rooms. Well, sorry this is so short, it's been busy, and I'm tired.

Love, Taylor

"Is it just me, or is he really acting different? Distant maybe? There had to be explanations... so everything is going wrong. What happens now?"

"A new day..." (1st Installment)

"Ready for judgement calls..." (2nd Installment)

"Don't let your feelings go..." (3rd Installment)

"You look wonderful tonight..." (4th Installment)

"Your lies were the best I ever knew..." (5th Installment)

"Let the past go..." (6th Installment)

"Is there anything I'm going to miss..." (7th Installment)

"The worse is yet to come..." (8th Installment)

"I used to have it all planned out..." (9th Installment)

"You can't turn the tables..." (10th Installment)

"It's easy to avoid..." (11th Installment)

"There's nothing more to say... You can't change the past." (12th Installment)
*final installment*
