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"" "A new day..."


I read it again. It was the last letter I had received from Taylor. Of course, I had written him back, more than once, but he was just so busy. He wanted to be as much involved with the concerts, and the business as he could. We talked on the phone, but usually for no more than 15 minutes; there always things that needed to be done. Things were going on, and they didn't involve me. I could tell things were going to be different. Especially with Taylor. Every time I called, he was away at some party, hanging out. I couldn't believe how lenient his parents were being. I wanted him to come back, I missed him so much. I hoped everything was ok...

"I cannot believe its time for them to finally come home!" I said, as I collapsed on Nicole's bed. I was looking over a postcard from Zac. Just one of the many. While Isaac corresponded with me mostly by email every once in awhile, Zac was the complete opposite. I got a postcard from what seemed like every city they were in. Letters from Taylor started out as many and long, while in the end, I hadn't received a real letter in 2 months. He was really busy.

Nicole had received so many letters from Isaac she'd given up on saving them all. One shoebox full was enough.

"Its gonna be different, I cant just walk over to the house anymore." I rattled on to Nicole, as she rushed around her room cleaning up. It was nearing the end of March, just a basic Wednesday afternoon. The "little" tour had lengthened, about two extra months, as usual. No matter what date they ever set for tours, it never surprised me that they weren't home till long after that.

Definitely a lot of things have changed since they left. Starting with the divorce of my parents. A catalyst in a chain reaction of uncontrollable events by my part. Both my parents felt they didn't love each other anymore, and decided it was best for them. I just couldn't understand how you could feel like you didn't love someone anymore. How you could once love someone, and then it was over. They felt I was mature enough to handle it.

My dad moved back down to Louisiana, where he was originally from, and my mom moved into an apartment closer to her new office in Oklahoma City. They told me to make the decision of who to live with. I knew I could never transfer to New Orleans, but there was no way I wanted to move to Oklahoma City either. I wanted to be right here in Tulsa, and with discussion from my parents and a lot of hard work, I had gotten my way into Smith. I had pulled my grades up, and proven to my parents I could help out with tuition. Nicole was more than happy, and all my other friends were supportive. Taylor and the family were excited, though kinda disappointed that it wasn't close to their house anymore.

I even had gotten into the same dorms as Nicole, though we couldn't be in the same room, we were right next to each other. My rooms happened to be directly across from hers. Melanie was her roommate, and they got along really well. I didn't have anything to complain about, except for the fact that me and my roommate Kelly weren't great friends. (Noting to the fact that she was a good friend of the "infamous" Meegan.) I just thanked God everyday that she didn't have some sort of Manson fixation. She wasn't into a lot of what I was into, but was exactly the "Smith" girls I'd heard about. "Daddy's little rich girls" who care more about their clothes and hair that about what they want in life. Well, they know what they want. We got a long, but not by much.

I was as much involved with my senior year as I possibly could be. All my applications were out in the mail, and I was just waiting for them to come back in. I'd applied to Tulsa University, along with Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, and Oklahoma City University. I'd also sent applications out to NYU in New York City, and Dartmouth in Massachusetts. My guidance counselor had explained to me these were some top choices for getting a teaching degree.

"You can't believe it?" She looked down at me, snapping me back into the reality of our conversation. "You were use to this traveling thing they do. I've never had a boyfriend that leaves me for six months, and the most I get to see him is for 1 hour the whole time."

What Nicole said was truth. They guys had come to do a show at the Maybee Center about 4 months into the tour. We'd gotten to hang out with them backstage for awhile, and Taylor and I got to spend a little time alone. But with all the dates packed into their schedule, we spent about a half an hour together before the show, and about 15 minutes after. They had to head out to Texas that night. It seemed just as hard to see him go then as it was the first time they left. Taylor stopped me from crying before I'd even started stating 'it wouldn't be too much longer.' He ran his hand through my hair lightly, and walked off to the bus.

"Hey, I haven't gotten to see my boyfriend either. And my letters were more sparatic then yours! At least I had Zac..." I smiled.

"So are you gonna get to see Taylor tonight?" She asked, moving away from the whole topic of the letters. It was the one thing I had complained about the most.

"Not sure... Of course they scheduled me down at the café, so unless he comes in to see me, or I go to their house at midnight thirty, I doubt it. I told him I was working, I hope he remembers. He'll probably at least come for a little while." I smiled, thinking of the moment. "What about you?"

"Isaac's coming here. Melanie isn't coming home, well, at least not till late. Me and Ike have till at least 1 in the morning to catch up..."

"Oh really..." I smirked, dodging a pillow she had flying at my head. I looked over at the clock. "Ugh... I got to get going." I stood up, straightening the white buttoned long sleeve shirt, and plain black pants. Same outfit I wore down at Clines, the café I'd recently gotten a job at. "If you hear from Tay, remind him I'm working. Have fun tonight..." I winked, clicking my tongue, and walking towards the door.

"That I will..."

I smiled.

"Don't forget we're going shopping for the party tomorrow afternoon. Meet me here around 4:30." She called after me, as I shut the door..

I couldn't believe how slow the night was moving. Barely anyone was coming in, and manager made it a point to not let me leave anytime before closing. I didn't think the night was going to ever end.

"I'm so bored. I need to get out of here!" I complained to Amy, another associate working there.

"Yea, don't we all..." She said, her back against me, cleaning one of our extra espresso machines in the back room.

"Hey Julie! You have a visitor-" Rachael called from the front counter.

"Oh, I bet that's Tay." I smiled, standing up quickly. "You have to come meet him."

"Sure, when I'm done."

I nodded, walking out the wood swinging doors, and over to the blond head sitting down at the table. "Zac?" I asked, surprised. This wasn't exactly the person I'd expected to come see me the night they came home. "What're you doing here?" I smiled, patting him on the back, and sitting down in the seat across from him.

"What?" He smirked. "I can leave if I'm not good enough."

"No, that's ok... I'm just wondering where your brother is."

"He's around, probably sleeping. He was kinda tired." Zac complained, unhappy with the topic of our conversation.

"You want something to eat?"

"Sure..." He said, as I stood up. I grabbed some cake from behind the glass counter, and brought it back to him, setting it down on the table with a fork. I reclaimed my spot next to him. "Here..." He gestured towards the object sitting near him.

"What's in the bag?" I asked, eyeing the small brown handled bag sitting on the table.

He slid it over. "Present. Got it for you..." He smiled.

I took it slightly, peering into it and pulling out a small snow globe. "It's so cute," I shook it slightly, looking at the small silver birds floating around the Golden Gate Bridge. "Thanks..." I smiled, leaning over to give him a quick hug

. "Looks like you're robbing the cradle this time..." Amy walked over, giving Zac the quick once over.

"Amy, Zac. Zac, Amy. This is Taylor's brother." I introduced them. Zac stared, trying not to cover a goofy grin on his face. He was 15, and girl crazy. I wasn't surprised.

"Well, nice meeting you. I was hoping I'd get to see the infamous Taylor tonight. Where's he?"

"Home. Sleeping. You know, long flight I guess. Zac came to keep me company."

"Wasn't that nice..." She laughed, walking over to the doors to lock up for the night.

I looked over Zac, who was currently picking at his food expressionless. "So, how'd you get here? And why aren't you off with Erica somewhere?"

"I walked, Erica's house isn't too far from here. I never realized how close she was to your dorms either. Erica had to go out for a little while, but she should be back in about a half an hour. I was gonna head back over there in a little while." He shrugged.

"Why so down Zac? You just got back from some awesome trip..."

"I dunno..."

"I can drive you back to Erica's if you want. I'm about to get out of here anyway."

"Sure..." He stood up with me. "Thanks..."

I called out to Amy that I was leaving and we walked out to my car. "I would go and see Tay, but I'm sure he's asleep. I guess I'll just see him in the morning."

Zac demonstrated a flat smile, not really interested in what I had to say.

"Yea, well, whatever."

"Zac, you've got to get in a better mood. Erica isn't gonna want to see you acting like this..."

He shrugged.

There was silence in the car, as I dropped him off at Erica's house. "See you later." He quickly said, climbing out of the car. After Taylor had gotten into our conversation, he went from talkative to inconsistent. He didn't want to talk about Taylor anymore than I wanted to talk about them leaving anytime soon.

The fact surprised me that he hadn't spoken much about the trip, but I'm sure I'd hear about it all on Friday night.

I walked into my empty dorm room, setting the mail and my bag down on the table near the door.

I wasn't surprised to see that Kelly wasn't there. A lot of girls left to see their parents on the weekend, or stay with someone else. Though the supervisors thought that's exactly where she was going, I knew the real story of her staying with her 20yrs old boyfriend Adam, not far away from the campus.

Passing by the answering machine, I noticed the that it wasn't flashing. The fact that Taylor hadn't even attempted to call bothered me a little, but I was sure he was just tired.

I looked over the letters, separating my mail from Kelly's, and taking noticing to the simple addressed one from Oral Roberts University. Opening it up, I looked it over, before setting it down. Strike one. I'd been declined acceptance in. Well, you win some, you loose some. That's what my mom always said anyway. Though it wasn't my first choice, it was sad either way.

I picked up the phone to call Taylor, hoping he'd be up to talk. After letting it ring a few times, I let myself realize the fact that I wasn't going to see him tonight, as laid down ready for bed.

"What Happens Now..."
