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"" "Its easy to avoid...-2"


"Julie, they should be here any minute. Tell them I'll be out in a second." Nicole said, limping slightly past me to get to the bathroom.

Nicole, Isaac, Taylor, and one of Nicole's friends were going to an Aerosmith concert down at the Mabee Center tonight. The ticket had originally been mine, but I gave it to Nicole. I didn't really want to go. Nicole ended up giving it to one of her friends, somehow hoping she'd spark up an interest between her and Taylor. She'd asked if it was ok with me. I could care less...

"Hey Nicole?" I yelled towards the bathroom door. "Can I wear that light blue shirt you have?"

"The one with the flowers on the bottom?"

"Nope, the other one. With the 'V' neck..."

"Yea, sure..."

I grabbed the shirt from out of the closet, and threw it on the couch. Pulling my shirt over me head, I began putting the blue one on just as Isaac opened the door. It wasn't fully over my head, as I stopped in shock.

"Don't you ever friggin knock?!" I yelled, yanking it down harder the necessary. Isaac smirked, as Taylor snaked past him to get into the room. Taylor paused, as his eyes traveled down, and back up even slower looking me over.

"Oh Julie, c'mon..." Isaac joked, gesturing his hand over to me as I stood there glaring. "I've seen more of you with just a bathing suit on, and I can only guess what Taylor's seen..." He laughed, as Taylor snickered beside him.

I wasn't taking the joke. I narrowed my eyes on him, before letting out a frustrated sigh. Nicole opened the door to the bathroom, and I beelined into it, slamming it shut loudly behind me.

"I'll probably be home late tonight Julie, but come over tomorrow so I can tell you all about it." Nicole called out before closing her door.

A few seconds later, I heard the door open back up, as heavy shoes padded across the floor. I peeked through the door to see Isaac staring straight at it.

"Problem?" I asked indignantly, walking past him towards the couch.

"I don't know... you tell me. Tay told me what happened earlier tonight on the dock."

"Oh..." I sighed. "He told you?"

"Yep. Everything that happened between you."

"It was nothing."

"That's not exactly how he put it."

"Really. It was nothing... a big mistake."

"He took it as a lot more than that."

"Well then... why dont you clue him in, 'k?"

"Uh... I don't know if its going to be that easy."

"Why not?"

"Just because. He's got his own plans on what to do."

"And what's that?"

"I can't exactly say." He stated.

"Then why the hell would you even bring it up?"

"I just wanted you to know what's ahead."

"You aren't letting me know anything... you're just making things worse."

"I just had to let you know. It meant a lot more to him..." He picked up the windbreaked he'd left on the table. "I'll talk to you later..."

I nodded.

"But with whatever he does Julie..." He struggled with his words. "Treat him like he actually has feelings. Cause I can guarantee you, what he does, or what he shows you..." He stammered. "Its so important to him..." He finished his sentance, shutting the door behind him.

"What Happens Now?