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"You.look.wonderful.tonight...-2" "You look wonderful tonight...-2"


I couldn't believe it. He showed up at my work. He was actually sitting there at a table, waiting for me to take notice of him. I struggled to strain my eyes through the small circular windows of the back room, and the swinging doors.

Did he not think I'd be mad? I wondered what he thought, and felt like going out there to ask him. I quickly decided against that, and went for the more mature approach. Ok not really. I just ignored him. It was too easy...

"Julie, you know Taylor's waiting out there for you, right?" My manager Dan asked.

"I know. I don't care. He can wait." I answered sternly, stirring up a few cups of espresso, and placing them evenly on my black tray.

"Um, ok..." I'm sure he didn't want to get in between a battle.

I looked around, making sure I had everything. My best approach to stay away from Taylor, was to not be out there as much as possible. I grabbed a small shaker of nutmeg, more spoons, and a small can of whipped cream. All the bases covered for anyone's requests.

I emerged from the black swinging doors, to see Taylor sitting at a small circular table against one of the glass windows, facing the doors. He looked straight at me, confused, as I turned my eyes away. I headed for my first table, placing their drinks down lightly, using less anyger then what I actually felt.. I knew I'd have to walk by Taylor to get to my other table. I took a small breath, and walked right past him. He turned his head.

I took their order, glancing every once in awhile over at him. He strained with a paper napkin in his hands. I began heading towards the kitchen. Taylor caught my arm as I attempted to walk by. "Aren't you going to take my order?"

I stared at him. Was he that dense?

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't help but let my eyes widen. "Taylor, if you don't know, then I really don't want to get into it." I attempted to walk away again, but his grip on me tightened. "I have to work. Let go of my arm." I glared.

"Not until you tell me what's bothering you."

He honestly didn't know what was wrong. I was pissed. "I'll call you later." I shook my head, sarcastically.

"Julie. Now."

"Don't act like you're my boss. Go home." The last thing I wanted to do was make a scene at my own job.

"Take a break."

"Julie. We need to talk. Let's go outside." He said through straight lips.

"I'm working."

"Take a break."

"I already did."

"Well, then take another one."

I rolled my eyes. He was too stubborn to leave. He was too stubborn to loose anything. Even I knew that. I threw his arm off me, walking back to the kitchen. "Dan, do you mind if I go outside for a few minutes?"

He smirked. "Bad times in love?"

"Kinda." I mumbled, walking through the doors, untying my apron from behind, and moving directly past Taylor. He followed quickly.

Outside, it was apparent in the weather changes. The sun was out, and there was no need for a jacket. The warm March sun reflected against the car windshields filling the parking lot of the small college plaza. I made sure we were well away from the view of Cliene Cafe's windows, I turned around.

"You need to explain yourself." He stated.

"I need to explain myself?" I crossed my hands over my chest. "You were the one who went away, supposedly for a week, then come back 15 days later, and not one phone call! Not one!"

"That's why you're mad?"

"You don't think I should be?"

"Yea, but-"

"But nothing Taylor. No excuses. You should have called, and you didn't even do that. You barely did it the last 3 months either! I'm sick of it. I'm not talking about it here."

"Can't I explain?"

"There isn't anything to explain. You weren't tied up 24/7! You can call me. You know that. I could care less what time."

"I didn't want to wake you, but late was the only time I was free."

"You know you can call me. When you used to go away, you'd call me at 2 in the morning if you had to. You didn't want to always wake me up. But you did, so we could talk."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't care. I have to go back to work."

"Julie, c'mon."

"I'll call you later." I said still clearly annoyed, walking past him.

He held out his arm to grab a hold of my shoulder and spun me around.

"What?" I wasn't going to stand out here all day for him.

He eyed me, almost lost for what words he wanted.

I moved away. "I have to go." I stated, walking back to the door.

"You'll call me, right?" He called out.

I nodded my head, walking back in.

I ended up staying till late, and closing at "Clines." I got home around after 12. I shifted with my ideas on whether I should call him or not, but decided to defer it for the night. He could wait. He made me wait long enough, didn't he?

The phone startled me, as I picked it up. The ringing was out and about, filling the room like I child screaming in the dark.

I muttered a 'hello.'

"You didn't call." Taylor's voice.

I felt bad... sorta. Maybe it was because I was glad he was hurt. Good. Lately, he didn't seem to care if he hurt me or not.

"I ended up closing. I didn't get home till after 12. Why're you calling this late?"

"Cause you didn't call me."

"You didn't call me for two weeks!"

"I know."

I figured he'd say more than that. Like, sorry maybe? I let the silence draw out.

"Listen, it's late. I'm tired, and I'm going back to bed. I didn't call you cause I didn't want to wake you." I stated.

"So... you can always call me too."

"To tell you the truth, I don't really want to."

"Why not?"

"Cause Taylor, you should've called me while you were gone. You said you would. And I don't want to hear about how busy you were. You weren't that busy."

"I know. Ok? I don't know why I didn't. Its weird... remember how I told you about all the stuff I'd been thinking about?"

I threw my hair out of my face, and over my head. I propped myself on my elbows, not bothering to turn a light on.


"Well, a lot of that stuff has been really bothering me lately."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just stuff..." He obliquely put it.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what exactly you're talking about?"

"Yea... I guess..."

I waited a few seconds in silence. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Aren't you going to tell me?"

"You mean now?"

I let out a 'ugh' of frustration. Why was he being so complicated lately? "Nevermind."

"I don't want you to be mad at me. I can never take it when you are. You seem to have complete control over me when you do. I end up walking around with out a clue..."

"Well, do you think I like not talking to you for two weeks? I wonder how you're doing..."

"I know."

"Just please don't do it again."

"I wont. I promise."

For the first time, I glanced at the small clock, which flooded the room with red numbers. 2:30am.

"I gotta go though. I need some sleep, I have to work tomorrow, and I have school..."

"Ok. I love you..."

"I love you too. Bye." I stated, hanging up the phone.

"What Happens Now?