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"you.look.wonderful.tonight." "You look wonderful tonight..."


I can't stand myself sometimes. I was never the type to sit around waiting for my boyfriend. A phone call wasn't going to make me sleep better. I didn't want to follow Taylor around like a sick puppy. Yet here I was, home at 11 on a Saturday night, waiting for that call. I'd even left a party early. What was I thinking? Taylor wasn't going to call. I figured that out too late. I should have picked up on it last night. God I'm pathetic...

I fingered an annoying waviness that had occurred in my hair. Taylor would be picking me up any minute now. I'm sure we'd just go to the movies, or out to eat. Just something so that we could spend a little more time together. Time was scarce; He was going up to New York for another week too.

I thought about small dates we used to have. Those were the ones I missed the most. When we'd just started dating. We'd known each other for so long, so the first date wasn't too awkward, but we weren't sure what to do. Though we were kinda unsure about who paid.

He used to buy me little things; I missed the times when he'd have those small ways to show he loved me. We'd been together for so long it wasn't really a question. He didn't have to bring any small presents.

I missed the ways I use to be able to make his cheeks shade pink. He'd feel dumb about doing something, and would get this small smile, which would draw out a blush. When he realized I didn't care, and didn't think he was stupid, that soon stopped that.

I heard the familiar buzz of our intercom ring through my room, and I was pulled out of my trains of thoughts. I quickly stepped over a dirty sweatshirt strewn across the floor, and pressed the small red button.


"Hey, you all set?" Taylor's voice fit smoothly in the speaker.

"Yup, I'll be down in just a second."

I threw on the black suede jacket I'd acquired at Christmas, and made my way down the corridor, and the small staircase.

Taylor stood outside the door, moving his feet up and down on the stone steps.

"Hi." I smiled, slipping my arm into his, as we walked to the jeep.

"So, how was your day?" He asked, as I sat in the passenger seat. He started the car, steering his way out of the parking lot and down the street.

"Pretty good, I guess. I had to work till like 5, and it got busy for awhile. But other than that, it was ok. What about you?"

"Church. Then nothing really. I went to the mall for awhile. I got a cool new shirt. It's like black and brown. Its weird."

I smiled. Of course it sounded weird, everything he wore was different. Oh well... I wasn't about to ever complain or change the style of his he was so proud of. "You went by yourself? Why didn't you take Zac or Isaac or someone else?"

"Nah..." He shrugged off. "We don't hang out as much."

"What are we doing tonight?" I changed the subject. I knew they were all fighting about something, but Taylor still wouldn't tell me. I didn't need to drag it out of him. He'd say something if he wanted to.

"I was thinking about going to see a movie. That sound ok?"

"Sure, we can go get some ice cream or something too. I just got my paycheck, and have plenty of money."

"Sure, but I'm paying tonight. Don't worry about it."

"Taylor, you don't really have to pay. You used to do that. It's a little old now."

"I want to. It's my treat, so just sit back and enjoy it." He smiled, never taking his eyes off the road, as we pulled into the parking lot of the local Showcase Cinemas.

We ran into a few people we knew as we walked into the lobby, and the ticket line. I noticed Allison, a girl I worked with standing over in the concession line; and excused myself from Taylor, making my way over there.

"How's it going?" I asked, walking up behind her.

"Hey! Not too bad. I'm actually on a date with Ryan, which seems kinda weird. But we're having a lot of fun. Are you here with Taylor?"

"No, I'm here with my lover..." I joked, "He's over there buying the tickets," I said, pointing to Taylor in line.

"What're you seeing?"

"Not sure. That movie, 'Something wonderful,' or something like that."

"Oh yea, 'Somethings are wonderful.'" She corrected, "We're seeing that too. Maybe we'll see you in there."

"Yup." I smiled, ordering a small diet coke. I walked back over to Taylor, who'd just bought the tickets, and was pushing through the people.

"I told you I was paying for everything tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "It's just a soda. Buy the popcorn if you want to make yourself feel better." I smirked, as he retreated back into the line just to do that.

It wasnt long before we were looking for seats in the over packed cinemas. We found ourselves sitting closer to the back, where Taylor usually liked to sit, getting comfortable.

I took my coat off, watching the previews. Taylor did the same, seemingly entranced with the screen. He was never the type to be interested in movies, getting bored very easily. I watched as some previews flashed onto the screen, and he stayed quiet.

As suspected, about halfway through the movie Taylor began to act uncomfortable, moving every two seconds, trying to situate himself.

"You know what I just remembered this morning?"

"What?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the screen, trying to listen to him, and pay attention at the same time.

"That I was gone on our anniversary," He whispered trying to keep his voice down. "We've been together for a full year. I was in Seattle, and I totally forgot. March 7. Must've just slipped my mind. Did you know?"

The second he started talking about it, my mind raced. I looked down, staring at my hands, and shrugging slightly. I had remembered. Me and Nicole were hanging out that night, even though I knew it was special. I tried reaching him on his cell phone but nobody answered. I didn't try for the rest of that night, figuring he'd just call. He didn't. And he didn't call for the rest of the week either. I know I could've called him, but went against it.

I noticed Taylor was staring at me, waiting for an answer. I tried to wipe any sign of hurt off my face.

"I'm taking that you did."

"Yea, well." I started, still looking down. "It's not that big of a deal. Who cares..." I added. I took my eyes out of my lap, and back at the screen. Taylor still stared at me.

"I do."

"Don't worry about it. It isn't that special..." I didn't know who I was trying to convince more, him or me.

He placed his index finger on the side of my chin, turning my face to finally take a look at him. "I'm sorry Jules. I didn't mean too..."

I looked over his face, frowning slightly. "I called you that night, but you didn't answer. I figured you were just busy," I explained. "You didn't call. You didn't call for the rest of that week either. I just figured it wasn't that big of a deal to you."

"It was. It is. Things were so hectic, and crazy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..."

I looked down again. "I know."

"I'll make it up to you. Whatever you want, I'll do it." He smiled lightly, trying to get me to look back up at him.

"You don't have to, its ok..."

"No... really, I will. I'm sorry." He said again.

"Taylor, it's okay, really. It's not something you can change."

"I'll do whatever you want." He said, smirking.

"Don't embarrass yourself." I laughed. I kissed his lips. "I'm just glad you're back. I'm not sure if I've said that too much."

"That's ok. I like when you say it." He took hold of my hand, swirling his finger against my palm. I smiled as he turned his attention back to the screen.

After the movie was over, it was already late for a Sunday night, and he drove me directly back to the dorms. Music from his radio was playing softly as I watched the lights on the highway fly by. Darling... you look wonderful tonight... An old song played out. He pulled into the parking lot, shutting off the car, and looking over to me.

"I never got to give you your present." He stated.

"What present?"

"I got it for you when I was gone." He said, voice muffled as he leaned behind the seat to pull out a handled paper bag from behind him. "here."

Handing it over, I accepted. Pulling off the crinkled bag, a brown shoebox emerged.

"There are a few small things that I collected when we went to some cool places."

I lifted the box, sifting through various things, and pulling out a small gold box. I looked up at him, smiling.

"I found a really nice ring for you, but realized you already had one." I looked down at my hand, adorning the ring I never took off. He went on, "so I got that. It's really cool..."

I lifted the small charm-like bracelet, littered with about five charms, all silver.

"I got a couple at the different places I went. See..." He pointed out a miniature Eiffel Tower, along with a bridge, and a space needle. Sometimes I never knew how he found these things, or the time to get them. He was always so particular about what he wanted. He had too many ideas.

"Wow Tay... it's really nice. You didn't have too." I flicked one of the charms.

"I wanted to. There are a couple other things, but nothing big."

I lifted a small, dead dried flower from the box. "What's this?"

"That's nothing. Just a flower I got in California, at the Golden Gate Bridge. I know you've wanted to go there, so I just picked it up, and stuck it in there. Zoe showed me where they were..."

I leaned over to kiss him. "That's really sweet." I couldn't believe the simplicity of the gesture. It was small, and falling apart, but it was so nice that he'd done that. This was the Taylor I loved.

"Nah..." I looked over a couple pictures of them in concert, in hotel rooms, swimming, everything. "Those are just some different pictures." He explained. "Mostly that my mom took, she just said to give them to you. She said you'd appreciate them more than I could."

Diana knew me way too well.

"This is really nice... Thank you."

He stepped out of the car, walking over and opening my door. He helped me out, smiling at me. The dim lights of the parking lot lit his face.

"I want to do more tonight, but I know its late."

I nodded. "Well, hopefully when you get back for New York, you'll finally have a real break. Won't that be nice..."

"Mmmhmmm..." he agreed quietly. He held my hand at his side. "Well, I guess I better get going." He let go of my hand.

"I'll talk to you later. Be careful in New York City. I know how some of your fans get..." I joked.

"I don't really have a number to give you for the hotel. So I'll just call you sometime during the week. My cell phone is off the hook for awhile. It's getting too expensive."

"Ok. I'm working three nights this week, so leave a message if you have too."

"Yup." He turned to walk away, as I grabbed his hand.

"Where're you going?"

He looked at me surprised, as I leaned in to kiss him. He locked my lips once, before pulling away.

"I better get going."

That wasn't much for a goodbye kiss, but by the way he seemed to want to go so fast, I let him.

"Ok. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

He smiled. "Bye..."

Going on...