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"Is.there.anything.I'" "Is there anything I'm going to miss...-2"


"Whoever's calling this late, it better be important." I muttered directly in the receiver of the phone. I barely had time to sleep as it is. It wasn't normal for us to get phone calls in our rooms this late at night.

"Julie." His familiar voice returned quietly.

"Taylor? Why're you calling this late?"

"Can you give me a ride?"

"a ride? What do you mean? It's 2 o'clock in the morning!" Kelly groaned from across the room, as she pulled sheets over her head, and moved her body to face the wall.

"I need a ride. Please?" He sounded as if he was struggling to force the words from his mouth.


"I can't drive."

"Taylor... I can't. Call your brother."

"No! Cant youjustcome pick me up?" His words mixed together. I knew what was wrong, and knew if any one of his family found out he'd be in so much trouble. Isaac had mentioned Taylor had been going to a lot lately, so his situation didn't surprise me at all.

"If I leave and get caught, I could be put on watch. Then I won't be going anywhere. Ever."

"Fine. Nevermind, I'll try and find a ride from someone else." Taylor's frustrated voice raised.

"Wait. Where are you?"


"I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't go anywhere." I threw my phone on my bed as I pulled a pair of jeans off the chair.

"Kelly, I need to go pick up Taylor. Cover for me if you have to, 'k?"

"Why would you go do anything for him?" She mumbled under a pillow.

"Cause I know he's been drinking, and he's asked me for a ride. I dont want him getting in a car with someone else. I'll be back in a little while. Bye."

Closing her eyes, she groggily mumbled a "bye."

I pulled up to the only house with lights on in Jenks. Gates St was probably used to the parties our friend Ryan pulled in the summer. With no exception, this one had music blasting and cars parked on each side of the road. People were still coming in as I pulled over across the street from his house.

People stood out on the porch, and on a landing rooted from the second floor room. I thought I saw a few of my friends, but figured they'd have more sense not to come out here this late on a Thursday night. I didn't have much time to 'chit-chat' anyway.

I became nervous on how I thought I would actually find Taylor in this mess of people, before I saw a figure stumbling towards me.

Taylor, dressed in black pants and a dark colored shirt waved lightly with a plastered grin across his face.

"Hey Jules." He slurred. "Long timenosee..." He sang lightly.

"Lets go." I glared. "You need to get home before your mother has an aneurysm wondering where you are. She's going to flip."

"'sokay. I told her I was spending the night at a friend's house." He patted my head, as a pushed his hand away.

"Then why cant you stay here?"

"Cause I don't want too... Why don't I stay with you." He walked passed me, heading for my car.

"No. There's no way I can bring you back to the dorms. I can't get you in there."

"Yes you can." He laughed, stopping his sway like walk. "I've been there before, remember?" He reached for my hand before I pulled it away.

"Where am I taking you? If you aren't staying here, and you aren't going to my dorm?"

He frowned. "C'mon. We can go back to your room and talk."

"Talk? About what? What's there to talk about?"

"Me." He poked his chest, before turning his finger towards me. "and you." A smile spread across his face again.

"There is nothing to talk about. I'm driving you home."

"I can't go home."

"Well you can't come stay with me."

He crossed his arms. "Julie!"

I ignored him. "How did you get here?"

"Isaac drove me."

"Then let Isaac pick you up." I turned quickly, rushing back to my car.

"Hey! Wait up."

"Taylor, I'm not bringing you anywhere when you act like this."

"I know. I just wanted to say bye before you ran off like that."

I looked at him, still remembering the caring eyes I used to know. This wasn't Taylor. He'd changed. "Promise me you'll just stay here. Don't get into a car with anyone, just sleep on the couch and call Isaac or someone in the morning, ok?" My request was simple enough.

"Sure thing..." He laughed.

"Promise?" I asked seriously.

For once that night, his eyes turned thoughtful even with a cocky smirk. "I promise."

I got in my car without anymore words, and drove back to my dorms. I couldn't believe this. This was how I'd see him after we'd broken up.

It's hard to hate someone you love so much. But I know that not being together was only the right thing to do. Especially if this was how he was going to be from now on. I realized two things at that moment. I didn't miss him and he couldn't keep acting this way.

"What Happens Now?
