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"" "The worse is yet to come..."


Why did it seem like all I ever did was spend my time here at this damn coffee shop. I needed the money for college... that was obvious. But still... it was boring as hell here. My watch seemed as if the hands on it would never move, as I walked into Cline's. 6pm. Only twelve whole hours to go... Smiling at Melanie, and throwing my bag on a random shelf behind the counter, I grabbed a cloth to start wiping down the back counter. My eyes scanned the tables to see who was here. I went past the swinging doors of the kitchen to be greeted with dishes from the whole day. Well I guess I knew what I would be doing tonight. Oh fun... Most of my night was spent in there, washing cups, and cleaning the machines...

I yawned, leaning over the sink to grab some dishwashing liquid. I barely had any sleep lately, due to my last confrontation with Taylor. My thoughts had tricked me into thinking I'd finally gotten to "move-on", but seeing him only made things worse. His new love for his new found past time kept me on the edge of things going on in the Hanson household. I felt I had to make sure he was ok, and not ready to screw up anything. I didn't want to see him hurt. Me and Isaac still hadn't talked since he last came into the coffee shop, but Nicole told me he wasn't that mad. Just still wanted to work things out. He always wanted to do that. Fix things by talking. Somebody should tell him his heart-to-heart talks aren't always the key to life's problems.

Emerging from the kitchen for the first time that night, I walked towards Melanie who was standing at the cash register. Jay, a guy that came by often, gave me a slight wave as I made eye contact with him. He sat there sipping a drink while reading some magazine at a nearby table.

"Hey Julie, would you take care of that table while I go smoke a cigarette?" Melanie asked, digging through her purse for the pack of Marlboro lights she always carried.

I nodded my head, grabbing a pad of paper, and walking over to one of the back tables. I listened as they thought about what they wanted, and I stood impatiently scribbling things down, before capping my pen, and heading back towards the kitchen. After giving them their orders, I decided it was time to rest a few minutes.

I planned to sit quietly alone in the back before Jay called out my name. "Come sit down with me. I'm bored and need some company. You're on break anyway, right?" He smiled.

I turned to see Melanie wink at me. Jay was quite the talk among us from the moment he first started coming here. He was a nice looking, clean-cut guy, and from my many conversations with him, we'd learned he was a freshman at Tulsa University. He was the lust object to one of the girls who worked here, though she was the one who knew less about him.

"Sure." I said, taking a seat in the empty chair, placing my pad of paper down, and tapping my pen unrythmically on the table. "Where've you been lately?"

"Finals." He said, leaning forward more on the table. "Every one of my classes had a final in it. Thank God they're over now!" He stretched his arms out. "I need to celebrate."

"That's great. I'm almost done with school too. We should celebrate together..." My suggestion resulted from me thinking about what Nicole had mentioned the other night. Seeing Jay had brought it back into my mind. Nicole's idea was to set me up with a guy, or just me find a guy of my own to go on a basic date with. Instead of complaining about guys, I should try a date with someone else other than Taylor. Why was it so much simpler for her to say than for me to actually do though?

I figured going somewhere with him would be fun. He was a friend, so it wouldn't be so much date like. And I knew more than likely, he'd say yes if I asked. He'd asked me out before, but I informed him I was involved.

"Definitely. You gonna bring your boyfriend?" He asked. Many of our conversations had involved Taylor before, I'm sure he figured this time would be no different.

I gave him a look. "Nope." I answered quickly.

"How is he?"

"Can we skip that question, and go onto to something else?" I asked innocently, looking away.

"Not unless you don't consider me enough of a friend to talk about it."

"That's not fair."

"I was kidding anyway... I won't pry."

"No, its ok. I guess talking about it to you is as good as anyone else." I thought quietly for a second, trying to figure how I could put it less bluntly than I'd like. "Let's see... where should I start? How about when I found out he slept with another girl while he was gone? Does that explain enough, or should I go on? Cause I can..."

"You can?"

"Well, yea. He was drunk, slept with another girl, everyone has known about it but me, it's been covered up like some friggin life threatening secret. He'd been acting as if everything was ok when he came back. I was so pissed when I found out. And I hate that he waited so long to tell me. I would've rather known sooner."

"No you wouldn't." He smirked, leaning against his chair.

"Yes I would." I argued back.

"So you're telling me you would've reacted different if you found out the night after it happened, or months later?" He didn't for my answer. "You're lying to yourself. It's the fact that he did it, not how he told you. How did he anyway?"

"How did he what? Tell me? Um... Me, him, and his brothers were watching a movie in their living room, and they started fighting. It just kinda came out between them, and so I asked Taylor what they were talking about it, and he just told me. I left after that."

"Well, that was dumb on his case. He let something special go..." He raised a brow, winking at me.

I smirked, hitting him lightly. "Whatever..."

"I'm sorry though."

"Thanks. But I think I'm over it. It's been awhile now. I haven't seen much of him, and I'm beginning to think its better that way." I figured going into detail of seeing him at that party wouldn't make much of a difference.

He nodded, taking in some more of his coffee.

"So, you still want to celebrate school being over?" I asked.

"You bet. Got anything in mind?"

"Yea... how about we go out to eat. That place on Hute Rd."

"Sure, Saturday night sound ok? Like sevenish?"

"No problem." I said, standing up. "I better get back to work. But I'll see you then. How about you just meet me here?"

"Great. Talk to you later..." His voice trailed off as I walked back over to the counter to tell Melanie about my new news. I hadn't been on a real first date in soo long. This would be a lot more nerve racking then I thought.

After locking the door of Cline's behind me, I turned to begin walking with Jay to his car. The weather was nice, and the breeze was cool. We were still contemplating on what to do since I'd gotten out of work later then expected, and ended up closing. We figured we'd just get in his car and drive till we found something. Downtown Tulsa always had things going on late at night. He was just going to take me back here to get my car when we were done. I started to think this was a good idea. Being on a measly date wasn't that big of a deal. I knew I could do this.

The moment I saw Taylor, I should've turned around right then. I should've known something was going to go wrong. I should've let Jay go, and walked to my car alone. There's a lot of things I should've done, I just don't know why I didn't do any of them. But the look of determination was noticeable as Taylor began walking across the parking lot towards us. I guess me getting out of work late was something he'd expected, but him seeing me with Jay was another. To say that Taylor looked sad watching me with Jay was an understatement. He was completely hurt.

Thank you Taylor. You always had impeccable timing... I cursed him in my head, cringing with what could unfold right in front of me.

"Um, Taylor. What're you doing here?" I looked at him nervously, before casting my eyes downward.

"I wanted to talk." His eyes never left Jay, as his hands stayed stuffed in his pocket.

"That's really not a good idea. Maybe we could do it some other time."

"Who's this?" Jay wasn't happy with out slight interruption. He did his best to stare down Taylor, though Tay wasn't even slightly intimidated.

"Jay, this is Taylor. Taylor, this is Jay." I gestured my hand between them. "We're going on a date. We can talk later."

"Julie, can't we talk now?" He persisted.

"You need to get the hell out of here. She doesn't want to talk to you." Jay spoke up, putting way too many words in my mouth.

I tugged on his arm.

"I think she can make her own decisions." Taylor retracted. Jay was now an enemy to him, as any guy Taylor saw me with would be. No matter how little he knew about Jay, it didn't matter. This was a slap in the face to him, and I'm sure he felt this was my easy way to get back at him.

"I said get the hell out of here, before I have to make you leave."

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon guys. You don't have to act like this. Jay, let's go, and Taylor, you can call me later."

"He shouldn't be calling you."

My face turned towards him, showing I was displeased with what he'd just said. We weren't even close to having a relationship and he was already telling me who I couldn't get phone calls from? Um... yea right. "Its ok. Let's just go." I repeated.

"Its kind of important, and I have a lot to say..." Taylor stated.

"She's going out with me right now." Jay was getting more angry by the minute, as he pulled me closer, placing his arm around my waist.

Being as uncomfortable as I was right then, I honestly didn't know what to do. He didn't need to put his arm around me. I didn't really want it there in the first place.

Taylor just stared. "Let her friggin talk for herself. Mind your own god damn business."

"This is my business. And you need to leave. Right. Now." They're faces were only getting closer, as the tension rose. Neither of them attempted to leave. "Listen Taylor Hanson. If you couldn't take the picture, take it now. She isn't with you, she doesn't want to talk to you, and she's leaving with me. You lost your chance."

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" Taylor's voice took on a different tone, as he swayed a little to the side.

"You gonna make me?"

I pulled away from Jay. "Let's just go." I started to walk more towards his car.

"No, we're staying here till he leaves." He stated firmly. I turned back around, crossing my arms. I had all intentions to stay and talk with Taylor now. Jay was trying to control way too many things and we hadn't even gone out yet. "I think pretty boy here wants his ass kicked right now."

"Don't get stupid." My eyes darted between them.

Taylor wasn't a fighter. Not that I didn't doubt that he could, I just knew he wasn't the type to do it. He always would talk his way out of things. His sarcastic mouth saved him a lot.

"Julie, I'm asking you, not this prick. Can we just please talk now?"

I opened my mouth just as Mike decided he had to put more into the conversation. "If you don't fuckin leave, you'll get exactly what's coming to you." He stared at Taylor.

"Yea, well, whatever." Taylor brushed off, "I don't see you doing anything."

"I guess that's an invitation."

After that, I couldn't figure out what moment went by slower. When Jay swung his fist, or when Taylor hit the ground.

I was scared, not exactly sure what to do. Seeing Taylor on the ground, holding the side of his face only made me get down next to him. I knelt near him.

"Tay, are you ok?" I threw my hair out of my face as I studied his eye. The hit wasn't that hard, and there was only blotchy red mark to show for it. This was the time I smelt the alcohol. It was apparent he'd been drinking. Again.

Jay clenched my arm, pulling me back up. "C'mon Julie. He'll be fine."

"Jay, no. You can't expect me to just leave."

"He isn't your boyfriend anymore."

Taylor just sat there. Not wanting to get up, and pretty sure Jay wouldn't let him anyway. He listened to us instead. I knew his pride was thrown down pretty hard right then.

"And you aren't either. I'm not going anywhere." I stated, looking down at Taylor again.

"What's your problem? You didn't seem to like him very much the other night, now you want to stay here with him!"

"Knock it off. You don't rule me. And right now, you've only made me realize what a jerk you are. Go home."

"Don't be stupid."

"Oh well." I shrugged. I wasn't going to loose anything important when he left anyway.

"Don't think I'll follow you around like Taylor does. Once is enough. If we aren't going on any dates, then we aren't. You won't catch me around here anymore..."

I looked him straight in the eyes. I wasn't taken back by any threats from him. "I really don't care. You're gonna act like an asshole, then be the one you are and walk away."

He threw his hands in the air, as he took off in a huff, before speeding out of the parking lot only moments later.

"Taylor?" I kneeled down.

He sat there, ignoring me.

"Taylor, are you gonna talk to me?" I asked again, as he sat on the curb, arms draped over his knees. My hand remained on his shoulder.

"What do you want me to say?"

"You know what just happened was stupid?"

"I don't care. I'm just want to get the hell out of here." He said, standing up and reaching into his pockets. He tripped a little on the curb.

"I'll drive you."

"I don't need you to."

"Taylor, you've been drinking. I can tell. Give me the keys, cause I'm not gonna let you drive yourself home."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"I'm not trying to be one. I'm just doing this..." Grabbing the keys before he could protest anymore, I began walking directly past him, "You can get your jeep tomorrow, but as of right now, I'm taking you home in my car.."

It didn't take that long to get to his house, though the silence was way too drawn out. I hate moments when nobody says anything, though you know you want to. I pulled into the driveway, turning the car off. "I need to use your phone to call Kelly at the dorms, so she knows I'm just running a little late, and doesn't think I'm dead in a ditch somewhere."

He stared at me through the hair hanging in his face. He offered no comment into the conversation, yet I knew exactly what he was thinking. Beating around the bush was going to get us nowhere. I figured I'd be the direct one.

"You know this can't happen again, right? You can't do this anymore." I asked, pushing some hair behind my ear.

"Why won't you just give me another chance?"

"Cause of stuff like this. And tonight. This can't happen. You can't be doing this, showing up, or calling me out of the blue. And you can't be drinking either. You're going to find yourself hurt, like tonight with Jay."

"That wasn't my fault. You know that."

"Yea, but I also know you shouldn't have been there."

"I can't help it." He looked out the window.

I remembered my college acceptance letter, and what my decision was leaning towards. He'd only find out sooner or later, I just figured this would help him detach a little.

"I got a letter from Dartmouth..."


"They accepted me. I'm enrolling into the fall semester, and moving up there in August."

"Why're you going?" His voice cracked a little, " Can't you just stay here?"

"You know I can't."

"You can. Why would you want to go so far away?" He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated by my comment.

"To get away from everything, the fighting, the stress, and my thoughts. I want it all gone."

"It won't be. You can't just leave it."

"I am."

He reached his hand over to mine, covering it softly. "You've got to think about it and us a little. Give me another chance..." He suggested again.

"There aren't anymore chances Taylor. Things happened. If I don't move on, you'll never. I have to get away."

"You've said before that everyone deserves a second chance."

"Yea, well I was wrong."

He just stared at me. I knew I'd hurt him, but somehow I felt I was doing the right thing.

He didn't wait for anymore explanations from me. He got out of the car, walking swiftly up the driveway. I followed him, knowing I needed to use the phone. We both walked into the dark house, and down the hallway into the kitchen.

He roughly handed me the phone, before going down to their basement. I heard the TV switch on not much later. Two thuds, which I assumed were his boots hit the floor soon after.

I dialed Kelly, as it rang without her picking up. I tried Nicole and got the same thing. I sat upstairs alone in the dark hallway, thinking where they could even be this late, and wondering why I felt so lonely at that moment.

After leaving the house, I drove around Tulsa for awhile. Mainly back roads, earnestly trying to clear my mind of everything. Tonight had been a rude awakening that things weren't just going to go away. I figured I could so easily stay away from Taylor, and things would change on their own. I hadn't once thought Taylor might not give things up as easily. I wanted so badly for this time to be over, and inside I knew the only way to have things exactly how I wanted them was to leave Tulsa all together.

I finally pulled into my dorm parking lot, locking the car door, and walking towards the small steps. I made my way to my room, fidgeting with my keys to find the one to my room. It opened with a creek, as I threw my things down on a small table. Two empty picture frames sat there lonely decorating the table, both used to hold some of the best memories of my life. Now I was ready to forget any of it ever happen.

Starting to walk towards the bathroom, something caught my eye, and I jumped. A body sitting on the bed startled me. I squinted to try and figure out exactly who it was. "Isaac?" I whispered into the darkness. The contour of his face was barely able to be seen in the dark room.

He looked up at me with a scared expression on his face. His damp cheek reflected the light pouring from the bathroom. My stomach dropped as I moved closer to him.

"Isaac, how'd you get in here?"

He sniffed. "I got Nicole's set of keys..." His bottom lip shivered, as he was holding in whatever he could. His shaky hand held up the spare keys.

"What's wrong?" My eyes began to water. Whatever it was, it obviously wasn't good. Isaac was already shaken by the whole thing. He looked heavenward, as I repositioned myself for him to look at me again. "Isaac. What happened?"

A tear slid down the side of his cheek, as if many had already done the same. "Nicole." He started off slowly, "I don't know... She was driving I guess, and the other car ran a red light. She was there." His voice broke a little, as he tried to cover it up by a slight cough on his own part.

Covering my mouth, my head moved back and forth subconsciously. "Where is she?" Isaac had already thought of the worse, and I wanted to stay calm for him. I didn't want to think what could be wrong with my best friend at that moment.

"St. John's." He breathed deeply.

"Is she ok?"

He shrugged. "I just came to get you. She's unconscious. They wont fuckin tell me anything. Her mother called me. Her parents'll be in Tulsa as soon as they can get down here..."

I leaned over closer, wrapping my arms around him. "We're going to the hospital now." I took his hand, leading him out of my room, and down the hall. All I wanted to do was sprint down that hall as fast as I could, getting to Nicole as soon as possible. The sooner we got to that hospital, we could find out what's going on. My mind was racing, as it refused to make any words Isaac had said a reality.

"What Happens Now..."
