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              Wanna send greetings                      
     HOME                          Scroll down !

                          Well, how about sending greetings to your
                                beloved friends, relatives, collegues, not
                                forgetting your the other half ?!
                                Here goes some links that may enlighten
                                their life !!!

Gretting cards, postcards, messages .............................

 Welcome to MessageMates : Virture messagemates will pass your message

 Amazing postcards : Send a card from your heart...

 Corbis : E-cards

 Cardmaster :

 Blue Mountain Art's electronic cards : Animated & musical greetings

 *Be Mine* Greetings : Well, a romantic site

 3D Greetings : Have a look...

 MP3 Greetings : Send a card with MP3 songs...

 123 Greetings : Great collection

 Mail a meal : Yummy,,,yummy....

 American Greetings : Opps ! It is free last time...But not now... many great, try it out.

 Teddy bear postcard : Send them through ICQ or by attachment ! : Become a member for more service

 Postcard maker : How about sending a postcard ?


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