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WELCOME    TO    PENANG    !!!!


Penang is located on the north western coast 
of Peninsular Malaysia.
It consists of :
(1) Penang Island
(2) A strip of land on the mainland known as 
    Province Wellesley or Seberang Perai.
In Malay (Bahasa Malaysia), Penang is known 
as Pulau Pinang, i.e. Island of Betel Nut.


Malaysia is a multiracial country. In Penang, 
the 3 main races are Chinese, Malay & Indians.
The national language we use is Bahasa Malaysia. 
English is widely used, too.


Penang has an equatorial climate which is quite 
uniform throughout the year. The max average 
temperature is 31.2 degree celsius and the min 
average, 23.3 degree celcius. Main annual 
rainfall is about 267 cm distributed evenly 
throughout the year. The wettest months are 
normally from September to November. 


1786 : Francis Light landed at Penang Island at 
       the site of the present Esplanade.
       Island was named Prince of Wales originally 
       & the town was named Georgetown after King 
       George III.
1800 : Sultan of Kedah Provinve Wellesley was named 
       after the Gabenor of India.
1832 : Penang formes part of the Straits Settlement 
       with Malacca & Singapore.
1957 : Penang gained independence after a hundred 
       years under British Colonial. It becomes one 
       of the states of the Federation of Malaya 
       in 1957 & later Malaysia in 1963.


Yummy !!! Penang food are delicious & in great variety, 
yet cheap.

Hawker Special : Asam Laksa, Hokkien Mee, Char Koay 
                 Teow, Pasembor & etc.
Nyonya Cuisine : Otak-otak, Kerabu, Curry Kapitan....
Indian Muslime : Nasi Kandar, Roti Canai, Teh Tarik..
(Mamat)          Fried Mee.....
Chinese Food   : Dim Sum, Rice Porridge, Chicken Rice..
Malay Food     : Sambal Tumis, Masak Lemak, Nasi Lemak.


June      : Penang International Dragon Boat Festival
July      : Festival of Penang Flora; City on Parade; 
            Penang Beach Carnival
August    : Penang Food Festival
September : Lantern Festival
November/December : Pesta Pulau Pinang

Penang photo gallery

KwongHwa : List of attractive places (in Chinese)
All images : Ranging from beach street to Batu Ferringhi
My own collection : Have a look
City Parade : photos
A walk in Penang : photos

More Links about Penang

PenangNet : Have a look : More on Penang

Shopping :

Shopping : Know about Suiwah corporation ?
Shopping : Parkson
Hypermarket : Carrefour
Pharmacy & health care : Guardian


My Homepage

PL Yeoh

Georgetown, Penang

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