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Alchemy Dojang


Alchemy was the ancient druidish practice of attempting to turn LEAD into GOLD. It is also symbolic of internal alchemy, where negative energy is tranformed into positive life affirming energy. At Alchemy the transformation from white belt (lead) to Master (Gold) is a gradual process, where we strive to unlock the potential of the individual, both physically and mentally.

We believe that everyone is "GOLD" but that the potential is latent and needs to be developed. Come and join us to discover the gold within you. TANG SOO !

Training takes place at the two centres listed below and incoporates Kicking and Striking, grappling and take downs, throws and escape from grasps as well as weapons and pressure point knock outs.

The Wits Club
The Wits Club has been going for more than 16 years and boasts a
fine tradition in both the martial arts and sports competition
Training Times :
    1:20 pm to 2 :00 pm
Training Days :

    Monday & Thursday

    Wednesday Evenings 5:30pm

Venue :

    Hall 29 Balcony
    West Campus
    Yale Road

Contact Master Gregory Hart on 082 452 9213

The Northcliff Club
The Northcliff Club has been going for about 5 years and has already
achieved success in competition and gradings. Classes for children and adults.

Adult classes

Training Times

7 to 8 pm Monday & Wednesday
6 - 7 pm Tuesday & Thursday

Weapons Classes 7 -8 pm Thursday
Wushu Kickboxing 7-8 pm Tuesday

    Alchemy Health & Fitness Centre, Cnr Beyers Naude & Lewisham Rd, Blackheath

Contact Master Gregory Hart on 082 452 9213

Kiddies Classes

Training Times :Little Dragons (4-6 yrs)

Tues & Thurs 5:30pm to 6 pm

Mon & Wed 4:20pm - 4:50 pm

Training Times : Karate Kids (7-12 yrs)

    Monday and Wednesday 5 pm to 6 pm

    Tuesday and Thursday 4 pm - 5 pm


    Alchemy Health & Fitness Centre Cnr Beyers Naude & Lewisham Rd Blackheath

Contact Master Gregory Hart on 082 452 9213

In addition to the normal weekly training there are weekend Training Camps. These are normally held twice a year. These provide opportunities for honing of skills and advanced work in areas like self defence and Weapons.

There are also advanced training camps for senior students Seniors Training Camps.


Gregory Hart - Senior Instructor