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Alchemy Dojang regularly conducts self defence seminars open to anyone. The most popular seminars run for four hours on a Saturday or Sunday. Cost is around R 250.00 per person, rates for couples and groups can be arranged. If you are interested in being contacted for the next seminar, please email (at bottom of the page)

NEXT DATES : 18 February 2006 and 12 August 2006

Self Defence Seminars

Self Defence Lectures

The courses are divided into short theory and demonstration sessions coupled with a lot of practice.

The mental aspect of self defence as well as "Body Alarm Response" theory are discussed.

The Instructors

At every seminar there are a number of well qualified assistant instructors. This means that when the practical stuff begins the group is divided up into small work-groups where everyone gets individual attention.

This enables the individual to get the maximum out of each session.
Practical Training

The course includes training in basic hand and foot strikes to various weak points of the body and escapes from grabs.

Effective striking is essential. How to utilise all the natural body weapons is thoroughly taught and practised.

Personal Attention

All these small groups are individually coached by highly qualified black belts in Tang Soo Do. Most have more than five years experience in the martial arts, with senior instructors 20 years or more.

More on Self Defence :
Anti Hijacking Tips
Awareness for Self Defence
Body's reaction to Attack
Protecting your Community

More on Alchemy & Tang Soo Do Martial Art

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