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allstyle Championships


The most spectacular event on the martial Arts Calendar this year will be the “All Style Championships” to be held on the 31st of August 2002. The event will take place in the Sturrock Park Hall At Wits University.

We are hoping to expand on the success of last year and with the full support of MAASA should see an improvement. It will be a veritable feast of Martial Arts from Japanese to Korean and Chinese. We are planning that participation will be in the region of 200 contenders and 400-500 spectators. The fact that there will be so many styles and clubs participating will make for an ambitious project, generating huge interest within the martial arts community and outside.

The leading exponents of the Martial Arts will participate, demonstrating the Fine Art of the Martial Arts at their best.

To stage a show such as this will be a magnificent tour de force, and we are looking for partners from South Africa’s leading companies to help with sponsorship to ensure the success of this wonderfull event. We feel that everyone will benefit from the visual experience and healthy competition. We have hired a specialist PRO to publisize the event and can assure you of coverage in all forms of media; print, radio and television.

The event should also promote the martial arts as a disciplined way of life enshrining, as it does, the attributes of self development; i.e. self discipline, self control and respect, in order to produce individuals who contribute positively to the community.




Dear Fellow Martial Artist/ Instructor

You are formally invited to attend the 2nd Invitational Championships which has been expanded to Include competitors from as many styles as possible.

    When : Saturday 31st of August, 2002

    Where : Sturrock Park Hall, Wits University, East Campus Raikes Road, Braamfontein

    Time : 08h00 for late registration, 08h30 for all competitors

    09h00 Official start and opening of the tournament.

This is a tournament on more of a studio or club level as opposed to style representation and will not be viewed as an interstyle affair.Teams will represent themselves as will individual competitors. The venue selected has ample space and we will require you and your senior students help with judging, refereeing and running of the five floors on the day. We are sure that the rules have been set up to be as fair and impartial as possible and have attached a copy for your information.

If you have any questions, can offer any advice or suggestions please call me on (011) 782 0313 or email me on

Yours in Martial Arts


Gregory Hart

Tournament Director





Gregory Hart - Tournament Director