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Pooh Bear

Alan Alexander Milne was born January 18, 1882. His father ran a school(Henley house) which he and his two borthers attended...amoung his teachers was H.G.Wells! H.G. Wells later became a good friend of Milnes. He later went to Cambridge on a mathematics scholarship. While at university, he began writing to support himself and pay his tuition(the money his father had set aside ran out in 16 months!)to various newspaper and magazines...including Punch. He became a full time assistant editor on Febuary 13, 1906. He married in 1913,enlisted in the army and fought in World War I and became a playwright after he was discharged from the service. A number of his plays were successes.

Then, on August 21, 1920, Christopher Robin Milne was born. Milne began writing light verse for children inspired by his son. He was very successful at this and his work much in demand. He decided to write a book of children's verse and in 1924, Whe We Were Very Young was published. This is when Pooh bear and his friends were introduced...

Winnie-the-Pooh was the next book about Pooh Bear...and the story goes on from there... Pooh Bear Poems

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