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Pooh Bear and Bear Poems
by A.A. Milne

The Friend
There are lots and lots of people who are always asking things, Like Dates and Pounds-and-ounces and the names of funny Kings, And the answer’s either Sixpence or A Hundred Inches Long, And I know they’ll think me silly if I get the answer wrong. So Pooh and I go whispering, and Pooh looks very bright, And says, “Well, I say sixpence, but I don’t suppose I’m right.? And then it doesn’t matter what the answer ought to be, ‘Cos if he’s right, I’m Right, and if he’s wrong, it isn’t Me.

Furry Bear
If I were a bear, And a big bear too, I shouldn’t care If it froze or snew; I shouldn’t much mind If it snowed or friz? I’d be all fur-lined With a coat like his! For I’d have fur boots and a brown fur wrap, And brown fur knickers and a big fur cap. I’d have a fur muffle-ruff to cover my jaws, And brown fur mittens on my big brown paws. With a big brown furry-down up to my head, I’d sleep all the winter in a big fur bed.

Lines and Squares
Whenever I walk in a London street, I’m ever so careful to watch my feet; And I keep in the squares, And the masses of bears, Who wait at the corners all ready to eat The sillies who tread on the lines of the street, Go back to their lairs, And I say to them, “Bears, Just look how I’m walking in all of the squares!? And the little bears growl to each other, “He’s mine, As soon as he’s silly and steps on a line.? And some of the bigger bears try to pretend That they came round the corner to look for a friend; And they try to pretend that nobody cares Whether you walk on the lines or the squares. But only the sillies believe their talk; It’s ever so portant how you walk. And it’s ever so jolly to call out, “Bears, Just watch me walking in all of the squares!?

Us Two
Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh, There’s always Pooh and Me. Whatever I do, he wants to do, “Where are you going today? Says Pooh: “Well, that’s very odd ‘cos I was too. Let’s go together,?says Pooh, says he, “Let’s go together,?says Pooh. “Whats twice eleven??I said to Pooh. (“Twice what??said Pooh to Me.) I think it ought to be twenty-two.? “Just what I think myself,?said Pooh. “It wasn’t an easy sum to do, But that’s what it is,?said Pooh, said he, “That’s what it is,?said Pooh. “Let’s look for dragons,?I said to Pooh. “Yes, let’s,?said Pooh to Me. We crossed the river and found a few? “Yes, those are dragons all right,?said Pooh. “As soon as I saw their beaks I knew. That’s what they are,?said Pooh, said he, “That’s what they are,?said Pooh. “Let’s frighten the dragons,?I said to Pooh. “That’s right,?said Pooh to Me. “I’m not afraid,?I said to Pooh, And I held his paw and I shouted “Shoo! Silly old dragons!?--and off they flew. “I wasn’t afraid,?said Pooh, said he, “I’m never afraid with you.? So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh, There’s always Pooh and Me. “What would I do??I said to Pooh, “If it wasn’t for you,?and Pooh said: “True, It isn’t much fun for One, but Two Can stick together,?says Pooh, says he, “That’s how it is,?says Pooh.

Teddy Bear
A bear, however hard he tries, Grows tubby without exercise. Our Teddy Bear is short and fat Which is not to be wondered at; He gets what exercise he can By falling off the ottoman, But generally seems to lack The energy to clamber back. Now tubbiness is just the thing Which gets a fellow wondering; And Teddy worried lots about The fact that he was rather stout. He thought: “If only I were thin! But how does anyone begin?? He thought: “It really isn’t fair To grudge me exercise and air.? For many weeks he pressed in vain His nose against the window-pane, And envied those who walked about Reducing their unwanted stout. None of the people he could see “Is quite?(he said) “as fat as me!? Then, with a till more moving sigh, “I mean?(he said) “as fat as I!? Now Teddy, as was only right, Slept in the ottoman at night, And with him crowded in as well More animals than I can tell; Not only these, but books and things, Such as a kind relation brings? Old tales of “Once upon a time,? And history retold in rhyme. One night it happened that he took A peep at an old picture-book, Wherein he came across by chance The picture of a King of France (A stoutish man) and, down below, These words: “King Louis So and So, Nicknamed ‘The Handsome!?There he sat, And (think of it!) the man was fat! Our bear rejoiced like anything To read about this famous king, Nicknamed “The Handsome,?There he sat, And certainly the man was fat. Nicknamed “The Handsome,?Not a doubt The man was definitely stout. Why then, a bear (for all his tub) Might yet be named “The Handsome Cub!? “Might yet be named,?Or did he mean That years ago he “might have been? For now he felt a slight misgiving: “Is Louis So and So still living? Fashions in beauty have a way Of altering from day to day. Is ‘Handsome Louis?with us yet? Unfortunately, I forget.? Next morning (nose to window-pane) The doubt occurred to him again. One question hammered in his head: “Is he alive or is he dead?? Thus, nose to pane, he pondered; but The lattice window, loosely shut, Swung open. With one startled “Oh!? Our Teddy disappeared below. There happened to be passing by A plump man with a twinkling eye, Who, seeing Teddy in the street, Raised him politely to his feet, And murmured kindly in his ear Soft words of comfort and of cheer: “Well, well!?“Allow me!?“Not at all.? “Tut-tut! A very nasty fall.? Our Teddy answered not a word; It’s doubtful if he ever heard. Our bear could only look and look: The stout man in the picture-book! That “handsome?King—could this be he, This man of adiposity? “Impossible,?he thought, “But still, No harm in asking. Yes I will!? “Are you,?he asked, “by any chance His Majesty the King of France?? The other answered, “I am that,? Bowed stiffly, and removed his hat; Then said, “Excuse me,?with an air “But is it Mr. Edward Bear?? And Teddy, bending very low, Replied politely, “Even so!? They stood beneath the window there, The King and Mr. Edward Bear, And, handsome, if a trifle fat, Talked carelessly of this and that? Then said His Majesty, “Well, well, I must get on,?and rang the bell. Your bear, I think,?he smiled, “Good-day!? And turned, and went upon his way. A bear, however hard he tries, Grows tubby without exercise. Our Teddy Bear is short and fat Which is not to be wondered at; But do you think it worries him To know that he is far from slim? No, just the other way about? He’s proud of being short and stout.

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