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Since forever (1985), I've stuck with occupations I wanted to 'be when I grow up' for long periods of time. When I was five (1985), I made a descision to be a Veteranerian. I kept my mind set on this until I was in seventh grade, and we dissected frogs in Biology. I wasn't the girl who freaked and screamed and was all grossed out, I was the girl tearing the poor frog's insides out maniacally with all of the boys. I just realized that there was so much to a frog that I'd have to learn about, and a bazillion other animals that I'd have to learn an equal amount of shit about. Even if I was the girl who was voted "Most Likely to Become a Mad Scientist" by my sixth grade class, (Because of my insanely strict study habits, or freakish mood swings a-la Dr. Jekyl? I'm not sure.) the amount of studying I would have to do for this was just not appealing anymore. Plus, I wasn't in too much of a rush to start smelling like my science teacher.

I did, however, obtain quite a passion for social studies; total thanks to my Geography teacher, Mr. Boswell. Mr. Boswell is by far and away the best teacher I've had, including the ones at the various secondary schools I've attended, and those outside of the classroom. So yeah, Mr. Boswell got me psyched up to take five years of social studies in three calendar years in high school. The two social studies classes I took as electives were Law and Intro. to the Behavioral Sciences (IBS). Amazingly enough, the year I graduated junior high, Mr. Boswell was given a promotion to the high school, where he was my teacher both my freshman year (Honors American Government) and my junior year (IBS). So, every other year starting in seventh grade, I had Mr. Boswell. I would have, no question, stayed with the idea of studying something in the field of social science. I actually applied to (and was, of course, accepted into) Northeastern's Psychology department. I even sent them a deposit. I was, essentially, "there". BUT that all happened at the beginning of my senior year. What was so different about my senior year?

Up until my senior year, I had only taken the required art classes that everyone took. Maybe I was the most enthused student in those classes, and maybe I coasted through them (largely due to the fact that art teachers really appreciate enthusiasm), but still. I had been all about social studies. Art wasn't my thing...or was it?

I ended up getting so overly-involved in my Art 1 class, that four weeks into the year, I asked if I could drop one of my classes and take a second art class simultaniously. My art teacher dug me, as all art teachers pre-college have, and agreed to sign the papers necessary to place me in a class I didn't have the prerequisites for. So I took two art classes at once, and I was hooked. That's all it took. I absolutely hated one of those art teachers, too. So I knew it wasn't a flukey thing just cause Ms. Fin was so damn cool.

To me, everything can be considered art. I will not, however, try to convince everyone of this. I've tried before to convinve a few people that Marcel Duchamp's "fountain" is a work of art, even if it's a urinal on it's side. I was entirely unsuccessful with one person, and I got really frustrated and we both became hugely annoying. I can appreciate it as art, and if you can't, well, that's you.

You know where I went after high school, if you've read my profile page. So instead of posting that all over again, I'll skip straight to the stuff I like.

A quick fact about me: I have two best friends. I hang out with one of them for 'A' reasons, and one of them for 'B' reasons. One of them, for example, listens to Absolute Shit Music. I do not discuss music with him, when I can avoid it. My other friend, however, listens to such good music that I have been even introduced to good music by her. But, on the other hand, Good Music Buddy has absolutely no interest in sports, and Shitty Music Buddy and I were on the track team together. So it all works out. There is a similar way I can explain the fact that I have three favorite artists. People say you have to have one 'best friend' or one 'favorite artist' as the terms 'best' and 'favorite' would imply, but I say "fuck that". They're my best and favorite for different reasons, as you can plainly see with my best friends.

I have gone so far as to make them their own seperate pages, links coming soon. Enjoy!

eternal beginning