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April 18, 1999



Daily Song of Choice:
The theme song for Sony Playstation's "Spyro"

What is the U.S.'s involvement with Kosovo proving?

Alone, quiet, chores and responsibilities waiting in the wings, so to speak, I'm at work and it's Sunday. Shit.

Sunday always comes really, excrutiatingly (a word?) too fast. Another whirlwind weekend it was. JMF convinced me, with a cute whimpering beg, to stay home instead of going directly to my mother's like I'd planned. I did, and I picked up garlic bread and Edy's Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie ice cream. I made some stir-fry chicken and herb and vegie conconction and we ate our other additions to the meal. After showers, we got into our p.j.'s and watched a movie. It was the most relaxing weeknight I've had in a while.

I spent time with my mom, her boyfriend Rob, and my Sunshine yesterday. Sunshine and I played Monopoly and Sony Playstation's Spyro. We ordered out from an Italian take-out place...swordfish steaks, chicken parmigiana...and the four of us played more Monopoly. I haven't played Monopoly since "The Old Regime" (the time when my parents were married and we lived in Connecticut). I felt like I had a family, though a little skewed.

I woke up from a wildly symbollic dream this morning. As not to go into complete details, I was in jail, which also seemed like school and the rooms were only the size of shower stalls. I was serving time for sneaking into people's homes at night, filling my water bottle with water, and sleeping in an extra bed in their basement. One house was that of "Mrs. Suess" (supposedly Theodore Geisel's mother). She was furious that I did this and told my grandfather that he would have to pay one months rent. I was applying for jobs at the jail newspaper and in my interview over the phone (that had a very long cord), the hirer said, "It says here that you have very low self-esteem and you need help." I responded that it must have been a bad day when I filled out the application, because I am confident in my writing. I told him I worked at a newspaper when I wasn't in jail. He interpreted my explanation as meaning I can do accounting for taxes. (Read how my brother interpreted the dream)

With that, I'll call it a day.


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