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April 15, 1999



Singing in my head:
Dave Matthews' "Best of What's Around"

Daily fascination:
So, today I'm not as fascinated with Six Degrees of Separation.

It seems like "Tax Day" has become some sort of holiday 'round here. The post office was whooping it up with a carnival, nearly!

I found out today that one of my co-worker's mother died today. Her mother, without fail, calls every night when she is working. I feel so bad for her...she's gone through so much this year with things that the other employees hear about through gossip. I just hope she's ok.

I spent my day at the Marriott at a Safety Committee Retreat Day. I sat through lectures about different aspects of hospital safety, falling into bits of narcolepsy. I swear I think I'm narcoleptic sometimes. I can never keep my eyes open. A man from upstate NY came to talk about the awful ice storm they had in '98 and how their hospital survived a week without power other than a generator, and how they've learned from the experience. I got a dozen free pens and pads complementary of the Marriott and a free desk clock. I wrote a letter during the day and jotted down some interesting creative bits. It was all material.


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