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April 21, 1999



Listening to:
NPR's "All Things Considered"

Billy Collins, Picnic, Lightning

J. said to me: "My baby's all grownd up and gots a job!"

Metaphysic, Maureen Chaum Possible prayer answering today. I have an interview next Wednesday at my internship. I believe the Strategic Communications and Marketing Group would be creating a position for me with a mixture of graphics, writing, and PR. I was told not to get my hopes up because the plan may not come through, but I'm still crossing my fingers, toes, other appendages.

I have a budding theory that the mass killing in Colorado was not unexpected. If the supposed and all-too-often thrown around "Trench Coat Mafia" was that well known, the residents must have expected something to happen. The whole incident makes my gut twist, but I can't help but think that it was all inevitable. Pessimistic? I don't know.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to roll out of bed at 7:45am. brush my teeth and go to work in my pajamas. I have to play the children's hospital mascot (a cute bear with a Band-aid on his leg) for tomorrow's "Bring Your Child To Work Day." I don't think I could shed more sweat than I do in this huge costume. After 20 minutes I'm ready to faint. But, it is really cute and I love seeing the kids.

And after that enlightening experience, I need to defend myself against the parking committee at school to convince them that giving me $70 worth of parking tickets is highly irrational. I'm in the parking lot for 6 hours a day/night and at midnight there are plenty of spaces for me to occupy. Plus, the lot I am supposed to park in is 3/4 mile away and cars have been vandalized frequently in the unmonitored lot.

Ah joy.


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