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April 27, 1999



Listening to:

Recently Reading:
Sark's Journal and Playbook

Maureen Chaume, Infinity Uneventful day. I feel like I'm stuck in a spiraling warp, not a time warp, but some life-sucking, energy- draining entity. Some small part of me told my heart that this really is a stage that everyone has to go through: uncertain of a job, a home, HEALTH CARE; and really needing more than the primal necessities, but the spiritual and emotional. Unfortunately, those aspects are suffering because of my fears for the next couple of months.

There is the interview tomorrow. I found more out about it today. It would be a "per diem" job, meaning possibly 30-40 hours per week but only for 3 or 4 months or until they don't need me any more. So, now I'm wrestling with whether I really should keep 2 jobs, how will I get health care, and should I take the apartment with J. and Andrea. So many risks.

With a co-worker, Deb, from my internship, I assisted in a poetry workshop at the children's section of the hospital. We had only two little kids, Luke (4) and Nicole (5). They were so sweet and looked so cuddly in their pajamas, droopy-eyed from treatment of some kind. Deb read them a Shel Silverstein poem, "There's a Bear in There," and a couple other silly ones and they colored pictures of the bear in the 'fridgerator. Well, I colored a bear because Nicole was reluctant. Her arm had a rash on one hand, and a large bandage on the other. No one asks what is wrong with the kids. The care is unconditional.


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