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April 29, 1999



In my head:
Alana Davis songs

I'm such a nervous twit. When there is silence, and I know I must speak, my mind sinks like condensation dripping down a window.

Maureen Chaume, Peril of AngelsI think I must have a food allergy because whenever I eat something that I have not made myself or I get from someone else (ie. hand-outs), I become ill. This morning, I had a chocolate muffin from a Sunoco station, where I stopped to charge gas so I could charge coffee too, but later regretted eating whatever it was that made me ill.

I went to visit the colorful children's section of the hospital today and talked about poetry with two kids there: Vanessa (13) and Ester Sue (14). Very sweet girls who write poetry and were kind of shy. They were both hooked up to IVs that would occassionally beep. I read them a Billy Collins poem called "Nightclub" and we played with some magnetic poetry. Then, we all had sheets of paper and began with a line and passed them around. At the end of the hour, I thought I was going to hurl from nausea, but Vanessa wanted to recite a poem she had written and performed for Black History Month. It was fantastic! They both thought the idea of poetry slamming was slightly humorous and I have to agree now. Ester Sue, a very spiritual girl with a What Would Jesus Do? ring and a cross necklace, jotted down a poem called "My Faith" and handed it to me before I left. It, too, was good in that teenage way of poetry writing. I told them they could write me and send me poems if they wished. All children need a mentor to send poetry to, and I would love to be that woman.

Tomorrow the internship is over!

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