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Eating is one real, solid pleasure that I regularly enjoy during my day...each and every day. So you can only imagine how slightly disturbed I was when I discovered that my tuna sandwich had a funky odor to it. I had left it on the kitchen table all day yesterday. I thought maybe, maybe, the Ants would say,

"Oh, look a tuna sandwich, made with Hellman's mayonaisse and mustard. I will put it safely into the refridgerator."

No such luck. I couldn't expect anything else out of them anyway.

I suppose it's not really fair of me to criticize them as much as I do, if not here, in my head. "They know not what they do."

Conversations, to me, are learning about other people. Hopefully the talk is deep, rather than cheap (I had to throw that in!). I have learned in short sentences that these chickies I live with don't think much beyond working out, eating Snackwells and whole-grain love muffins, and supercharged fruit bits; and getting naked with their boyfriends...and consequently making a lot of noise.

Before I wrote all that, I thought, maybe I'm being snobbish and narrowminded about their potential as human beings. I thought long and hard for about 30 seconds, and decided to write.

Humming in my head: "No Need to Argue" The Cranberries


Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott,still. I read another chapter during lunch. It's hysterical and inspirational.


"You would think that the blood on my sweater
and on the knee of my pants
would stop me from biting off my cuticles.
Skin that holds in all that blood,
is too tempting to rip away."


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