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March 15, 1999

I can't believe what came out of my mouth when I pulled up the hill towards my mother's house at five p.m. Saturday and I saw the black car of JMF's.

Oh it was definitely a squeal of excrutiating delite that probably sickeningly sounded like "ooo! Is that my honey!? That's my baby!"

Before putting the car into "park," I slapped myself silly for letting Miss Piggy crawl out from the hole in which I stuffed her.

But it was very cute that he met me there in front of the house. Especially because we hadn't seen each other in about a week.

The rest of the weekend was a variety of Irish pre-celebratory activities and catching up on lots of touch-oriented fun. I nearly exploded while watching the no-where-nearly sexual "Ever After" with the desire to ravish him even right there with his parents sitting down for a "family night" and the dogs snoring and sniffing each other.

I saw my dad, who I love very much, leave with a family I don't really know in a minivan that I've never ridden in, and my throat got all tied up in a knot and I gripped at the screen door wanting the old ways back. My sister and I turned around and went back up to Mom's.

Paul Heussenstamm, Anahata

Till the soil--bid cities rise
Be strong, O Celt, be rich--be wise
But still, with those divine grave eyes,
respect the realm of mysteries.
~William Sharp


"walk back wet and sweet.
sweet and wet walk back.
sweet back and wet walk."


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