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May 1, 1999



Suggested Read:
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (still reading it!

Daily Song of Choice:
"Cruel" Tori Amos

Definitely Use:
Suave "Humectant" shampoo (smells like coconut)

Maureen Chaume, Peril of AngelsIt's midnight and actually May 2, but I'm discounting that. I feel like an old woman because I'm exhausted and want to sleep on a warm, clear Saturday night where I really have no need to get up tomorrow and there is alcohol all over my apartment and drunken freaks abound.

I think it's the drunken freaks that draw me back into my room and onto the computer. But also the fact that some random boy called Cate and our friend Flo "Chubs." No need.

So I'm content to sit in my pajamas, bra long discarded, and listening to the left-overs, the backwash of "La Vida Loca."

I think we may have the apartment. After visiting with my dad, sister, and brother, I went over to the Boulders apt. complex and asked about our chances even though J. has bad credit and we don't have one year prior rental experience. Getting the impression that we were doomed, J. called and said, "My parents are going to co-sign." I have no idea what miraculous beam of inspiration filled them, but I feel hopeful that J. and I won't be homeless in 2 weeks. Andrea already lives with her parents, so I'm not as concerned.

Hoping to do an overhaul of the site this weekend, but we'll see.

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