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Vampyre Capital Of America

With the explosion of todays Vampire population in such meccas as New York City, San Fransisco, LA, New Orleans,Chicago, as well as many other major cities around the world it might surprise you to know that Vampires first appeared in this country in the little state of Rhode Island in the late 1700's. So many Vampire attacks and reports, as a matter of fact ,to earn it the name "Vampire Capital of America". Being a New Englander ,just a stones throw from the Rhode Island border, this little tidbit of info thrilled me to no end. Now most believe that the "Vampire" scare was just a bunch of ignorant farmers mistaking the horrible disease of Tuberculosis ,also known as consumption, for these ghostly nocturnal visits. Well as is the "Mystery" of the Vampire ,who can say. How dull and boring life would be if we knew the answers and truth about everything.

Besides these historically documented accounts of Vampiric activity Rhode Island also boasts to be the home of the original "Collinwood" manor from the 1960's Vampiric Soap Opera "Dark Shadows" The infamous Barnabas Collins was not actually a part of the show to start. In the begining the show was doing poorly but once Barnabas made his introduction the rates soared and "Dark Shadows" went on to have a long succesful time on TV. The actual "Collinwood" is located in Newport RI, overlooking the ocean near the famous "Cliff Walk". The Mansion's real name is "The Carey House" and it is now part of the Salve Regina University of Newport. You can still walk around the outside of the mansion. Also two of the show's main characters have been known to be highly visible visiters to Newport. Alexandra Moltke who played Victoria Winters, and on a more sinister side was also the mistress of the notorious Claus Von Bulow during the Von Bulow attemted murder trials. Less sensational, but more entertaining was Jonathan Frid, Barnabas himself who came to Newport with his one man show, "Fiends, Fools and Foibles". In 1990 Dark Shadow's creator Dan Curtis began to assemble the cast fot he "new" version of the vampire soap staring Ben Cross as Barnabas. Also added to the cast was Newport native Joanna Going, she was cast in the roll of Victoria Winters, thus keeping Newport RI a part of the newer serious as well.

The following are some of the more well document cases of Vampire attacks documented in the late 17th and 18th century in the Exeter area of Rhode Island. Some of the names may be familiar since there have been a few diffrent TV shows on some of this unique New England history.

* MERCY BROWN - George T. Brown of Exeter RI lost his wife (Mary Elizebeth) on Dec 8th 1883. Two years later his oldest daughter died Olive B., a few years after that his only son Edwin A. also became ill with TB. Edwin was sent away to Colorado Springs to help inprove his health. While he was gone another daughter (Mercy Lena)got sick and died. Many members of the community firmly believed that George Brown's family was indeed being plagued by a Vampire. The belief was that the Vampire would be one of the family members who had died and that the bodies should all be exhumed to check for "physical evidence" of Vampiric possesion. The bodies of Mary and Olivia appeared to be in the proper state of decomposition yet the body of Mercy L. was found to be in an un-naturally well perserved state. Upon autopsy a quantity of blood was found in the heart and liver. Mercy's heart and liver were removed and burned to ashes. These ashes were then feed to her ailing brother (and people think drinking blood is gross??) unfortunatly the "cure" came too late for Edwin and he too succumed to his illness and died. (** Just an interesting side note, I have relatives by the name of Brown from the Conneticut area near Exeter RI which actually used to be part of Conn. The names of these relative interestingly enough are George Brown (great uncle) and Elizebeth Mary Brown (grandmother who insidently married a Roy Vaughn from the same area. Though I am not sure if any true family connection exists at this time we are colaborting all the family history we can get our hands on to see if there is in fact a family connection to the Browns and Vaughns of Exeter at the time of the Vampire attacks**)

* NELLY VAUGHN - Nelly died in 1889, she was 19 (hmm seems to be the age of most New England Vamps, along with the fact that they are all female!!) It is said her epitaph read " I am waiting and watching for you" There is not much info on any actual attack or report at the time, yet rumors persisted that she was indeed a Vampire....(hmm, urban legend?). But it is said that no grass or lichen would grow on her grave site. It has also been reported as recently as 1993 that mysterious hauntings plague the cemetery where Nelly is buried. Today the headstone has been removed to help curb the constant vandalism that took place at her site.

* JULIET ROSE - William Rose was devistated by the loss of his daughter Juliet. Juliet's mother had died eight years earlier, and to lose his eldest daughter was almost unbearable. Just a few month's after Juliet died,Williams 7 yr old daughter, Rosalind (by his 2nd wife Mary) took ill also. William decided a vampire was threatening his family. Some say William needed an enemy to "fight" rather than just sit around watching helplessly while illness snatched away his only remaining child. William went to the town minister, a Rev. Amos Cabot. William told the minister what he suspected and what he wanted to do about it. The minister did not want to acknowledge or condone such ungodly beliefs as creatures of the night killing the towns children. William was told to go home and pray for God to spare his daughter Rosalind. William's wife Mary had also been previously married ,to a man named Thomas Tillinghast. (the Tillinghast clan was also plague by Vampire attacks, see "Sarah Tillinghast") Mary told her husband about her first husband's family's curse. William decided he knew what he had to do,..exhume the body of his daughter Juliet and cut out her heart. It is said she appeared to him in etheral form as he approched the cemetery trying to embrace him in her cold grip, and that upon opening the casket a large blood stain had spread across her shroud and as her father thrust the blade into her a great moan and gasp came from her. Little Rosalind recovered from her illness soon after. It isn't known were exactly Juliet is buried, it is speculated that ,due to the violation of the grave and claim of her having been a vampire ,that she was moved from the "hallowed" grounds were she was first buried and re-buried in an unmarked grave.

* SARAH TILLINGHAST - Stuckley and Honour Tillinghast had eight daughters and six sons. In 1796 Stuckley had a nightmare were his daughter Sarah was calling to him, he turned to look for her, when he turned back all the trees in his orchard had withered and turned brown all the apples rotting on the trees, the smell of decay strong in the air, he noticed that exactly half of the orchard was dead. Sarah was 19 when she took ill (big surprise huh?) Again she was diagnosed with consumption (TB). A few weeks after Sarah died her youngest brother James became ill. He told his mother about a dream in which Sarah had touched his heart and now it hurt. James died several weeks later. Shortly there after Andris, 14yrs old became ill, followed by Ruth the next oldest daughter,..Both girls, Andris and Ruth mentioned having dreams in which Sarah visited them in there rooms at night. Both girls recalled hearing bells and opening the window at Sarah's request to let her in, they said Sarah said she was very cold and missed them, and that she hugged them so tight it often took their breath away. Andris and Ruth both died a few months later. As dread and fear washed over the Tillinghast household yet another daughter Mary became sick and died. This blite wasn't just confined to the actual house either, another daughter Hannah, 26 yrs old who was married and living in Greenwich miles away, also became sick. Hannah too told her mother of having strange dreams involving Sarah. Shortly there after Hannah too died. Now it was the mothers turn, soon following the death of Hannah, Honour began dreaming of Sarah visiting her, telling her she was lonely and cold, asking her mother to please come to her, be with her. In her dream Honour walked over and embraced Sarah, and Honour too became quite ill. Days later a family friend comented to Starkley that his family's tragedy was very similar to a family in the nearby town of Richmond. According to this friend the dead can return to persecute and feed on the living, and if left unattended could destroy the entire family. After his friend had left Stuckly knew what he had to do. By this time 17 yr old Ezra, as well as Honour herself were sick. The next morning Stuckly left his house to prepare for the task that awaited him. He got some help from a couple of farm hands, and went to the cemetery where his children were buried. The men dug up all of the caskets from most recently buried back to the first death, Sarah. After steading himself thru the task of examining all his children in there various states of decay he finally came to Sarahs coffin. Upon opening her coffin it is reported that Sarah appeared to be resting ,her body looked flush and glowed with life, her eyes were open and staring glassily at the sky. Some of the workers dropped to their knees muttering prayers. Stuckly took his knife and cut out the heart of his beloved daughter. He threw the heart to the ground and poured oil on it and burnt it till it was nothing but ashes. Unfortunalty Ezra was too sick and died soon after. His wife Honour however recovered fully and had two more children. True to Stuckly's nightmare exactly 1/2 of his family (orchard) had withered and died, 7 out of 14 children.

Most of these families came from Exeter RI, and there graves though small and almost hidden at times can be found along "Victory Highway" (Route 102). I am hoping to take a day trip with my camera soon and maybe get some pictures of these sites myself. When I do I will post them here.


Email: Luturna