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Vampires, what is it that seems to intrigue people so much? Is it the immortality fact, or just our way of indulging in our "darker" sides? What ever the reason there is no denying that Vampires are one of the best loved "monsters" of our time. Although Bram Stroker gave us our first taste of the Dark Prince now known as Dracula, most of us are more apt to relate to the Vampires introduced to us by Anne Rice. Lestate in particular won over many fans to the gener of Vampires/Horror. And things have just snowballed since then. Between the comsmetic fangs and contacts to the Vampire Club scene, the public is "eating" up the whole Vampire experience. Regaurdless of sciences explanation as to the origin of Vampire myths such as TB(tuberculosis), the normal decomposition process of a corpse (new skin, fresh blood in the mouth,the appearence of longer hair or nails) and (I have recently read) even Rabies,..which would account for a "change" to do a bite I guess. I for one know of the existense of modern day Vampires, but I also believe in the more fictional variety too, as well as most things supernatural. Some people need proof to believe that things exist,..I need proof that they don't. How boring a world it would be without magic and fantasy.
There are basically three kinds of Vampires, Psychic Vampires who mostly draw sustenance from the energy or life force of other living things. This is usually easiest to do in crowds,..say clubs, concerts ect. Then there is the true blood drinker, though not many I have talked to actually live on blood alone it is indeed a hunger and drive much like sex in a way. Most blood drinkers don't usually require much blood to satisfy the craving, though this is not always the case. The blood is usually obtained from a willing partner or "donor". And some (most that I have talked to)do a bit of both. Modern or Mortal Vampires don't fit into the media stereotype though. They do tend to have some ,albeit a more tame version , of the traits that the mythical vampires have such as a preference for the night or rainy type days over brite sunny ones, unusual physical characteristics esp with the eyes or teeth ect. They are not immortal physically, although there seems to be some consenses that they do seem to age a bit more gracefully. And of course that doesn't mean to say their "Vampire Soul" isn't immortal, for many believe themsleves to very ancient, and only the body is mortal and at the end of each life they are reborn, Vampiric soul intact into a new body. They are not "undead". They are not even all "Goth heads". It is harder to say what Vampyres are then what we are not. Each is an individual with diffrent hungers and practices. And seeing how quick society is to pick up on sub cultures and make them the "cool" or "fashionable" thing to be, I fear the term Vampyre will soon be in the same popularity contest that Goths and Wiccans seem to have fallen in. Not that I have anything against Goths or Wiccans. I have many Gothic traits and likes and have been a practicing Witch for 19yrs(don't consider myself a Wiccan though). My problem is more how society picks up the terms and suddenly for every true hearted follower out there, there are a hundred fakes into it for the "coolness" of it. I am truely sorry if I have offended anyone in these groups, this is just my opinion based on my experiences and observations thru the years,...besides this is MY site so I can sorta say what I want ** evil grin**. I also want to say here that I don't know everything. If you have any comments or information you think I should have included here, please feel free to e-mail me.


Email: Luturna

Creatures of the Night have visited this site since July 1998.