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Wavelet Resources

Welcome to Wavelet Resources page: your comprehensive site for wavelet papers, books, articles, etc. By its very nature this page is perpetually under construction. Any help you can lend in keeping this page up to date will be appreciated greatly. If there is any thing new you want to add,  please mail and it will be added as soon as possible.

 Author = "Akansu, Ali N. and Richard A. Haddad",
 Title = "Multiresolution Signal Decomposition:  Transforms, Subbands,
    and Wavelets",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Pages = "376",
 Keyword = "wavelets, signal processing, multiresolution",
 LOC = "TK 5102.5 A414 1992",
 ISBN = "0-12-047140-X",
 TOC = "
     1. Introduction                                                 1,
       1.1  Introduction                                             1,
       1.2  Why signal decomposition?                                2,
       1.3  Decompositions:  Transforms, subbands, and wavelets      2,
       1.4  Performance evaluation                                   7,
     2. Orthogonal transforms                                        9,
       2.1  Signal expansions in orthogonal functions               10,
       2.2  Transform efficiency and coding performance             24,
       2.3  Fixed transforms                                        35,
       2.4  Parametric modeling of signal sources                   61,
       2.5  Lapped orthogonal transforms                            76,
       2.6  2-D transform implementation                            86,
       2.7  Summary                                                 90,
     3. Theory of subband decomposition                            101,
       3.1  Multirate signal processing                            103,
       3.2  Bandpass and modulated signals                         115,
       3.3  Mth band, mirror, and power complementary filters      119,
       3.4  Two-channel filter banks                               123,
       3.5  M-band filter banks                                    141,
       3.6  Cascaded lattice structures                            171,
       3.7  IIR subband filter banks                               183,
       3.8  Two-dimensional subband decomposition                  197,
       3.9  Quantization effects in filter banks                   221,
       3.10  Summary                                               229,
     4. Filterbank families:  Design and performance               241,
       4.1  Binomial QMF-wavelet filters                           241,
       4.2  Maximally flat filters                                 248,
       4.3  Bernstein QMF-wavelet filters                          250,
       4.4  Johnston QMF family                                    254,
       4.5  Smith-Barnwell PR-CQF family                           256,
       4.6  LeGall-Tabatabai PR filter bank                        259,
       4.7  Princen-Bradley QMF                                    260,
       4.8  Optimal PR-QMF design for subband image coding         260,
       4.9  Performance of PR-QMF families                         272,
       4.10  Aliasing energy in multiresolution decomposition      276,
       4.11  Time and frequency localizations                      281,
       4.12  G_TC and NER performance                              284,
       4.13  Summary                                               285,
     5. Wavelet transform                                          291,
       5.1  Time-frequency decompositions                          292,
       5.2  The short-time Fourier transform                       300,
       5.3  The wavelet transform                                  304,
           5.3.1  The continuous wavelet transform                 304,
           5.3.2  The discrete wavelet transform                   310,
       5.4  Multiresolution signal decomposition                   313,
           5.4.1  Multiresolution signal analysis spaces           313,
           5.4.2  The Haar wavelet                                 315,
           5.4.3  Two-band unitary PR-QMF and wavelet bases        321,
           5.4.4  Multiresolution pyramid decomposition            326,
           5.4.5  Finite resolution wavelet decomposition          331,
           5.4.6  The Shannon wavelets                             332,
       5.5  Wavelet regularity and wavelet families                334,
           5.5.1  Regularity or smoothness                         336,
           5.5.2  The Daubechies wavelets                          338,
           5.5.3  The Coiflet bases                                339,
       5.6  Biorthogonal wavelets and filter banks                 341,
       5.7  Dicussions and conclusion                              343,
       5.8  Epilogue                                               345,
     A. Resolution of the identity and inversion                   353,
     B. Orthonormality in frequency                                357,
     C. Problems                                                   359,
     Index                                                         373" }
 Author = "Alpert, B. K.",
 Title = "Wavelets and other bases for fast numerical linear algebra",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets:  A Tutorial in Theory and Applications",
 Editor = "C. K. Chui",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "181--216" }
 Author = "Alpert, B. and G. Beylkin and R. Coifman and V. Rokhlin",
 Title = "Wavelet-like bases for the fast solution of second kind
   integral equations",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.",
 Volume = "14",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "158--184" }
 Author = "Amaratunga, K. and J. R. Williams and S. Qian and J. Weiss",
 Title = "Wavelet-Galerkin solutions for one-dimensional partial
   differential equations",
 Journal = "Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng.",
 Volume = "27",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "2703--2716" }
 Author =  "Andersson, L. and N. Hall and B. Jawerth and G. Peters",
 Title =  "Wavelets on closed subsets of the real line",
 Year =   "1993",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "667,500 bytes",
 Pages =  "60",
 Abstract =  "Orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets are constructed on
   a given closed subset of the real line.  Wavelets satisfying
   certain types of boundary conditions are studied and the concept
   of 'wavelet probing' is introduced which allows a number of different
   numerical tasks associated with wavelets to be performed quickly.
   This paper is at the wavelet archive site." }
 Author = "Argoul, F. and A. Arneodo and J. ELezgaray and G. Grasseau and
    R. Murenzi",
 Title = "Wavelet transform of two--dimensional fractal aggregates",
 Journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett. A",
 Volume = "135",
 Pages = "327--336" }
 Author = "Argoul, F. and A. Arneodo and J. ELezgaray and G. Grasseau and
    R. Murenzi",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of the self-similarity of diffusion--limited
    aggregates and electrodeposition clusters",
 Journal = "Phys. Rev. A",
 Volume = "41",
 Pages = "5537--5560" }
 Author = "Argoul, F. and A. Arneodo and G. Grasseau and Y. Gagne and
    E. J. Hopfinger and U. Frisch",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of turbulence reveals the multifractal nature
    of the Richardson cascade",
 Journal = "Nature",
 Volume = "338",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "51--53" }
 Author = "Arneodo, A. and G. Grasseau and M. Holschneider",
 Title = "Wavelet transform of multifractals",
 Journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
 Volume = "61",
 Year = "1988",
 Pages = "2281--2284" }
 Author = "Bacry, E. and A. Arneodo and U. Frisch and Y. Gagne
    and E. Hopfinger",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of fully developed turbulence data and
    measurement of scaling exponent",
 Booktitle = "Turbulence and Coherent Structures",
 Editor = "M. Lesieur and O. Metais",
 Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Pub.",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "????" }
 Author = "Bacry, Emmanual and St/'ephane Mallat and George Papanicolaou",
 Title = "A wavelet based space--time adaptive numerical method for
    partial differential equations",
 Journal = "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis",
 Volume = "26",
 Date = "1992",
 Pages = "793--834",
 Abstract = "This describes a space and time adaptive numerical method based
    on wavelet orthonormal bases for solving partial differential equations.
    The multiresolution structure of wavelet orthonormal bases provides a
    simple way to adapt computational refinements to the local regularity
    of the solution." }
 Author = "Bacry, Emmanual and St/'ephane Mallat and George Papanicolaou",
 Title = "A wavelet based space--time adaptive numerical method for
    partial differential equations",
 Date = "1993",
 Institution = "Courant Inst. of Math. Sci., New York Univ., 251 Mercer St.,
    New York, N.Y., 10012",
 URL = "",
 Size = "218,233 bytes",
 Pages = "33",
 Abstract = "This describes a space and time adaptive numerical method based
    on wavelet orthonormal bases for solving partial differential equations.
    The multiresolution structure of wavelet orthonormal bases provides a
    simple way to adapt computational refinements to the local regularity
    of the solution." }
 Author = "Bacry, E. and J. Muzy and A. Arneodo",
 Title = "Singularity spectrum of fractal signals from wavelet 
    analysis:  exact results",
 Journal = "Journ. of Statistical Physics",
 Volume = "70",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "????" }
 Author = "Bendjoya, Ph. and E. Slezak"
 Title = "Wavelet analysis and applications to some dynamical systems"
 Journal = "Celestial Mech. and Dyn. Astron."
 Volume = "56"
 Year = "1993"
 Pages = "231--262"
 Note = "The wavelet transform appears as a new time-frequency
   method which is particulary well-suited to detect and to localize
   discontinuities and scaling behaviours in signals.  The main properties
   of the wavelet transform and its improvements over classical analyzing
   methods are summarized.  Some results among the first applications
   to the dynamical systems are presented:  solution of PDEs, fractal and
   turbulence characterization, and asteroid family determination from
   cluster analysis." }
 Author = "Bendjoya, Ph. and E. Slezak and Cl. Froeschl/'e",
 Title = "The wavelet transform:  a new tool for asteroid family
 Journal = "Astron. Astroph.",
 Volume = "251",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "312--330" }
 Author = "Best, Christoph and Andreas Sch{\"a}fer",
 Title = "Variational description of statistical field theories using
    Daubechies wavelets",
 Year = "1994",
 Number = "HEP-LAT/9402012",
 Institution = "Insitut f{\"u}r Theoretische Physik, Johann Wolfgang
    Goethe-Universit{\"a}t, 60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany",
 URL = "",
 Size = "43,560",
 Pages = "20",
 Keyword = "wavelets, statistical field theories",
 Abstract = "Investigates the description of statistical field theories
    using Daubechies' orthonormal compact wavelets on a lattice." }
 Author = "Beylkin, G.",
 Title = "On the fast algorithm for multiplication of functions in the
   wavelet bases",
 Year = "1992",
 Month = "jun",
 Institution = "Prog. in Appl. Math., Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,
   CO 80309-0526",
 URL = "",
 Size = "62,005 bytes",
 Pages = "9",
 Abstract = "This paper develops a novel approach to the pointwise
   multiplication of functions in the wavelet bases based on uncoupling
   the interactions between scales.  The complexity of the algorithm
   is automatically adaptable to the complexity of the wavelet representation
   of a function u and proportional to the number of significant cofficients
   in the representation of u." }
 Author = "Beylkin, G.",
 Title = "On factored FIR approximation of IIR filters",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Prog. in Appl. Math., Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,
   CO 80309-0526",
 URL = "",
 Size = "135,648 bytes",
 Pages = "11",
 Abstract = "This paper describes a simple and accurate method of
   approximating infinite impulse response (IIR) filters by finite
   impulse filters (FIR)." }
 Author = "Beylkin, Gregory",
 Title = "Wavelets and fast numerical algorithms",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "89--117",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "Reviews the standard and non--standard representations of
   operators in wavelet bases and associated fast numerical algorithms.
   The non--standard representation uncouples the interaction among the
   scales.  Examples of the non--standard forms of several basic operators
   are computed explicitly." }
 Author = "Beylkin, Gregory and Naoki Saito",
 Year = "1993",
 Title = "Wavelets, their autocorrelation functions, and multiresolution
   representation of signals",
 Institution = "Prog. in Appl. Math., Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,
   CO 80309-0526",
 URL = "",
 Size = "160,004 bytes",
 Pages = "12",
 Abstract = "The properties of the auto-correlation functions of compactly
   supported wavelets are summarized as well as their connection to iterative
   interpolation schemes and the use of these functions for multiresolution
   analysis of signals." }
 Author = "Beylkin, G. and R. Coifman and V. Rokhlin",
 Title = "Fast wavelet transforms and numerical algorithms",
 Journal = "Comm. in Pure and Applied Math.",
 Volume = "44",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "141--183",
 Abstract = "A class of algorithms is introduced for the rapid numerical
    application of a class of linear operators to arbitrary vectors.
    Previously published schemes of this type utilize detailed analytical
    information about the operators being applied and are specific to
    extremely narrow classes of matrices.  In contrast, the methods
    presented here are based on the recently developed theory of wavelets
    and are applicable to all Calderon-Zygmund and pseudo-differential
    operators.  The algorithms of this paper require order O(N) or
    O(N log N) operations to apply an NxN matrix to a vector and numerical
    experiments indicate that many previously intractable problems become
    manageable with the techniques presented here." }
 Author = "Bhatia, M. and W. C. Karl and A. S. Willsky",
 Email = "",
 Title = "A wavelet-based method for multiscale tomographic reconstruction",
 Number = "MIT Tech. Rep. LIDS-P-2182",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Stochastic Systems Group, Lab. for Information and Dec. Systems,
   MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139",
 URL = "",
 Size = "595,196 bytes",
 Pages = "31",
 Abstract = "A wavelet-based representation of the standard ramp filter
   operator of the filtered back-projection (FBP) reconstruction enables
   the formulation of a multiscale tomographic reconstruction technique
   wherein the object is reconstructed at multiple scales or resolutions.
   A complete reconstruction is obtained by combining the reconstructions
   at different scales.  The framework for multiscale reconstruction
   presented here can find application in object feature recognition
   directly from projection data, and regularization of imaging problems
   where the projection data are noisy." }
 Author = "Bijaoui, A.",
 Title = "Wavelets and astronomical image analysis",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "195--212",
 Keyword = "wavelets, image analysis",
 Abstract = "This shows that wavelet analysis is appropriate to study the
    distribution of matter in the universe, because of its inhomogeneity
    and `spottiness'." }
 Author = "Bijaoui, A. and E. Slezak and G. Mars",
 Title = "Universe heterogeneities from a wavelet analysis",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "213--220",
 Keyword = "wavelets, image analysis",
 Abstract = "This describes a method for the automated detection and
    characterization of all the structural components in a catalogue
    of galaxies.  The local analysis of the distribution is performed
    using the wavelet transform." }
 Author = "Bond, Dave M. and Stephen A. Vavasis",
 Title = "Fast wavelet transforms for matrices arising from boundary
    element methods",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "mar",
 Number = "174",
 Institution = "Center for Applied Mathematics, Eng. and Theory Center,
    Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. 14853",
 URL = "",
 Size = "465,044",
 Pages = "45",
 Abstract = "Wavelet transforms are applied to express matrices
     obtained from discretizing the integral equations obtained from
     applying the boundary element method to Laplace's equation.
     This transforms dense matrices to sparse ones and thus allows
     faster inversion." }
 Author = "Bradshaw, G. A. and B. A. McIntosh",
 Title = "Determining climate--induced patterns using wavelet analysis",
 Journal = "Environmental Pollution",
 Volume = "83",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "133--142",
 Abstract = "A method using wavelet analysis is introduced for the
    purpose of identifying and isolating inferred climatic components
    of the hydrologic record.  This method affords an informed procedure
    for choosing filter dimensions for the purpose of signal decomposition." }
 Author = "Bray, Hubert and Kent McCormick and Raymond O. Wells and
    Xiaodong Zhou",
 Title = "Wavelet variations on the Shannon sampling theorem",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-09",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, 
    TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "76,567",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Buckheit, Jonathan and Shaobing Chen and David Donoho and
   Iain Johnstone and Jeffrey Scargle",
 Title = "About WaveLab",
 Year = "1995",
 Month = "jan",
 Institution = "Stanford University",
 URL = "",
 Size = "1,180,309",
 Pages = "34",
 Abstract = "WaveLab is a library of Matlab routines for wavelet
   analysis, wavelet-packet analysis, cosine-packet analysis and
   matching pursuit.  The library is available free of charge over
   the Internet, and versions are provided for Macintosh, UNIX
   and Windows machines.  It has over 500 .m files which are
   documented and cross-referenced in various ways.  The software
   is available in the same directory as this manual." } 
 Author = "Cabrera, Sergio and Vladik Kreinovich and Ongard Sirisaengtaksin",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Wavelets compress better than all other methods: A 1-D
 Year = "1992",
 Institution = "Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968",
 URL = "",
 Size = "82,806",
 Pages = "31",
 Abstract = "Wavelet compression is compared with all possible compressions
   and is found, for smooth 1-dimensional signals, to be better in the
   sense that it requires the smallest number of bytes to store the wavelet
   representation." }
 Author = "Charkrabarti, Chaitali and Mohan Vishwanath",
 Title = "Efficient realizations of the discrete and continuous
   wavelet transforms:  From single chip implementations to mappings
   on SIMD array computers",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "43",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "759--771",
 Abstract = "This presents a wide range of algorithms and architectures
   for computing the 1-D and 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the
   1-D and 2-D continuous wavelet transform (CWT).  The algorithms and
   architectures presented here are independent of the size and nature
   of the wavelet function.  New on-line algorithms are proposed for
   the DWT and the CWT that require significantly small storage.  The
   proposed systolic array and the parallel filter architectures
   implement these on-line algorithms and are optimal both with respect
   to area and time (under the word-serial model).  Moreover, these
   architectures are very regular and support single chip implementations
   in VLSI.  The proposed SIMD architectures implement the existing
   pyramid and a'trous algorithms and are optimal with respect to
   time." }
 Author = "Chen, Debao",
 Title = "Cardinal spline wavelets",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Univ. of Texas at Austin",
 URL = "[1-6].ps",
 Size = "(various)",
 Pages = "103",
 Keyword = "wavelets, splines",
 Abstract = "This studies the general structure of cardinal spline
    wavelets." }
 Author = "Chui, C. K.",
 Title = "An Introduction to Wavelets",
 Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc.",
 Year = "1992" }
 Editor = "Chui, C. K.",
 Title = "Wavelets:  A Tutorial in Theory and Applications",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Year = "1992" }
 Author = "Cohen, A.",
 Title = "Biorthogonal wavelets",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets:  A Tutorial in Theory and Applications",
 Editor = "C. K. Chui",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "123--152" }
 Author = "Cohen, A. and Ingrid Daubechies",
 Title = "Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets:  III. Better
    frequency resolution",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "24",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "520--527",
 Abstract = "Standard orthonormal bases of wavelets with dilation factor 2 use
    wavelets with one octave bandwidth.  Orthonormal bases with 1/2 octave
    or even smaller bandwidth wavelets are constructed." }
 Author = "Cohen, Jack K.",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Wavelets--a new orthonormal basis",
 Institution = "Colorado School of Mines",
 Year = "1992",
 URL = "",
 Size = "112,093",
 Pages = "12",
 Abstract = "This describes the wavelet transform, a new orthonormal
   basis which, unlike the non-local Fourier and Fourier-like methods,
   is a localized basis." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "The Stein wavelet",
 Year =   "Nov. 2, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "83,275 bytes",
 Pages =  "6",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook gives details for the construction of the Littlewood-Paley-Stein
   wavelet." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "The foot problem in wavelet packet splitting",
 Year =   "Nov. 1, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "441,923 bytes",
 Pages =  "35",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook discusses the problem of pieces of non-adjacent bands
   creeping in when constructing wavelet packets." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "Schauder basis for C[0,1]",
 Year =   "Nov. 11, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "231,729 bytes",
 Pages =  "19",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook discusses the Schauder basis for C[0,1] in the context
   of wavelets." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "Battle-Lemarie wavelets",
 Year =   "Nov. 1, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "120,847 bytes",
 Pages =  "11",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook discusses the details about and construction of
   Battle-Lamarie wavelets." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "Dauchechies minimum phase wavelets",
 Year =   "Nov. 22, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "211,543 bytes",
 Pages =  "15",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook discusses Daubechies minimum phase wavelets." }
 Author =  "Cohen, Jack K.",,
 Email = "",
 Title =  "Meyer wavelets",
 Year =   "Nov. 1, 1993",
 Institution =  "Colorado School of Mines",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "138,220 bytes",
 Pages =  "25",
 Abstract =  "This is a Mathematica notebook converted to TeX using
   nb2tex from mathsource and then converted to postscript.  The
   notebook discusses Meyer wavelets." }
 Author = "Cohen, Jack C. and Tong Chen",
 Title = "Fundamentals of the discrete wavelet transform for seismic
    data processing",
 YEar = "1994",
 Number = "CWP-130P",
 Institution = "Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines,
    Golden, Colorado 80401",
 URL = "",
 Size = "1,553,553",
 Pages = "48",
 Abstract = "This explains and illustrates the effect of the discrete
    wavelet transform on seismic data, providing the information necessary
    for researchers to assess its possible use in their areas of data
    procesisng.  Examples are shown." }
 Author = "Cohen, L.",
 Title = "Time--frequency distributions -- A review",
 Journal = "Proc. IEEE",
 Volume = "77",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "941--981",
 Abstract = "A review and tutorial of the fundamental ideas and methods of
    joint time--frequency distributions is presented.  The objective of
    the field is to describe how the spectral content of a signal is changing
    in time, and to develop the mathematical and physical ideas needed to 
    understand what a time--varying spectrum is.  The basic goal is to devise
    a distribution that represents the energy or intensity of a signal
    simultaneously in time and frequency.  This review especially reflects
    recent advances in the field such as the use of wavelets." }
 Author = "Coifman, Ronald R. and Yves Meyer and Steven Quake and M. Victor
 Title = "Signal processing and compression with wave packets",
 Year = "Apr. 5, 1990",
 Institution = "Numerical Algorithms Res. Group, Dept. of Math., Yale Univ.,
   New Haven, CT 06520",
 URL = "",
 Size = "33,511 bytes",
 Pages = "15",
 Abstract = "Algorithms for signal processing and data compression based on
   a collection of orthogonal functions called fast wave packets are
   described.  Fast wave packets generalize the compactly supported
   wavelets of Daubechies and Meyer.  The algorithms described combine the
   projection of a sequence onto fast wave packet components, the selection
   of an optimal orthonormal basis subset, some linear or quasilinear
   processing of the coefficients, and then reconstruction of the transformed
   sequence." }
 Author = "Coifman, Ronald R. and Yves Meyer and M. Victor Wickerhauser",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis and signal processing",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets and Their Applications",
 Editor = "M. B. Ruskai et al.",
 Publisher = "Jones and Barlett, Boston",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "153--178",
 Note = "This is also available in the form of a technical report at",
 Abstract = "This describes the use of wavelet analysis for various tasks
   in signal processing." }
 Author = "Coifman, Ronald R. and M. Victor Wickerhauser",
 Title = "Wavelets and adapted waveform analysis",
 Year = "1991",
 Institution = "Numerical Algorithms Res. Group, Dept. of Math., Yale Univ.,
   New Haven, CT 06520",
 URL = "",
 Size = "878,503 bytes",
 Pages = "33",
 Abstract = "This describes tools for adapting methods of analysis to various
   tasks occuring in harmonic and numerical analysis and signal processing.
   The main point is that by choosing an orthonormal basis in which space
   and frequency are suitably localized one can achieve understanding of
   both structure and efficiency in computation." }
 Author = "Coifman, R. R. and M. V. Wickerhauser",
 Title = "Entropy-based algorithms for best-basis selection",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Info. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "713--718" }
 Author = "Coifman, Ronald R. and M. Victor Wickerhauser",
 Title = "Wavelets and adapted waveform analysis:  A toolkit for signal
    processing and numerical analysis",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "119--153",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "Wavelet analysis or, more generally, Adapted Waveform
    Analysis (AWA) consists of a versatile collection of tools for the
    analysis and manipulation of signals such as sound and images, as
    well as more general digital data sets (including linear and non--linear
    operators occurring in the simulations of physical processes).  AWA
    provides us with the ability to represent a function or signal in a mode
    similar to a musical score, where each note corresponds to a waveform
    having a duration, pitch and amplitude.  The goal is to transcribe as
    efficiently as possible, and to orchestrate into different structures." }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Collineau, S. and Y. Brunet",
 Title = "Detection of turbulent coherent motions in a forest
   canopy.  Part I: Wavelet analysis",
 Journal = "Boundary-Layer Meteorology",
 Volume = "65",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "357--379" }
 Editor = "Combes, J. M. and A. Grossman and Ph. Tchamitchian",
 Title = "Wavelets:  Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space",
 Publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "315",
 LOC = "QC 174.85 P48 W38 1989",
 ISBN = "0-387-51159-8",
 TOC = "
     I. Introduction to wavelet transforms,
       1. Reading and understanding continuous wavelet transforms -
            A. Grossmann, R. Kronland-Martinet, and J. Morlet            2,
       2. Orthonormal wavelets - Y. Meyer                               21,
       3. Orthonormal bases of wavelets with finite support:
            Connection with discrete filters - I. Daubechies            38,
    II. Some topics in signal analysis, 
       4. Some aspects of non-stationary signal processing with
            emphasis on time-frequency and time-scale methods -
            P. Flandrin                                                 68,
       5. Detection of abrupt changes in signal processing -
            M. Basseville                                               99,
       6. The computer, music, and sound models - J.-C. Risset         102,
   III. Wavelets and signal processing,
       7. Wavelets and seismic interpretation - J. L. Larsonneur
            and J. Morlet                                              126,
       8. Wavelet transformations in signal detection - F.B. Tuteur    132,
       9. Use of wavelet transforms in the study of propagation of
            transient acoustic signals across a plane interface 
            between two homogeneous media - S. Ginette, A. Grossmann,
            and Ph. Tchamitchian                                       139,
      10. Time-frequency analysis of signals related to scattering
            problems in acoustics.  Part I: Wigner-Ville analysis of
            echoes scattered by a spherical shell - J. P. Sessarego,
            J. Sageloli, P. Flandrin, and M. Zakharia                  147,
      11. Coherence and projectors in acoustics - J. G. Slama          154,
      12. Wavelets and granular analysis of speech - J. S. Lienard
            and C. d'Alessandro                                        158,
      13. Time-frequency representations of broad-band signals -
            J. Bertrand and P. Bertrand                                164,
      14. Operator groups and ambiguity functions in signal
            processing - A. Berthon                                    172,
    IV. Mathematics and mathematical physics,
      15. Wavelet transform analysis of invariant measures of some
            dynamical systems - A. Arneodo, G. Grasseau, and
            M. Holschneider                                            182,
      16. Holomorphic integral representations for the solutions of
            the Helmholtz equation - J. Bros                           197,
      17. Wavelets and path integral - T. Paul                         204,
      18. Mean value theorems and concentration operators in
            Bargmann and Bergman space - K. Seip                       209,
      19. Besov Sobolev algebras of symbols - G. Bohnke                216,
      20. Poincare coherent states and relativistic phase space
            analysis - J.-P. Antoine                                   221,
      21. A relativistic Wigner function affiliated with the
            Weyl-Poincare gruop - J. Bertrand and P. Bertrand          232,
      22. Wavelet transforms associated to the n-dimensional
            Euclidean group with dilations:  Signals in more than
            one dimension - R. Murenzi                                 239,
      23. Construction of wavelets on open sets - S. Jaffard           247,
      24. Wavelets on chord-arc curves - P. Auscher                    253,
      25. Multiresolution analysis in non-homogeneous media -
            R. R. Coifman                                              259,
      26. About wavelets and elliptic operators - Ph. Tchamitchian     263,
      27. Towards a method for solving PDEs using wavelet bases -
            V. Perrier                                                 269,
     V. Implementations,
      28. A real-time algorithm for signal analysis with the help
            of the wavelet transform - M. Holschneider, R.
            Kronland-Martinet, J. Morlet and Ph. Tchamitchian          286,
      29. An implementation of the ``algorithme a trous'' to
            compute the wavelet transform -P. Dutilleux                293,
      30. An algorithm for fast imaging of wavelet transforms -
            P. Hanusse                                                 305,
      Subject index                                                    313,
      Index of contributors                                            315" }
 Author = "Dallard, T. and F. K. Browand",
 Title = "The growth of large scales at defect sites in the plane mixing
 Journal = "J. Fluid Mech.",
 Volume = "247",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "339--368" }
 Author = "Dallard, T. and G. R. Spedding",
 Title = "2-D wavelet transforms:  generalisation of the Hardy space and
   application to experimental studies",
 Journal = "Eur. J. Mech., B/Fluids",
 Volume = "12",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "107--134" }
 Author = "Daubechies, Ingrid",
 Title = "Ten Lectures on Wavelets",
 Publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Math., Philadelphia",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "357",
 LOC = "QA 403.3 D38 1992",
 ISBN = "0-89871-274-2",
 TOC =
    1. The what, why, and how of wavelets                                 1,
      1.1  Time-frequency localization                                    1,
      1.2  The wavelet transform:  Analogies and differences with
             the windowed Fourier transform                               3,
      1.3  Different types of wavelet transform                           7,
          1.3.1  The continuous wavelet transform                         7,
          1.3.2  The discrete but redundant wavelet transform-frames      8,
          1.3.3  Orthogonal wavelet bases:  Multiresolution analysis     10,
    2. The continuous wavelet transform                                  17,
      2.1  Bandlimited functions and Shannon's theorem                   17,
      2.2  Bandlimited functions as a special case of a reproducing
             kernel Hilbert space                                        20,
      2.3  Band- and timelimiting                                        21,
      2.4  The continuous wavelet transform                              24,
      2.5  The reproducing kernel Hilbert space underlying the
             continuous wavelet transform                                31,
      2.6  The continuous wavelet transform in higher dimensions         33,
      2.7  Parallels with the continuous windowed Fourier transform      34,
      2.8  The continuous transform as tools to build useful operators   35,
      2.9  The continous wavelet transform as a mathematical zoom:
             The characterization of local regularity                    45,
    3. Discrete wavelet transforms:  Frames                              53,
      3.1  Discretizing the wavelet transform                            53,
      3.2  Generalities about frames                                     56,
      3.3  Frames of wavelets                                            63,
          3.3.1  A necessary condition:  Admissibility of the
                   mother wavelet                                        63,
          3.3.2  A sufficient condition and estimates for the frame
                   bounds                                                67,
          3.3.3  The dual frame                                          69,
          3.3.4  Some variations on the basic scheme                     71,
          3.3.5  Examples                                                73,
             A. Tight frames                                             73,
             B. The Mexican hat function                                 75,
             C. A modulated Gaussian                                     76,
             D. An example that is easy to implement                     78,
      3.4  Frames for the windowed Fourier transform                     80,
          3.4.1  A necessary condition:  Sufficiently high 
                   time-frequency density                                81,
          3.4.2  A sufficient condition and estimates for the frame
                   bounds                                                82,
          3.4.3  The dual frame                                          83,
          3.4.4  Examples                                                83,
             A. Tight frames with compact support in time or frequency   83,
             B. The Gaussian                                             84,
      3.5  Time-frequency localization                                   86,
      3.6  Redundancy in frames:  What does it buy?                      97,
      3.7  Some concluding remarks                                      100,
    4. Time-frequency density and orthonormal bases                     107,
      4.1  The role of time-frequency density in wavelet and windowed
             Fourier frames                                             107,
      4.2  Orthonormal bases                                            115,
          4.2.1  Orthonormal wavelet bases                              115,
          4.2.2  The windowed Fourier transform revisited:  ``Good''
                   orthonormal bases after all!                         120,
    5. Orthonormal bases of wavelets and multiresolution analysis       129,
      5.1  The basic idea                                               129,
      5.2  Examples                                                     137,
      5.3  Relaxing some of the conditions                              139,
          5.3.1  Riesz bases of scaling functions                       139,
          5.3.2  Using the scaling function as a starting point         140,
      5.4  More examples:  The Battle-Lemari{\'e} family                146,
      5.5  Regularity of orthonormal wavelet bases                      153,
      5.6  Connection with subband filtering schemes                    156,
    6. Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets                167,
      6.1  Construction of m0                                           167,
      6.2  Correspondence with orthonormal wavelet bases                174,
      6.3  Necessary and sufficient conditions for orthonormality       182,
      6.4  Examples of compactly supported wavelets generating an
             orthonormal basis                                          194,
      6.5  The cascade algorithm:  The link with subdivision or
             refinement schemes                                         202,
    7. More about the regularity of compactly supported wavelets        215,
      7.1  Fourier-based methods                                        215,
          7.1.1  Brute force methods                                    216,
          7.1.2  Decay estimates from invariant cycles                  220,
          7.1.3  Little-Paley type estimates                            226,
      7.2  A direct method                                              232,
      7.3  Compactly supported wavelets with more regularity            241,
      7.4  Regularity or vanishing moments?                             242,
    8. Symmetry for cmpactly supported wavelet bases                    251,
      8.1  Absence of symmetry for compactly supported orthonormal
             wavelets                                                   251,
          8.1.1  Closer to linear phase                                 254,
      8.2  Coiflets                                                     258,
      8.3  Symmetric biorthogonal wavelet bases                         259,
          8.3.1  Exact reconstruction                                   262,
          8.3.2  Scaling functions and wavelets                         263,
          8.3.3  Regularity and vanishing moments                       269,
          8.3.4  Symmetry                                               269,
          8.3.5  Biorthogonal bases close to an orthonormal basis       278,
    9. Characterization of functional spaces by means of wavelets       289,
      9.1  Wavelets:  Unconditional bases                               289,
      9.2  Characterization of function spaces by means of wavelets     298,
      9.3  Wavelets for ${L^1}$(|0,1|)                                  304,
      9.4  An amusing contrast between wavelet expansions and Fourier
             series                                                     307,
   10. Generalizations and tricks for orthonormal wavelet bases         313,
     10.1  Multidimensional wavelet bases with dilation factor 2        313,
     10.2  One-dimensional orthonormal wavelet bases with integer
             dilation factor larger than 2                              319,
     10.3  Multidimensional wavelet bases with matrix dilations         321,
     10.4  One-dimensional orthonormal wavelet bases with non-integer
             dilation factors                                           323,
     10.5  Better frequency resolution:  The splitting trick            326,
     10.5  Wavelet packet bases                                         331,
     10.6  Wavelet bases on an interval                                 333" }
 Author = "Daubechies, Ingrid",
 Title = "Wavelet transforms and orthonormal wavelet bases",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "1--33",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "Introduces the wavelet transform and discusses its motivation
    as a time--frequency localization tool.  Reviews the different types of
    wavelet transform, with special emphasis on orthonormal wavelet bases
    and their properties.  Concludes with a short discussion of 
    shortcomings." }
 Author = "Daubechies, Ingrid",
 Title = "Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets:  II. Variations
    on a theme",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "24",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "499--519",
 Abstract = "Several variations are given on the construction of orthonormal
    bases of wavelets with compact support.  They have, respectively, more
    symmetry, more regularity, and more vanishing moments for the scaling
    function than the examples in daubechies:1988." }
 Author = "Daubechies, I[ngrid]. and J. Lagarias",
 Title = "Two-scale difference equations, I",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "22",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "1388--1410" }
 Author = "Daubechies, I. and J. Lagarias",
 Title = "Two-scale difference equations, II",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "23",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "1031--1079" }
 Author = "Davis, Anthony and Alexander Marshak and Warren Wiscombe",
 Title = "Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of non-stationary
    and/or intermittent geophysical signals",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets in Geophysics",
 Editor = "Efi Foufoula-Georgiou and Praveen Kumar",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "249--298",
 Keyword = "wavelets, fractals, signal processing",
 Abstract = "This shows how wavelet transforms can be used to compute
    simple yet dynamically meaningful statistical properties of a 
    one-dimensional data set representative of a geophysical field or
    time-series.  This paper is available via anonymous ftp at
    (99,067) with the figures in wavelets.figs.PS.Z (399,610)." } 
 Author = "de Boor, Carl and Ronald A. DeVore and Amos Ron",
 Title = "On the construction of multivariate (pre)wavelets",
 Year = "1992",
 Month = "Feb",
 Number = "92-09",
 Institution = "Cent. for Math. Sci., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
    610 Walnut St., Madison, WI 53705",
 URL = "",
 Size = "154,254",
 Pages = "42",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "A new approach to the construction of wavelets and
    prewavelets from multiresolution is presented.  The method uses only
    properties of shift-invariant spaces and orthogonal projectors onto
    these spaces, and requires neither decay nor stability of the scaling
    function." }
 Author = "DeVore, R. and B. J. Lucier",
 Title = "Wavelets",
 Journal = "Acta Numerica",
 Volume = "1",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "1--56",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This is an introduction to some aspects of wavelets, chiefly
   from the viewpoint of the experience of the authors in approximation
   theory and data compression, although signal processing is touched upon.
   The paper starts with a discussion of Haar wavelets, proceeds to
   construction of general wavelets, continues with sections on fast
   wavelet transforms and smoothness spaces and wavelet coefficients,
   and concludes with some applications, e.g. image compression and the
   numerical solution of partial differential equations.  A copy of
   this paper can also be obtained via anonymous ftp at URL address (166,109)." }
 Author = "DeVore, R. and B. Jawerth and B. J. Lucier",
 Title = "Image compression through wavelet transform coding",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "719--746" }
 Author = "Dijkerman, Robert W. and Ravi R. Mazumdar",
 Title = "Wavelet representations of stochastic processes and
    multiresolution stochastic models",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "1640--1652",
 Keyword = "waveelts, stochastic processes",
 Abstract = "This describes the use of compactly supported wavelets to
    obtain multiresolution representation of stochastic processes with 
    paths in L$^2$ defined in the time domain.  The correlation structure
    of the discrete wavelet coefficients of a stochastic process is
    derived and new results on how and when to obtain strong decay in
    correlation along time as well as across scales are given." }
 Author =  "Donoho, David L.",
 Title =  "Wavelet shrinkage and W.V.D - A ten-minute tour",
 Year =   "1992",
 Institution =  "Stanford Univ.",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "27,718 bytes",
 Pages =  "12",
 Abstract =  "According to the List file at the same address, there is
   supposed to be a toulouseps.shar file containing the figures for
   this paper available.  As of 7/11/93 it ain't." }
 Author = "Donoho, David L.",
 Title = "Nonlinear wavelet methods for recovery of signals, densities,
    and spectra from indirect and noisy data",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "173--205",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract =  "Wavelet methods for the recovery of objects from noisy
   and incomplete data are described.  The common themes:  (a) the new
   methods use nonlinear operations in the wavelet domain; (b) they
   accomplish tasks which are not possible by traditional linear/Fourier
   approaches to such problems.  An attempt is made to indicate the
   heuristic principles, theoretical foundations and possible application
   areas for these methods, i.e. wavelet de-noising, wavelet approaches
   to linear inverse problems, wavelet packet de-noising, segmented
   multiresolutions, and nonlinear multi-resolutions.  This can also
   be obtained via anonymous ftp (donoho:1993b)." }
 Author =  "Donoho, David L.",
 Title =  "Nonlinear wavelet methods for recovery of signals, densities,
   and spectral from indirect and noisy data",
 Year =   "1993",
 Institution =  "Stanford Univ.",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "????? bytes",
 Pages =  "33",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract =  "Wavelet methods for the recovery of objects from noisy
   and incomplete data are described.  The common themes:  (a) the new
   methods use nonlinear operations in the wavelet domain; (b) they
   accomplish tasks which are not possible by traditional linear/Fourier
   approaches to such problems.  An attempt is made to indicate the
   heuristic principles, theoretical foundations and possible application
   areas for these methods, i.e. wavelet de-noising, wavelet approaches
   to linear inverse problems, wavelet packet de-noising, segmented
   multiresolutions, and nonlinear multi-resolutions.  The size indicated
   above is for the text only.  The 28 figures are contained in the separate
   file ShortCourseFigs.epsf.shar.Z (812,771)." }
 Author = "Donoho, D. L.",
 Title = "Unconditional bases are optimal bases for data compression
   and for statistical estimation",
 Journal = "Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis",
 Volume = "1",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "100--115" }
 Author = "Donoho, D. L. and I. M. Johnstone",
 Title = "Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage",
 Journal = "Biometrika",
 Volume = "81",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "425--455" }
 Author = "Edwards, Tim",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Discrete wavelet transforms:  Theory and application (Draft \#2)",
 Year = "June 4, 1992",
 Institution = "Stanford University",
 URL = "",
 Size = "438,782 bytes",
 Pages = "27",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This includes a brief introduction to wavelets in general and
   the discrete wavelet transform in particular, covering a number of
   implementation issues that are often missed in the literature.  A
   hardware implementation on a commercially available DSP system is
   described along with a program listing to show how such an implementation
   can be simulated." }
 Author = "Farge, Marie",
 Title = "Wavelet transforms and their applications to turbulence",
 Journal = "Ann. Rev. Fluid. Mech.", 
 Volume = "24", 
 Year = "1992", 
 Pages = "395--457",
 Abstract = "Gives a general representation of both the continuous
    and discrete wavelet transforms, in a manner as complete and detailed
    as possible, to provide the reader with the basic information with
    which to start using these transforms.  Brief reference is made to
    papers dealing with applications, and several new diagnostics, all
    based on wavelet coefficients, which may be useful to analyze, model,
    or compute turbulent flows are presented." }
 Author = "Farge, M[arie] and M. Holschneider and J. F. Colonna",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of coherent structures in 2-D turbulent flows",
 Booktitle = "Topological Fluid Mechanics",
 Editor = "K. Moffatt",
 Publisher = "Cambridge Univ. Press",
 Year = "1989,
 Pages = "765--767" }
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Title = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms:  Based on the
    proceedings of a a conference on Wavelets, Fractals and Fourier
    Transforms:  New Developments and New Applications organized by
    the Institute of Mathematics and Applications and Soci{\'e}t{\'e}
    de Mathematiques Appliqu{\'e}es et Industrielles and held at
    Newnham College, Cambridge in December 1990",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "403",
 ISBN = "0-19-853647-X",
 LOC = "QA 403.3 W38 1993",
 Keyword = "wavelets, fractals, Fourier transforms",
 TOC = "
    Section 1,
      1. Wavelets, fractals and Fourier transforms:  Detection and 
           analysis of structure - J.C.R. Hunt, N.K.-R. Kevlahan,
           J.C. Vassilicos and M. Farge                                   1,
      2. Wavelets, fractals and order-two densities - K.J. Falconer      39,
      3. Orthonormal and continuous wavelet transform:  Algorithms
           and applications to the study of pointwise properties of
           functions - S. Jaffard                                        47,
      4. Iterated function systems and their applications - J. Stark
           and P. Bressloff                                              65,
      5. Biorthogonal bases of symmetric compactly supported 
           wavelets - C. Herley and M. Vetterli                          91,
      6. Fractional Brownian motion and wavelets - P. Flandrin          109,
      7. The wavelet Gibbs phenomenon - H. O. Rasmussen                 123,
      8. Multiscale segmentation of well logs - P.L. Verner and
           J.A.H. Alkemade                                              143,
    Section 2,
      9. Scale-invariance and self-similar `wavelet' transforms:
           An analysis of natural scenes and mammalian visual
           systems - D.J. Field                                         151,
     10. Wavelets and astronomical image analysis - A. Bijaoui and
           A. Fresnel                                                   195,
     11. Universe heterogeneities from a wavelet analysis - A. Bijaoui,
           E. Slezak and G. Mars                                        213,
     12. The wavelet transform applied to flow around Antarctica -
           B. Sinha and K.J. Richards                                   221,
     13. Quantification of scale cascades in the stratosphere using
           wavelet transforms - P.H. Haynes and W.A. Norton             229,
    Section 3,
     14. Multiple-scale correlation detection, wavelet transforms
           and multifractal turbulence - J.G. Jones, P.G. Earwicker,
           and G.W. Foster                                              235,
     15. Wavelet analysis of turbulence:  The mixed energy
           cascade - C. Meneveau                                        251,
     16. Hierarchical models of turbulence - P. Frick and V. Zimin      265,
     17. Characterisation of TM traffic in the frequency domain -
           M. Luoni                                                     285,
     18. The self-similarity of D-dimensional potential turbulence -
           S.N. Gurbatov and A.I. Saichev                               295,
     19. Solution of Burgers' equation by Fourier transform
           methods - J. Caldwell                                        309,
     20. Spiral structures in turbulent flow - H.K. Moffatt             317,
     21. Fractals in turbulence - J.C. Vassilicos                       325, 
     22. The physical models and mathematical description of
           1/f noise - A. Malakhov and A. Yakimov                       341,
     23. Fractal models of density interfaces - J.M. Redondo            353,
     24. The fractal dimension of oil-water interfaces in channel
           flows - G. Saether, K. Bendiksen, J. Muller and
           E. Froland                                                   371,
     25. Fractal aggregates in the atmosphere - J.M. Redondo,
           R.M. Gonzalez, and J.L. Cano                                 379,
     26. Morphology of disorder materials studied by multifractal
           analysis - J. Muller                                         397" } 
 Author = "Field, D. J.",
 Title = "Scale-invariance and self-similar `wavelet' transforms: An
    analysis of natural scenes and mammalian visual systems",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "151-194",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "The processing of spatial patterns by the mammalian visual
    system shows a number of similarities to the `wavelet transforms'
    which have recently attracted considerable interest outside of the
    study of sensory systems.  This paper looks at the question of why
    this strategy of representing the visual environment would evolve.
    It is proposed that natural scenes are approximately scale invariant
    with regards to both their power and phase spectra, and as such
    wavelet-like transforms are capable of producing a sparse, informative
    representation of these images.  It is suggested that self-similar
    codes like the wavelet are effective for so many natural phenomena
    because such phenomena show similar structures to those found in these
    natural scenes." }
 Author = "Flandrin, P.",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis and synthesis of fractional Brownian motion",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "????" }
 Author = "Fournier, Aime",
 Title = "Wavelet representation of lower-atmospheric long nonlinear wave
   dynamics, governed by the Benjamin-Davis-Ono-Burgers equation",
 Year = "1995",
 Institution = "Yale Univ. Physics Dept. and Dept. of Geology and Geophysics,
   POB 208109, New Haven, CT 06520-8109",
 URL = "",
 Size = "492,302",
 Pages = "10",
 Abstract = "A modified technique is presented for projecting a large
   class of nonlinear PDEs with respect to (x,t) onto a finite number
   of ODEs with respect to t.  Improved description compared to standard
   finite-difference or Fourier spectral methods involves using an
   orthonormal basis of wavelet functions.  Whereas Fourier projection
   represents the interaction between spatial scales throughout the
   x-domain, wavelet representation does the same locally.  This
   technique is applied to solving the BDO-Burgers equation." }
 Editor = "Fournier, Alain",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Wavelets and their applications in computer graphics",
 Institution = "Univ. of British Columbia",
 Year = "1994",
 URL = "",
 Size = "2,519,265",
 Pages = "162",
 Keyword = "wavelets, computer graphics",
 Abstract = "These are notes from a course on wavelets given at SIGGRAPH '94.
    The sections include an introduction, multiresolution and wavelets,
    wavelets, signal compression and image processing, curves and surfaces,
    wavelet radiosity, and applications.  Their is a software package
    associate with this document (./wvlt_r1_3.shar.saveme)." }
 Author = "Gagnon, L. and J. M. Lina",
 Email = ";",
 Title = "Wavelets and numerical split-step method:  A global
    adaptive scheme",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "jun",
 Number = "UdeM-PHYSNUM-ANS-16",
 Institution = "Groupe PHYSNUM, Labo. de Phys. Nucl., Universit{\'e}
    de Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, H3C 3J7, Canada",
 URL = "",
 Size = "440,399",
 Pages = "33",
 Abstract = "This proposes and studies a way of implementing global
    adaptive discretization in the symmetrized split-step method using
    complex symmetric Daubechies' wavelets.  The scheme is based on
    the interpolation properties of the corresponding scaling functions
    and is aplied on nonlinear Schr{\'o}dinger type equations." } 
 Author = "Gamage, Nimal and William Blumen",
 Title = "Comparative analysis of low--level cold fronts:  Wavelet, Fourier,
   and empirical orthogonal function decompositions",
 Journal = "Monthly Weather Review",
 Volume = "121",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "2867--2878",
 Abstract = "The relative merits of using both global and local (with respect
    to the span of a basis element) transforms to depict cold--front features
    are explored.  It is concluded that the wavelet or local transform provides
    a superior representation of frontal phenomena when compared with global
    transform methods."
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Gamage, N. and C. Hagelberg",
 Title = "Detection and analysis of microfronts and associated
   coherent events using localized transforms",
 Journal = "J. Atmos. Sci.",
 Volume = "50",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "750--756" }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Gambis, D.",
 Title = "Wavelet transform analysis of the length of the day and the
   El Nino/Southern Oscillation variations at intraseasonal and
   interannual time scales",
 Journal = "Ann. Geophys.",
 Volume = "10",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "429--437" }
 Author = "Gao, H.-Y.",
 Title = "Wavelet estimation of spectral densities in time series",
 Institution = "University of California, Berkeley",
 Year = "1993",
 Note = "I don't have this nor do I know how to get it."
 Author = "Gao, W. and B. L. Li",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of coherent structures at the atmosphere--forest
 Journal = "J. Appl. Meteorol.",
 Volume = "32",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "1717--1725",
 Keyword = "coherent structures, wavelets" }
 Author = "Gilbert, John E.",
 Title = "Wavelets:  Theory and applications",
 Year = "1992",
 Institution = "University of Texas",
 URL = "",
 Size = "473,166 bytes",
 Pages = "66",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Note = "The last time I checked (Jan. 1995) this was no longer at
    the above address.  You might want to contact the author if you
    really want the thing.",
 Abstract = "These are lecture notes for a course on wavelet analysis.
    The first part covers Fourier analysis on Euclidean space and the
    second wavelet analysis including such topics as the continuous
    wavelet transform, pre-historic wavelets, image analysis and
    multi-resolution, splines as pre-wavelets, and Daubechies
    reconstruction." }
 Author = "Glowinski, Roland and Wayne Lawton and Michel Ravachol and
    Eric Tenenbaum",
 Title = "Wavelet solutions of linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic
    and hyperbolic problems in one space dimension",
 Booktitle = "Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering",
 Editor = "Roland Glowinski and Alain Lichnewsky",
 Publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics",
 Note = "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computing
    Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "55--120",
 Abstract = "This discusses the Daubechies wavelet solution of boundary
    value problems and initial boundary value problems for ordinary and
    partial differential equations in one space dimension.  The theoretical
    and numerical results suggest that for the above class of problems
    wavelets provide a robust and accurate alternative to more traditional
    methods such as finite differences and finite elements." }
 Author =  "Glowinski, Roland and T. W. Pan and Raymond O. Wells, Jr. and 
    Xiaodong Zhou",
 Title =  "Wavelet and finite element solutions for the Neumann problem
    using fictitious domains",
 Number = "TR92-01",
 Year =   "1993",
 Month = "aug",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "385,687",
 Pages =  "36",
 Keyword =  "wavelets, finite elements",
 Abstract =  "The boundary value problem is formulated for an open domain
   with a rectifiable boundary of any shape which is embedded in a larger
   and simpler domain (usually rectilinear in shape).  The elliptic boundary
   value problem in the original domain is reformulated in a weak form
   as an integral equation in the larger domain, which involves introducing
   a regularization (or penalty) parameter.  Solutions depending on this
   parameter converge to solutions of the original equation as the parameter
   converges to zero.  Both wavelet and finite element Galerkin methods are
   used for numerical approximations in the larger domain for fixed and small
   values of the parameter, in which fast periodic solvers can be implemented
   due to its rectinlinearity." }
 Author =  "Glowinski, Roland and Andreas Rieder and Raymond O. Wells, Jr. and 
    Xiaodong Zhou",
 Title =  "A wavelet multilevel method for Dirichlet boundary value problems
   in general domains",
 Year =   "1993",
 Month = "sep",
 Number = "9306",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "144,071",
 Pages =  "37",
 Keyword =  "wavelets",
 Abstract =  "A multilevel method for the efficient solution of the linear
   system arising from a Wavelet-Galerkin discretization of a Dirichlet
   boundary value problem via a penalty/fictitious domain formulation
   is presented.  The presence of the penalty term requires a modified
   coarse grid correction process to guarantee a convergence rate which
   is independent of the discretization step size.  Numerical experiments
   confirm the result." }
 Author = "Goldburg, Marc",
 Title = "Applications of wavelets to quantization and random process
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elect. Eng., Stanford Univ.",
 URL = "",
 Size = "1,099,639 bytes",
 Pages = "164",
 Abstract = "This thesis examines the utility of the wavelet transform
   for three different signal processing applications:  the representation
   of continuously indexed random processes; transform vector quantization
   systems; and partial representations and subband coding of discretely
   indexed random processes." }
 Author = "Gollmer, Steven",
 Title = "DAUBWAVE.DOC",
 Year = "1992",
 Month = "oct",
 URL = "",
 Psize = "71,680 bytes",
 File = "daubwave.doc",
 Size = "34,803",
 Pages = "15",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "The purpose of this program is to perform wavelet based operations
    on a data set.  It should be useful in learning orthogonal wavelet 
    analysis as well as data analysis using orthogonal wavelets.  This program
    uses orthogonal wavelet analysis based on Daubechies' derived 
    coefficients.  This manual details how to perform wavelet transforms
    and inverse transforms using the program as well as how to use band pass,
    low pass, high pass, and notch filters." }
 Author = "Gollmer, S. and Harshvardhan and R. F. Cahalan and J. B.
 Title = "Windowed and wavelet analysis of marine stratocumulus
   cloud inhomogeneity",
 Journal = "J. Atmos. Sci.",
 Volume = "52",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "3013--3030" }
 Author = "Gopinath, Ramesh A.",
 Title = "Wavelets and filter banks - New results and applications",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251",
 URL = "",
 Size = "1,340,089 bytes",
 Pages = "270",
 Abstract = "Wavelet transforms provide a new technique for time--scale
   analysis of non--stationary signals.  Wavelet analysis uses orthonormal
   bases in which computations can be done efficiently with multirate
   systems known as filter banks.  This thesis develops a comprehensive
   set of tools for multidimensional multirate signal analysis and uses
   them to investigate two multirate systems:  filter banks and
   transmultiplexers.  Also described are the design of optimal wavelets
   for signal representation and the wavelet sampling theorem.  Application
   of wavelets in signal interpolation and in the approximation of linear--
   translation invariant operators is investigated." }
 Author = "Gopinath, R. A. and C. S. Burrus",
 Title = "Wavelet-based lowpass/bandpass interpolation",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-06",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, 
    TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "92,999",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Gopinath, R. A. and C. S. Burrus",
 Title = "On the correlation structure of multiplicity M scaling functions
    and wavelets",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-19",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, 
    TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "57,763",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Gopinath, Ramesh A. and C. S. Burrus",
 Title = "Wavelets and filter banks",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-20",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251",
 URL = "",
 Size = "210,708 bytes",
 Pages = "48",
 Abstract = "Wavelet and short-time Fourier analysis is introduced in the
    context of frequency decompositions.  Wavelet type frequency 
    decompositions are associated with filter banks, and using this
    fact, filter bank theory is used to construct multiplicity M wavelet
    frames and tight frames.  Efficient computational structures for both
    filter banks and wavelets are discussed." }
 Author = "Gopinath, R. A. and C. S. Burris",
 Title = "A tutorial overview of filter banks, wavelets and
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "TR93-01",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251",
 URL = "",
 Size = "65,365",
 Pages = "4",
 Keyword = "wavelets, filter banks",
 Abstract = "This reviews the theoretical and practical correspondences
    between wavelets and filter banks." } 
 Author = "Goubet, Olivier",
 Title = "Construction of approximate inertial manifolds using wavelets",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "23",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "1455--1481",
 Abstract = "Approximate inertial manifolds are constructed for a class of
    dissipative evolution equations.  The innovation is that these manifolds
    are defined as graphs on orthonormal wavelet bases." }
 Author = "Grossmann, A. and R. Kronland-Martinet and J. Morlet",
 Title = "Reading and understanding continuous wavelet transforms",
 Editor = "Combes, J. M. and A. Grossman and Ph. Tchamitchian",
 Title = "Wavelets:  Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space",
 Publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "2--20",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "An introduction to continuous wavelet transforms and a
    description of the representation methods that have evolved.
    Also discusses the influence of the choice of the wavelet in the
    interpretation of wavelet transforms." }
 Author = "Harrod, William J. and James G. Nagy and Robert J. Plemmons",
 Title = "Image restoration using fast Fourier and wavelet transforms",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Cray Res., Inc., Eagan, MN 55121",
 URL = "",
 Size = "359,959",
 Pages = "16",
 Keyword = "wavelets, image processing, FFT",
 Abstract = "Image restoration can be modeled as a discrte, ill-posed,
    2D inverse problem which can be solved by a preconditioned conjugate
    gradient least squares algorithm.  The preconditioning is usually
    accomplished via FFT techniques, but for some situations this is
    not viable.  The possible use of wavelet transform based conjugate
    gradient iterative methods of solution are thus explored." }
 Author = "Haynes, P. H. and W. A. Norton",
 Title = "Quantification of scale cascades in the stratosphere using
    wavelet transforms",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "229--234",
 Keyword = "wavelets, image analysis",
 Abstract = "The wavelet transform is applied to analyse stirring in the
    atmosphere.  This reveals that small scale filamentary structure found
    in mid-latitudes does not occur inside the polar vortex." }
 Author = "Healy, D. M. and J. B. Weaver",
 Title = "Two applications of wavelet transforms in magnetic resonance
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "840--862" } 
 Author = "Heil, Christopher",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Methods of solving dilation equations",
 Booktitle = "Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis with
 Editor = "J. S. Byrnes et al.",
 Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Pub.",
 Series = "NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C:  Math. Phys. Sci.",
 Number = "372",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "161--200",
 URL = "",
 Size = "166,232",
 Keyword = "wavelets, dilation equations",
 Abstract = "This paper discusses solving a general dilation equation to
    find a scaling function and determining when such a scaling function
    will generate a multiresolution analysis.  Two methods for solving
    dilation equations are presented, one involving the use of the Fourier
    transform and one operating in the time domain using linear algebra.
    This paper is also available via anonymous ftp." }
 Author = "Heil, Christopher and David Colella",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Dilation equations and the smoothness of compactly supported
 Booktitle = "Wavelets:  Mathematics and Applications",
 Editor = "J. Benedetto and M. Frazier",
 Publisher = "CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "161--200",
 URL = "",
 Size = "212,761",
 Keyword = "wavelets, dilation equations",
 Abstract = "This discusses the construction of compactly supported wavelets
    with specified amounts of smoothness, which reduces to the construction
    of scaling functions, i.e. solutions of dilation equations.  This article
    characterizes all smooth, compactly supported scaling functions in terms
    of a joint spectral radius of two matrices constructed from the
    coefficients of the dilation equation.  Numerous examples are provided.
    This paper is also available via anonymous ftp." }
 Author = "Heil, C. E. and D. F. Walnut",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Continuous and discrete wavelet transforms",
 Journal = "SIAM Review",
 Volume = "31",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "628--666",
 URL = "",
 Size = "182,588",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This is an expository survey of results on integral
    representations and discrete sum expansions of functions in terms
    of coherent states.  Two types of coherent states are considered:
    Weyl-Heisenberg coherent states, which arise from translations and
    modulations of a single function, and affine coherent states, called
    ``wavelets'', which arise as translations and dilations of a single
    function.  This paper is also available via anonymous ftp." }
 Author = "Herley, Cormac and Martin Vetterli",
 Title = "Orthogonal time-varying filter banks and wavelet packets",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "2650--2663",
 Abstract = "The construction of orthogonal time-varying filter
   banks is considered.  A set of orthogonal boundary filters is
   constructed that allows the filter bank to be applied to one-sided
   or finite-length signals without redundancy or distortion." }
 Author = "Hertaux, F. and F. Planchon and M. V. Wickerhauser",
 Title = "Scale decomposition in Burgers' equation",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets:  Mathematics and Applications",
 Editor = "?",
 Publisher = "CRC Press",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "505--523" }
 Author = "Hlawatsch, F. and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels",
 Title = "Linear and quadratic time-frequency signals representations",
 Journal = "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine",
 Volume = "?",
 Year = "1992",
 Month = "apr",
 Pages = "21--67",
 Keyword = "time-frequency signal representations, wavelets, short-time
    Fourier transform, Wigner distribution, ambiguity function",
 Abstract = "This is a tutorial reviewing both linear and quadratic
    representations of time-frequency signals.  The linear representations
    discussed are the short-time Fourier transform and the wavelet transform.
    The section on quadratic representations concentrates on the Wigner
    distribution, the ambiguity function, smoothed version of the Wigner
    distribution, and various classes of quadratic time-frequency
    representations." }
 Author = "Hlawatsch, Franz and Werner Kozek",
 Title = "Time-frequency projection filters and time-frequency signal
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "3321--3334" }
 Author = "Hunt, J.C.R. and N.K.-R. Kevlahan and J. C. Vassilicos
    and M. Farge",
 Title = "Wavelets, fractals and Fourier transforms:  Detection and
    analysis of structure",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "1--38",
 Keyword = "wavelets, fractals, Fourier transforms",
 Abstract = "An introduction to some of the underlying ideas behind the
    different techniques of describing complete signals in terms of
    wavelets and Fourier transforms or only certain of their properties
    using fractals." }
 Author = "Hwang, Wen-Liang",
 Title = "Singularity detection, noise reduction and multifractal
   characterization using wavelets",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Dept. of Comp. Sci., New York Univ.",
 URL = "",
 Psize = "3,462,116 bytes",
 File = "(see comments)",
 Size = "(see comments)",
 Pages = "109",
 Keyword = "wavelets, fractals, noise reduction",
 Abstract = "The document is contained in parts in 4 directories within
   the package and must be processed using LaTeX and dvips.  The final
   PostScript source code file is huge." }
 Author = "Jameson, Leland",
 Title = "On the spline-based wavelet differentiation matrix",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "93-80",
 Institution = "Inst. for Comp. Appl. in Sci. and Eng., NASA Langley
    Res. Cent., Hampton, VA 23681",
 URL = "",
 Size = "83,531",
 Pages = "35",
 Abstract = "The differentiation matrix for a spline-based wavelet basis
    will be constructed.  An nth order spline basis will be proven to
    be accurate of order 2n+2 when periodic boundary conditions are
    assumed.  This accuracy is lost with other boundary conditions.
    It is shown that spline-based bases generate a class of compact
    finite-difference schemes." }
 Author = "Jameson, Leland",
 Title = "On the differentiation matrix for Daubechies-based wavelets
    on an interval",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "93-94",
 Institution = "Inst. for Comp. Appl. in Sci. and Eng., NASA Langley
    Res. Cent., Hampton, VA 23681",
 URL = "",
 Size = "106,039",
 Pages = "34",
 Abstract = "The differentiation matrix for a Daubechies-based wavelet
     basis defined on an interval will be constructed.  The differentiation
     matrix based on the currently available boundary constructions does
     not maintain the superconvergence encountered under periodic 
     boundary conditions." }
 Author = "Jameson, Leland",
 Title = "On the Daubechies-based wavelet differentiation matrix",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "93-95",
 Institution = "Inst. for Comp. Appl. in Sci. and Eng., NASA Langley
    Res. Cent., Hampton, VA 23681",
 URL = "",
 Size = "116,409",
 Pages = "51",
 Abstract = "The differentiation matrix for a Daubechies-based wavelet
     basis will be constructed and superconvergence will be proven for
     periodic boundary conditions.  It is illustrated that Daubechies-
     based wavelet methods are equivalent to finite difference methods
     with grid refinement in regions of the domain where small-scale
     structure is present." }
 Author = "Jameson, Leland",
 Title = "On the wavelet optimized finite difference method",
 Year = "1994",
 Number = "94-09",
 Institution = "Inst. for Comp. Appl. in Sci. and Eng., NASA Langley
    Res. Cent., Hampton, VA 23681",
 URL = "",
 Size = "674,125",
 Pages = "45",
 Abstract = "This introduces a wavelet-optimized finite difference method
    which is equivalent to a wavelet method in its multiresolution approach
    but which does not suffer from difficulties with nonlinear terms and
    boundary conditions, since all calculations are done in physical space.
    With this method an arbitrarily good approximation to a conservative
    difference method for solving nonlinear conservation laws can be
    obtained." }
 Author =  "Jawerth, Bjorn and Wim Sweldens",
 Title =  "Wavelet multiresolution analyses adapted for the fast solution
   of boundary value ordinary differential equations",
 Year =   "1993",
 Institution =  "University of South Carolina",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "154,619 bytes",
 Pages =  "15",
 Abstract =  "Ideas on how to use wavelets in the solution of boundary value
   ODEs.  Rather than using classical wavelets, they are adapted so that
   they become (bi)orthogonal with respect to the inner product defined by
   the operator.  The stiffness matrix in a Galerkin method then becomes
   diagonal and can thus be trivially inverted. One can construct an
   O(N) algorithm for various constant and variable coefficient operators." }
 Author =  "Jawerth, Bjorn and Wim Sweldens",
 Title =  "An overview of wavelet based multiresolution analyses",
 Year =   "Feb. 8, 1993",
 Institution =  "University of South Carolina",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "142,288 bytes",
 Pages =  "39",
 Abstract =  "An overview of some wavelet based multiresolution analyses
   is given.  First, the continuous wavelet transform in its simplest
   form is discussed, then the definition of multiresolution analysis is
   given and it is shown how wavelets fit into it.  Also discussed are
   the fast wavelet transform, wavelets on closed sets, multidimensional
   wavelets, and wavelet packets, and several examples of wavelet families
   are given and compared." }
 Author = "Joly, P. and Y. Maday and V. Perrier",
 Title = "Towards a method for solving partial differential equations
   by using wavelet packet bases",
 Journal = "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering",
 Volume = "116",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "301--307" }
 Author = "Jones, J.G. and P.G. Earwicker and G.W. Foster",
 Title = "Multiple-scale correlation detection, wavelet transforms and
    multifractal turbulence",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "235--250",
 Keyword = "wavelets, turbulence",
 Abstract = "This first describes a re-interpretation of the equation for
    the wavelet transform in terms of a process of discrete feature
    extraction via correlation detection.  Then features are extracted
    using this method from measured samples of atmospheric turbulence
    and are subjected to statistical analysis.  Basis indices which
    characterize the fractal structure of the turbulence are derived and
    the multifractal nature of the turbulence confirmed." }
 Author = "Kautsky, Jaroslav",
 Title = "An algebraic construction of discrete wavelet transforms",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "School of Information Sci. and Tech., Flinders Univ.,
    GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia",
 URL = "",
 Size = "204,768",
 Pages = "18",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Discrete wavelets are viewed as linear algebraic transforms
    given by banded orthogonal matrices which can be built up from small matrix
    blocks satisfying certain conditions.  A generalization of the finite
    support Daubechies wavelets is discussed and some special cases promising
    more rpaid signal reduction are derived." }
 Author = "Kautsky, Jaroslav and Radka Turcajov{\'a}",
 Title = "Discrete biorthogonal wavelet transforms as block circulant
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "School of Information Sci. and Tech., Flinders Univ.,
    GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia",
 URL = "",
 Size = "158,125",
 Pages = "12",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "A complete characterization of banded block circulant matrices
    with banded inverse is derived by factorizations similar to those used
    for orthogonal matrices of this kind.  Matrices of this type appear in
    the description of the action of perfect reconstruction filter banks as
    well as biorthogonal higher multiplicity wavelet transforms." }
 Author = "Kautsky, Jaroslav and Radka Turcajov{\'a}",
 Title = "Pollen product factorization and construction of higher
    multiplicity wavelets",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "School of Information Sci. and Tech., Flinders Univ.,
    GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia",
 URL = "",
 Size = "164,210",
 Pages = "12",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This describes a simple, explicit and numerically reliable
    algorithm for construction of regular higher multiplicity wavelets.
    The existence and uniqueness of the factorization of wavelet matrices
    with respect to the Pollen product is also resolved." }
 Author = "Kolaczyk, Eric D.",
 Title = "Wavelet methods for the inversion of certain homogeneous
   linear operators in the presence of noisy data",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "oct",
 Institution = "Stanford Univ.",
 URL = "",
 Size = "433,249",
 Pages = "152",
 Keyword = "wavelets, inverse methods",
 Abstract = "This explores the use of wavelets in certain linear inverse
   problems with discrete, noisy data, i.e. ill-posed problems where small
   changes in the data may lead to large changes in the recovered field.
   The theoretical framework is that of wavelet-vaguelette decomposition
   (WVD), where wavelets and vaguelettes (almost wavelets) are used to
   decompose the operator.  The primary motivation for this work is that
   of attacking the problem of reconstructing images from tomographic
   data using wavelets.  Note:  In addition to the text, the site also
   contains 10 PostScript figures that were separated from the text." }
 Editor = "Koornwinder, Tom H.",
 Title = "Wavelets:  An Elementary Treatment of Theory and Applications",
 Publisher = "World Scientific",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "225",
 LOC = "QA 403.3 W385 1993",
 ISBN = "981-02-1388-3",
 Note = "
\item Wavelets:  first steps - N. M. Temme
\item Wavelets:  Mathematical preliminaries - P. W. Hemker,
   T. H. Koornwinder, N. M. Temme
\item The continuous wavelet transform - T. H. Koornwinder
\item Discrete wavelets and multiresolution analysis - H. J. A. M. Heijmans
\item Image compression using wavelets - P. Nacken
\item Computing with Daubechies wavelets - A. B. O. Daalhuis
\item Wavelet bases adapted to inhomogeneous cases - P. H. Hemker and
   F. Plantevin
\item Conjugate gradient filters for multiresolution analysis and
   synthesis - E. H. Dooijes
\item Calculation of the wavelet decomposition using quadrature
   formulae - W. Sweldens and R. Piessens
\item Fast wavelet transforms and Calderon-Zygmund operators -
   T. H. Koornwinder
\item The finite wavelet transform with an application to seismic
   processing - J. A. H. Alkemade
\item Wavelets understand fractals - M. Hazewinkel
\end{enumerate}" }
 Author = "Kreinovich, Vladik and Ongard Sirisaengtaksin and Sergio Cabrera",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Wavelet neural networks are optimal approximators for functions
   of one variable",
 Year = "1992",
 Institution = "Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968",
 URL = "",
 Size = "90,812 bytes",
 Pages = "33",
 Keyword = "neural networks, wavelets",
 Abstract = "It is shown that for some special neurons, neural networks
   are optimal approximators for functions of one variable in the sense 
   that they require the smallest possible number of bits that must be
   stored to reconstruct a function with a given precision." }
 Author = "Kronland-Martinet, R. and J. Morlet and A. Grossmann",
 Title = "Analysis of sound patterns through wavelet transform",
 Journal = "Int. J. Pattern Recognition and Artif. Intell.",
 Volume = "?",
 Year = "1987",
 Pages = "273--302" }
 Author = "Kumar, Praveau and Efi Foufoula--Georgiou",
 Title = "A new look at rainfall fluctuations and scaling properties of
    spatial rainfall using orthogonal wavelets",
 Journal = "J. Appl. Meteorol.",
 Volume = "32",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "209--222" }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Kumar, P. and E. Foufoula-Georgiou",
 Title = "A multicomponent decomposition of spatial rainfall fields.
   I. Segregation of large and small-scale features using wavelet
 Journal = "Water Resources Res.",
 Volume = "29",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "2515--2532" }
 Author = "Kwong, Man Kam and P. T. Peter Tang",
 Email = "[kwong,tang]",
 Title = "W-matrices, nonorthogonal multiresolution analysis, and
   finite signals of arbitrary length",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Math. and Comp. Sci. Div., Argonne National Lab.,
   Argonne, IL 60439-4844",
 URL = "",
 Size = "590,729",
 Pages = "24",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This proposes a new class of discrete transforms that
   includes the classical Haar and Daubechies wavelet transforms.
   The new class treats the endpoints of a signal differently than
   conventional techniques and allows efficient handling of signals
   of any length." }
 Author = "Kwong, Man Kam and P. T. Peter Tang",
 Email = "[kwong,tang]",
 Title = "MATLAB implementation of W-matrix multiresolution analysis",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Math. and Comp. Sci. Div., Argonne National Lab.,
   Argonne, IL 60439-4844",
 URL = "",
 Size = "107,235",
 Pages = "39",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Presents a MATLAB toolbox for multiresolution analysis
   based on the W-transform.  The toolbox contains basic commands to
   perform forward and inverse transforms on finite 1D and 2D signals
   of arbitrary length, to perform multiresolution analysis of
   given signals to a specified number of levels, to visualize the
   wavelet decomposition, and to do compression.  Examples are
   discussed." }
 Author = "Laine, Andrew and Jian Fan",
 Title = "An adaptive approach for texture segmentation by multi-channel
    wavelet frames",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "25",
 Institution = "Univ. of Florida",
 URL = "",
 Size = "1,310,748",
 Pages = "?",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This introduces an adaptive approach for texture feature
    extraction based on multi-channel wavelet frames and two-dimensional
    envelope detection. Representations obtained from both standard wavelets
    and wavelet packets are evaluated for reliable texture segmentation.
    Algorithms for envelope detection based on  edge detection and the 
    Hilbert transform  are presented. Analytic filters are selected  
    for each technique based on performance evaluation. A K-means clustering
    algorithm was used to test the performance of each representation feature
    set.  Experimental results for both natural textures and synthetic 
    textures are shown." }
 Author =  "LaKey, Joseph D.",,
 Title =  "Lecture notes, Math 391 C, Fall 1993",
 Year =   "1993",
 Institution =  "University of Texas",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "656,740 bytes",
 Pages =  "178",
 Note = "The last time I checked (Jan. 1995) this was longer longer
   available at the given address.  You might want to check with the
   author if you really want this.",
 Abstract =  "These are notes for a course on wavelets given by Dr. Joseph
   LaKey at the University of Texas during Fall 1993.  In addition to the
   dvi file, there are 19 additional postscript figure files at the same
   site.  The dvi file is processed using the dvips utility to create a
   postscript file containing both text and figures." }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Lau, K.-M. and Hengyi Weng",
 Title = "Climate signal detection using wavelet transform: How to
   make a time series sing",
 Journal = "BAMS",
 Volume = "76",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "2391--2402",
 Abstract = "The application of the wavelet transform (WT) to climate time
   series analyses is introduced.  A tutorial description of the basic
   concept of WT, compared with similar concepts used in music, is also
   provided (whence the title).  Using an analogy between WT representation
   of a time sereis and a music score, the authors illustrate the
   importance of local versus global information in the time-frequency
   localization of climate signals.  Examples of WT applied to climate data
   analysis are demonstrated using analytic signals as well as real
   climate time series.  Results of WT applied to two climate time
   series--that is, a proxy paleoclimate time series with a 2.5-Myr
   deep-sea sediment record of delta O18 and a 140-yr monthly record of
   Northern Hemisphere surface temperature--are presented.  The former
   shows the presence of a 40-kyr and a 100-kyr oscillation and an
   abrupt transition in the oscillation regime at 0.7 Myr before the
   present, consistent with previous studies.  The latter possesses
   a myriad of oscillatory modes from interannual (2-5 yr),
   interdecadal (10-12 yr, 20-25 yr, and 40-60 yr), and
   century (180 yr) scales at different periods of the data record.
   In spite of the large difference in timescales, common features
   in time-frequency characteristics of these two time series have
   been identified.  These features suggest that the variations of
   the earth's climate are consistent with those exhibited by a nonlinear
   dynamical system under external forcings." }
 Author = "Learned, Rachel E. and Alan S. Willsky",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Wavelet packet approach to transient signal classification",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elect. Eng. and Comp. Sci. and the Lab. for Information
   and Decision Systems, Room 35-439, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge,
   MA 02139",
 URL = "",
 Size = "329,878 bytes",
 Pages = "55",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This describes an investigation to explore the feasibility
   of applying the wavelet packet transform to automatic detection and
   classification of a specific set of transient signals in background
   noise.  In particular, a noncoherent wavelet-packet-based algorithm
   specific to the detection and classification of underwater acoustic
   signals generated by snapping shrimp and sperm whale clicks is
   proposed." }
 Author = "Lemarie-Rieusset, Pierre Gilles",
 Title = "Projection operators in multiresolution analysis",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "59--76",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "Describes various ways to deal with a bi--orthogonal multiresolution
    analysis." }
 Author = "Lewis, A. S. and G. Knowles",
 Title = "Video compression using 3d wavelet transforms",
 Journal = "Electron. Lett.",
 Volume = "26",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "396--398" }
 Author = "Liandrat, J. and F. Moret-Bailly",
 Title = "The wavelet transform:  Some applications to fluid dynamics
   and turbulence",
 Journal = "Eur. J. Mech., B/Fluids",
 Vol = "9",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "1--19",
 Keyword = "wavelets, turbulence",
 Abstract = "In this paper the basic definitions and the most attractive
   properties of the wavelet transform are reviewed and explained using
   the classical language of turbulence.  It is shown that the wavelet
   transform appears to be a natural alternative to the decompositions
   commonly used in fluid dynamics and turbulence (i.e. Fourier decomposition).
   Some especially interesting properties of the wavelet transform for 
   interpretation or numerical approximation of turbulence are demonstrated
   on experimentally or numerically generated signal examples." }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Liu, P. C.",
 Title = "Wavelet spectrum analysis and ocean waves",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets in Geophysics",
 Editor = "E. Foufoula and P. Kumar",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "151--166" }
 Author =  "Luettgen, Mark R.",
 Title =  "Image processing with multiscale stochastic models",
 Year =   "May 1993",
 Institution =  "Dept. of Elect. Eng. and Comp. Sci. M.I.T.",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "2,085,899 bytes",
 Pages =  "217",
 Abstract =  "Image processing algorithms and applications for a particular
   class of multiscale models are developed.  These algorithms are shown
   to be related to wavelets and to be usable in the context of regularizing
   ill-posed inverse problems at a significant computational savings.  It is
   concluded that the multiscale paradigm is a powerful paradigm for image
   processing because of the efficient algorithms it admits and the rich
   class of phenomena it can be used to describe." }
%% 1/25/96
 Author = "Mak, Mankin",
 Title= "Orthogonal wavelet analysis:  Interannual variability in the
    sea surface temperature",
 Journal = "Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc.",
 Volume = "76",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "2179--2186",
 Abstract = "The unique capability of orthogonal wavelets, which have
   attractive time-frequency localization properties as exemplified
   by the Meyer wavelet, is demonstrated in a diagnosis of the
   interannual variability using a 44-year dataset of the sea surface
   temperature (SST).  This wavelet analysis is performed in conjunction
   with an empirical orthogonal function analysis and a Fourier analysis
   to illustrate their complementary capability.  The focus of this
   article is on the equatorial Pacific SST, which is known to have
   far-reaching impacts on short-term climate variability.  The Meyer
   spectrum brings to light intriguing episodic characteristics of
   three separate sequences of El Nino (abnormally warm) and La Nina
   (abnormally cold) events during the past 42 years.  It quantifies
   the relative contributions to the variability associated with
   different frequency ranges at different times.  Through a wavelet
   cross-spectral analysis with the SST at an equatorial location and
   at a midlatitude location in the Pacific Ocean, the planetary character
   of the SST field associated with such events is also illustrated." }
 Author = "Mallat, S. G.",
 Title = "A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition:  The wavelet
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell.",
 Volume = "11",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "674--693" }
 Author = "Mallat, S. and W. L. Hwang",
 Title = "Singularity detection and processing with wavelets",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Info. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "617--643" }
 Author = "Mallat, S. and S. Zhang",
 Title = "Matching pursuits with time-frequency dictionaries",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "41",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "3397--3415" }
 Author = "Mann, Steve and Simon Haykin",
 Title = "The chirplet transform:  A new signal analysis technique based
   on affine relationships in the time-frequency plane",
 Year = "1991",
 Institution = "M.I.T., 20 Ames St., Cambridge, MA 02139",
 URL = "",
 Size = "3,401,739 bytes",
 Pages = "46",
 Keyword = "chirplets, signal analysis",
 Abstract = "A multidimensional space is considered that includes both 
   the time-frequency and time-scale planes, which encompasses both the
   short-time Fourier and wavelet transforms as slices along the 
   time-frequency and time-scale axes, respectively.  Chirplets are 
   generalized wavelets, related to eachother by two-dimensional affine
   coordinate transformations (translations, dilations, rotations, and
   shears) in the time-frequency plane, as opposed to wavelets, related
   to each other by one-dimensional affine coordinate transformations
   in the time-domain only (translations and dilations).  Practical
   applications of chirplets in such areas as machine vision, image
   processing, and radar are discussed." }
 Author = "Mann, S. and S. Haykin",
 Title = "Adaptive ``chirplet'' transform:  an adaptive generalization
    of the wavelet transform",
 Journal = "Optical Eng.",
 Volume = "31",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "1243--1256" }
 Author = "McCormick, Kent and Raymond O. Wells, Jr.",
 Title = "Wavelet calculus and finite difference operators",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-02",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, 
    TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "85,285",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Meneveau, Charles",
 Title = "Analysis of turbulence in the orthonormal wavelet representation",
 Journal = "J. Fluid Mech.", 
 Volume = "232", 
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "469--520",
 Abstract = "A decomposition of turbulent velocity fields into modes that
    exhibit both localization in wavenumber and physical space is performed.
    This reviews some basic properties of such a decomposition, the wavelet
    transform.  The wavelet-transformed Navier-Stokes equations are derived
    and the kinetic energy and flux of kinetic energy are studied as 
    functions of scale and position." }
 Author = "Meneveau, C.",
 Title = "Wavelet analysis of turbulence:  The mixed energy cascade",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "251--264",
 Keyword = "wavelets, turbulence",
 Abstract = "The wavelet-transformed Navier-Stokes equations are used to
    define quantities such as the transfer of kinetic energy and the flux
    of kinetic energy by scale and position.  Direct numerical simulations
    are performed which show large spatial variability at every scale and
    non-Gaussian statistics.  The local energy flux exhibits large spatial
    intermittency and is often negative, indicating local inverse cascades." }
 Author = "Meyer, Y.
 Title = "Orthonormal wavelets",
 Editor = "Combes, J. M. and A. Grossman and Ph. Tchamitchian",
 Title = "Wavelets:  Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space",
 Publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
 Year = "1989",
 Pages = "21--37",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "A survey to help the scientific community to use wavelets as
   an alternative to the standard Fourier analysis." }
 Author = "Meyer, Yves",
 Title = "Wavelets and operators",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "35--58",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "Addresses the possibility of using wavelet analysis for
    studying operators." }
 Author = "Meyers, Steven D. and James J. O'Brien",
 Title = "Spatial and temporal 26-day SST variations in the equatorial
    Indian Ocean using wavelet analysis",
 Journal = GRL,
 Volume = "21",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "777--780",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Indian Ocean, SST",
 Abstract = "Two-year sea-surface temperature time series of satellite
     data at two sites in the equatorial Indian Ocean are examined for
     oscillations with periods 2-70 days using wavelet transforms." }
 Author = "Meyers, S. D. and B. G. Kelly and J. J. O'Brien",
 Title = "An introduction to wavelet analysis in oceanography and
    meteorology:  With application to the dispersoion of Yanai waves",
 Journal = "Monthly Weather Review",
 Volume = "121",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "2858--2866",
 Abstract = "Wavelet analysis, an important addition to standard signal
    analysis methods, is unlike Fourier analysis in that while the latter
    yields an average amplitude and phase for each harmonic, the former
    produces an ``instantaneous'' estimate or local value for the amplitude
    and phase of each harmonic.  This allows detailed study of nonstationary
    spatial or time--dependent signal characteristics.  The wavelet transform
    is discussed, examples are given, and some methods for preprocessing
    data for wavelet analysis are compared.  Yanai waves are studied using
    wavelet analysis."
 Author = "Misra, Manavendra and Terry Nichols",
 Email = ";",
 Title = "Computation of 2-D wavelet transforms on the Connection Machine-2",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "MCS9317",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sci., Colorado School of Mines,
    Golden, Colorado 80401",
 URL = "",
 Size = "135,136",
 Pages = "10",
 Abstract = "This discusses the parallel implementation of the 2-D
    Gabor based wavelet transform on the CM-2 machine." }
 Author = "Morlet, J. and G. Arens and I. Fourgeau and D. Giard",
 Title = "Wave propagation and sampling theory",
 Journal = "Geophysics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1982",
 Pages = "203--236" }
 Author = "Moulin, Pierre",
 Title = "Wavelet thresholding techniques for power spectrum estimation",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "3126--3136",
 Abstract = "Estimation of the power spectrum S(f) of a stationary
   random process can be viewed as a nonparametric statistical estimation
   problem.  We introduce a nonparametric approach based on a wavelet
   representation for the logarithm of the unknown S(f).  This approach
   offers the ability to capture statistically significant components
   of ln S(f) at different resolution levels and guarantees nonnegativity
   of the spectrum estimator.  The spectrum estimation problem is set up
   as a problem of inference on the wavelet coefficients of a signal
   corrupted by additive non-Gaussian noise.  We propose a wavelet
   thresholding technique to solve this problem under specified
   noise/resolution tradeoffs and show that the wavelet coefficients
   of the additive noise may be treated as independent random variables.
   The thresholds are computed using a saddle-point approximation to
   the distribution of the noise coefficients.}
 Author = "Muzy, J. F. and E. Barcy and A. Arneodo",
 Title = "Wavelets and multifractal formalism for singular signals:
    applications to turbulence data",
 Journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
 Volume = "67",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "3515--3518" }
 Author = "Nason, G. P.",
 Title = "Wavelet regression by cross-validation",
 Year = "Mar. 24, 1994",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Univ. of Bristol, University Walk,
    Bristol, BS8 1TW, U.K.",
 URL = "",
 Size = "312,417 bytes",
 Pages = "45",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This paper is about using wavelets for regression.  The main
    aim is to introduce and develop a cross-validation method for selecting
    a wavelet regression threshold that produces good estimates with respect
    to $L_2$ error.  The selected threshold determines which coefficients
    to keep in an orthogonal wavelet expansion of noisy data and acts in
    a similar way to a smoothing parameter in non-parametric regression." }
 Author = "Nason, G. P. and B. W. Silverman",
 Title = "The discrete wavelet transform in S",
 Journal = "J. of Computational and Graphical Statistics",
 Volume = "3",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "163--191" }
 Author = "Nason, G. P. and B. W. Silverman",
 Title = "The stationary wavelet transform and some statistical
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Univ. of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TW, UK",
 Year = "1995",
 URL = "",
 Size = "191,317",
 Pages = "19",
 Abstract = "The basics of the discrete wavelet transform are reviewed.
   A stationary wavelet transform, where the coefficient sequences are
   not decimated at each stage, is described.  Two different approaches
   to the construction of an inverse of the stationary wavelet transform
   are set out.  The application of the stationary wavelet transform
   as an exploratory statistical method is discussed, together with
   its potential use in nonparametric regression.  The technique is
   illustrate by application to data sets from astronomy and
   veterinary anatomy." }
 Author = "Newland, D. E.",
 Title = "An Introduction to Random Vibrations, Spectral \&
    Wavelet Analysis (Third Edition)",
 Publisher = "Longman Scientific \& Technical",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "477",
 ISBN = "0-470-22153-4",
 Note = "
\item Introduction to probability distributions and averages
  \item Probability density function
  \item Gaussian distribution
  \item Calculation of averages
  \item Probability distribution function
\item Joint probability distributions, ensemble averages
  \item Second-order probability functions
  \item Second-order averages
  \item Conditional probability
  \item Second-order Gaussian distribution
  \item Ensemble averaging
\item Correlation
  \item Autocorrelation
  \item Cross-correlation
\item Fourier analysis
  \item ourier integral
  \item Complex form of the Fourier transform
\item Spectral density
  \item Narrow band and broad band processes
  \item Spectral density of a derived process
  \item Cross-spectral density
  \item Note on the units of spectral density
\item Excitation -- response relations for linear systems
  \item Classical approach
  \item Frequency response method
  \item Impulse response method
  \item Relationship between the frequency response and impulse  
             response functions
  \item Calculation of response to an arbitrary input
\item Transission of random vibration
  \item Mean level
  \item Autocorrelation
  \item Spectral density
  \item Mean square response
  \item Cross-correlation
  \item Cross-spectral density
  \item Probability distributions
\item Statistics of narrow band processes
  \item Crossing analysis
  \item Distribution of peaks
  \item Frequency of maxima
\item Accuracy of measurements
  \item Analogue spectrum analysis
  \item Variance of the measurement
  \item Analaysis of finite length records
  \item Confidence limits
\item Digital spectral analysis I:  Discrete Fourier transforms
  \item Discrete Fourier transforms
  \item Fourier transforms of periodic functions
  \item Aliasing
  \item Calculation of spectral estimates
\item Digital spectral analysis II: Windows and smoothing
  \item Relationship between linear and circular correlation
  \item Fourier transform of a train of aperiodic functions
  \item Basic lag and spectral windows
  \item Smoothing spectral estimates
  \item Extending record length by adding zeros
  \item Summary
  \item Practical considerations
\item The fast Fourier transform
  \item Basic theory
  \item Sample calculation
  \item Programming flow charts
  \item Practical value of FFT
  \item Alternative algorithms
\item Pseudo random processes
  \item Random binary process
  \item Pseudo random binary signals
  \item Random multi-level process
  \item Spectrum of a multi-level process
  \item Generation of random numbers
  \item Synthesis of correlated noise sources
\item Application notes
  \item Response of a resonant mode to broad band excitation
  \item Fatigue and failure due to random vibration
  \item Excitation by random surface irregularities
  \item Simulation of random environments
  \item Frequency response function and coherency measurements
  \item Local spectral density calculations
  \item Weibull distribution of peaks
\item Multi-dimensional spectral analysis
  \item Two-dimensional Fourier series
  \item Properties of the two-dimensional DFT
  \item Spectral density of a multi-dimensional random process
  \item Discrete spectral density and circular correlation
             functions for a 2-D random process
  \item Two-dimensional windows
  \item Two-dimensional smoothing
  \item Artificial generation of a 2-D random process
  \item Generation of an isotropic surface
  \item Cross-spectral density between parallel tracks across
             a random surface
\item Response of continuous linear systems to stationary random
  \item Response to excitation applied at a point
  \item Reponse to distributed excitation
  \item Normal mode analysis
  \item Kinetic energy of a flat plate subjected to
             uncorrelated random excitation
  \item Single degree-of-freedom analogy
\item Discrete wavelet analysis
  \item Basic ideas
  \item Dilation equations
  \item Dilation wavelets
  \item Properties of the wavelet coefficients
  \item Circular wavelet transforms
  \item Discrete wavelet transforms
  \item Properties of the DWT
  \item Mean-square maps
  \item Convolution by wavelets
  \item Two-dimensional wavelet transforms
  \item Harmonic wavelets
  \item Discrete harmonic wavelet transform
  \item Concluding comments
\end{enumerate}" }
 Author = "Newland, David E.",
 Title = "Harmonic wavelet analysis",
 Journal = "Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A",
 Volume = "443",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "203--225",
 Abstract = "A new harmonic wavelet is suggested whose shape can be expressed
    in functional form.  Its frequency spectrum is confined exactly to
    an octave band so that it is compact in the frequency (rather than in
    the x) domain.  An efficient implementation of a discrete transform
    using this wavelet is based on the FFT.  Fourier coefficients are
    processed in octave bands to generate wavelet coefficients by an
    orthogonal transformation which is implemented by the FFT.  The same
    process works backwards for the inverse transform."
 Author = "Newland, David E.",
 Title = "Harmonic and musical wavelets",
 Journal = "Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A",
 Volume = "444",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "605--620" }
 Author = "Newland, David E.",
 Title = "Some properties of discrete wavelet maps",
 Journal = "Probabilisitic Eng. Mech.",
 Volume = "9",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "59--69" }
 Author = "Odegard, J. E. and R. A. Gopinath and C. S. Burrus",
 Title = "Optimal wavelets for signal decomposition and the existence of
    scale limited signals",
 Year = "1991",
 Number = "TR91-07",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, 
    TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "55,674",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Ogden, R. T.",
 Title = "Wavelet thresholding in nonparametric regression with change
   point application",
 Institution = "Texas A\&M University",
 Year = "1994" }
 Author = "{\"O}nsay, Taner and Alan G. Haddow",
 Title = "Wavelet transform analysis of transient wave propagation in
    a dispersive medium",
 Journal = JASA,
 Volume = "95",
 Pages = "1441--1449",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "The wavelet transform is applied to the analysis of transient   
    waves propagating in a dispersive medium.  The wavelet transform of the
    acceleration process of the transient flexural vibrations of an impact
    excited uniform beam resulted in a time-scale representation which
    provided a clear exposition of the time evolution of the spectral 
    components during the dispersion process.  Based on the examples,
    the advantanges and shortcomings of the wavelet transform are
    discussed." }
 Author = "Ozaktas, Haldun M. and Billur Barshan and David Mendlovic and
    Levent Onural",
 Title = "Convolution, filtering, and multiplexing in fractional Fourier
    domains and their relation to chirp and wavelet transforms",
 Journal = "J. Opt. Soc. Am. A",
 Volume = "11",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "547--559",
 Keyword = "Fourier transforms, fractinal Fourier transforms, wavelets,
 Abstract = "A concise introduction to the concept of fractional Fourier
    transforms is followed by a discussion of their relation to chirp and
    wavelet transforms.  The notion of fractional Fourier domains is
    developed in conjunction with the Wigner distribution of a signal.
    Convolution, filtering, and multiplexing of signals in fractional
    domains are discussed, revealing that under certain conditions one can
    improve on the special cases of these operations in the conventional
    space and frequency domains." } 
 Author = "Qian, Sam and John Weiss"
 Title = "Wavelets and the numerical solution of partial differential equations"
 Journal = "J. Comp. Phys."
 Volume = "106"
 Year = "1993"
 Pages =  "155--175"
 Note = "A numerical method for the solution of PDEs in nonseparable
    domains usings a wavelet-Galerkin solver with a nontrivial adaptation
    of the standard capacitance method is presented.  The numerical solutions
    exhibit spectral convergence at a rate that is independent of the
    geometry." }
 Author = "Rasmussen, H. O.",
 Title = "The wavelet Gibbs phenomenon",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "123--142",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Gibbs phenomenon", 
 Abstract = "This demonstrates the existence of a Gibbs phenomenon for
    the continuous wavelet transform.  An expression for the value of
    the overshoot is derived, and it is shown tha the reconstructed
    function may have a number of local extrema that do not disappear as
    more small-scale wavelets are included.  The wavelet overshoot is
    always less than the Fourier overshoot, and it is possible to choose
    the analysing wavelet such that there is no overshoot." }
 Author = "Restrepo, Juan Mario and Gary K. Leaf",
 Title = "Wavelet-Galerkin discretization of hyperbolic equations",
 Year = "1994",
 Number = "P448",
 Institution = "Math. and Comp. Sci. Div., Argonne National Lab.,
   Argonne, IL 60439",
 URL = "",
 Size = "356,406",
 Pages = "18",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Galerkin method",
 Abstract = "The relative merits of the wavelet-Galerkin solution of
   hyperbolic partial differential equations, typical of geophysical
   problems, are quantitatively and qualitatively compared to
   traditional finite difference and Fourier-pseudo-spectral methods.
   The wavelet-Galerkin solution presented here is found to be a viable
   alternative to the two conventional techniques." } 
 Author = "Restrepo, Juan Mario and Gary K. Leaf and George
 Title = "Periodized Daubechies wavelets",
 Year = "1994",
 Number = "P423",
 Institution = "Math. and Comp. Sci. Div., Argonne National Lab.,
   Argonne, IL 60439",
 URL = "",
 Size = "176,365",
 Pages = "33",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Dauchechies",
 Abstract = "The properties of periodized Daubechies wavelets on
   [0,1] are detailed.  Numerical examples illustrate the analytical
   estimates for convergence and demonstrate by comparison with
   Fourier spectral methods the superiority of wavelet projection
   methods for approximations." }
 Author =  "Rieder, Andreas",
 Title =  "Semi-algebraic multi-level methods based on wavelet
   decompositions I:  Application to two-point boundary value problems",
 Year =   "1993",
 Month = "apr",
 Number = "9304",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "107,701 bytes",
 Pages =  "31",
 Keyword =  "wavelets, boundary value problems",
 Abstract =  "The goal of this article is to clarify more precisely the
   vague but often indicated connection between wavelet and multi-grid
   theory.  As such, a multi-level method based on a wavelet approximation
   of the successive error of a classical iterative solver is presented.
   The resulting iteration is a hybrid between a purely algebraic
   multi-level technique and the usual multi-grid technique related to a
   discretization of an elliptic differential operator.  This new approach
   has the capacity to solve linear equations arising from the discretization
   of integral operators of the first kind by multi-level techniques." }
 Author =  "Rieder, Andreas and Raymond O. Wells, Jr. and Xiaodong Zhou",
 Title =  "A wavelet approach to robust multilevel solvers for anisotropic
   elliptic problems",
 Year =   "1993",
 Month = "oct",
 Institution =  "Computational Math. Lab., Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size =  "168,206 bytes",
 Pages =  "42",
 Keyword =  "wavelets, elliptic solvers",
 Abstract =  "A wavelet variation of the frequency decomposition multigrid
   (FDMGM) method is presented that allows a deeper analysis of this method.
   The orthogonality and multiresolution structure of wavelets yield the
   robustness of the additive as well as of the multiplicative version of
   the FDMGM relative to any intermediate level.  Aspects of the robustness
   of the multilevel scheme are discussed and numerical experiments used
   to confirm the theoretical results." }
 Author = "Rioul, Olivier",
 Title = "Simply regularity criteria for subdivision schemes",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "23",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "1544--1576",
 Abstract = "Convergent subdivision schemes arise in several fields of
    applied mathematics (computer-aided geometric design, fractals,
    compactly supported wavelets) and signal processing (multiresolution
    decomposition, filter banks).  In this paper, a polynomial description
    is used to study the existence of H\"older regularity of limit functions
    of binary subdivision schemes." }
 Author = "Rioul, O[livier] and P. Duhamel",
 Title = "Fast algorithms for the discrete and continuous wavelet
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Info. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "569--586" }
 Author = "Rioul, O[livier]. and M. Vetterli",
 Title = "Wavelets and signal processing",
 Journal = "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine",
 Year = "1991",
 Month = "oct",
 Pages = "14--37" }
 Editor = "Ruskai, Mary Beth and Gregory Beylkin and Ronald Coifman and
   Ingrid Daubechies and Stephane Mallat and Yves Meyer and Louise Raphael",
 Title = "Wavelets and Their Applications",
 Publisher = "Jones and Bartlett Publ.",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "474",
 LOC = "QA 403.5 W38 1992",
 ISBN = "0-86720-225-4",
 Note = "
\item Introduction
  \item Introduction - M. B. Ruskai
\item Signal analysis
  \item Wavelets and filter banks for discrete-time signal processing -
     M. Vetterli
  \item Wavelets for quincunx pyramid - J.-C. Feauveau
  \item Wavelet transform maxima and multiscale edges - S. Mallat
     and S. Zhong
  \item Wavelets and digital signal processing - A. Cohen
  \item Ridge and skeleton extraction from the wavelet transform -
     Ph. Tchamitchian and B. Torresani
  \item Wavelet analysis and signal processing - R. R. Coifman,
     Y. Meyer, and V. Wickerhauser
\item Numerical analysis
  \item Wavelets in numerical analysis - G. Beylkin, R. R. Coifman and
     V. Rokhlin
  \item Construction of simple multiscale bases for fast matrix
     operations - B. K. Alpert
  \item Numerical resolution of nonlinear PDEs using the
     wavelet approach - J. Liandrat, V. Perrier and Ph. Tchamitchian
\item Other applications
  \item The optical wavelet transform - A. Arneodo, F. Argoul, E. Freysz,
     J. F. Muzy and B. Pouligny
  \item The continuous wavelet transform of two-dimensional turbulent
     flows - M. Farge
  \item Wavelets and quantum mechanics - T. Paul and K. Seip
  \item Wavelets:  A renormalization group point of view - G. Battle
\item Theoretical developments
  \item Non-orthogonal wavelet and Gabor expansions, and group
     representations - H.G. Feichtinger and K. Grochenig
  \item Applications of the $\phi$ and wavelet transforms to the
     theory of function spaces - M. Frazier and B. Jawerth
  \item On cardinal spline-wavelets - C. K. Chui
  \item Wavelet bases for L$^2$(R) with rational dilation
     factor - P. Auscher
  \item Size properties of wavelet packets - R. R. Coifman,
     Y. Meyer and V. Wickerhauser
\end{enumerate}" }
 Author = "Saito, Naoki and Gregory Beylkin",
 Title = "Multiresolution representations using the auto-correlation functions
   of compactly supported wavelets",
 Year = "Jan. 9, 1992",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT 06520",
 URL = "",
 Size = "493,997 bytes",
 Pages = "46",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This proposes a hybrid shift-invariant multiresolution 
   representation which uses dilations and translations of the auto-correlation
   functions of compactly supported wavelets." }
 Author = "Schlossnagle, George and Juan Mario Restrepo and Gary K. Leaf",
 Title = "Periodized wavelets",
 Year = "1993",
 Number = "ANL9334",
 Institution = "Math. and Comp. Sci. Div., Argonne National Lab.,
   Argonne, IL 60439",
 URL = "",
 Size = "112,481",
 Pages = "20",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "The properties of periodized Daubechies wavelets on
   [0,1] are detailed.  Numerical examples illustrate the analytical
   estimates for convergence and demonstrate by comparison with
   Fourier spectral methods the superiority of wavelet projection
   methods for approximations." }
 Editor = "Schumaker, L. L. and G. Webb",
 Title = "Recent Advances in Wavelet Analysis",
 Publisher = "Academic Press",
 Series = "Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications",
 Number = "3",
 Year = "1994" }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Shen, Z. and W. Wang and L. Mei",
 Title = "Finestructure of wind waves analyzed with wavelet transform",
 Journal = "JPO",
 Volume = "24",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "1085--1094" }
 Author = "Shensa, M. J.",
 Email = "",
 Title = "An inverse DWT for nonorthogonal wavelets",
 Number = "1621",
 Year = "1993",
 Month = "jul",
 Institution = "NCCOSC RDTE DIV, code 782, San Diego, CA 92152-5702",
 URL = "",
 Size = "200,705",
 Pages = "52",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Discrete nonorthogonal wavelet transforms play an important
    role in signal processing by offering finer resolution in time and
    scale than their orthogonal counterparts.  This paper offers new
    algorithms for the DWT." } 
 Author = "Sinha, B. and K. J. Richards",
 Title = "The wavelet transform applied to flow around Antarctica",
 Booktitle = "Wavelets, Fractals, and Fourier Transforms",
 Editor = "Farge, M. and J. C. R. Hunt and J. C. Vassilicos",
 Publisher = "Clarendon Press",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "221--228",
 Keyword = "wavelets, image analysis",
 Abstract = "This uses a 2-D Morlet wavelet transform of the streamfunction
    derived from the Fine Resolution Arctic Model to analyse oceanic eddies
    on a wide range of scales." }
 Author = "Sl\'ezak, E. and A. Bijaoui and G. Mars",
 Title = "Identification of structures from galaxy count:  use of the
    wavelet transform",
 Journal = "Astron. Astroph.",
 Volume = "227",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "301--316" }
 Author = "Sodagar, Iraj and Kambiz Nayebi and Thomas P. Barnell III",
 Title = "Time-varying filter banks and wavelets",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans., Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "2983--2996" }
 Author = "Spedding, G. R. and F. K. Browand and N. E. Huang and
    S. R. Long",
 Title = "A 2-D complex wavelet analysis of an unsteady wind-generated
    surface wave field",
 Journal = DAO,
 Volume = "20",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "55--77",
 Keyword = "wavelets, wind waves",
 Abstract = "2-D, complex wavelet functions are used to decompose a
    wave field to measure the energy of the wave field as a function
    of wavenumber as well as the spatial distribution of the wavenumbers." }
 Author = "Starck, Jean-Luc and Albert Bijaoui",
 Title = "Filtering and deconvolution by the wavelet transform",
 Journal = "Signal Processing",
 Volume = "35",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "195--211",
 Keyword = "wavelets, filtering, deconvolution",
 Abstract = "A new approach to filtering based on the wavelet transform is
    presented and several algorithms are proposed.  A criterion of quality,
    which takes into account the resolution, is used to compare these
    algorithms.  It is shown that deconvolution can be done using filtered
    wavelet coefficients.  By computing the wavelet from the point spread
    function, a new transform algorithm and a reconstruction method related
    to it are found." }
 Author = "Strang, Gilbert",
 Title = "Wavelets and dilation equations:  A brief introduction",
 Journal = "SIAM Review", 
 Volume = "31", 
 Year = "1989", 
 Pages = "614--627",
 Abstract = "This is an introduction to the construction of wavelets from
    the solution to a dilation equation.  It discusses the approximation
    and orthogonal properties of wavelets and describes the recursive
    algorithms that decompose and reconstruct a function.  The object of
    wavelets is to localize as far as possible in both time and frequency,
    with efficient algorithms." }
 Author = "Strang, Gilbert",
 Title = "Wavelet transforms versus Fourier transforms",
 Journal = "Bull. (New Series) AMS",
 Volume = "28",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "288--305",
 Abstract = "This is a very basic introduction to wavelets.  Wavelets
    are constructed and studied in relation to the Fourier transform.
    The contest between these transforms is informally commented on
    in reference to signal processing, especially for video and image
    compression.  It is stated that wavelets are already competitive
    with the Fourier transform for these applications, and head for the
    identification of fingerprints.  Samples of the developing theory
    concerning these results are presented." }
 Author = "Strang, Gilbert",
 Title = "Short wavelets and matrix dilation equations",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "43",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "108--115" }
 Author = "Strichartz, Robert S.",
 Title = "How to make wavelets",
 Journal = "American Mathematical Monthly",
 Volume = "100",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "539--556",
 Abstract = "This is an elementary mathematical introduction to wavelets
    with sections on Haar wavelets, multiresolution analysis, their
    relationship to the Fourier transform, and the construction of
    wavelets." }
 Author = "Strohmer, Thomas",
 Title = "Irregular sampling, frames and pseudoinverse",
 Year = "1992",
 Institution = "Universit{\"a}t Wien",
 URL = "",
 Size = "342,343",
 Pages = "84",
 Keyword = "wavelets, digital signal processing, irregular sampling",
 Abstract = "The purpose of this thesis is to point out the connections
    between the theory of frames in Hilbert spaces, the theory of
    pseudoinverse operators and the irregular sampling problem for
    band-limited functions.  The three parts of the thesis are (1)
    a section on frames (significant to wavelet theory), (2) a section
    on linear algebra where the pseudoinverse of a matrix is defined,
    and (3) a section on the 1D discrete reconstruction problem for
    band-limited functions from irregularly spaced sampling points." }
 Author = "Sweldens, Wim",
 Title = "The construction and application of wavelets in numerical
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "mar",
 Institution = "Departement Computerwetenschappen, K.U. Leuven and
    Dept. of Math., Univ. of S. Carolina, Columbia, S.C. 29208",
 URL = "[1-6].ps", 
 Size = "682,479; 811,088; 1,204,962; 1,588,071; 942,484; 609,104",
 Pages = "198",
 Keyword = "wavelets, numerical methods",
 Abstract = "This thesis investigates the use of wavelets in numerical
    analysis problems.  In the first part two basic tools, quadrature
    formulae and asymptotic error expansions, are constructed.  The former
    provides an easy way to calculate the wavelet coefficients, while the
    latter allows a simple comparison of different wavelet families.
    In the second part wavelets adapted to a weighted inner product are
    constructed and studied, and it is shown how these can be used for the 
    rapid solution of ordinary differential equations.  The final part
    studies smooth local trigonometric functions, which can be seen as the
    Fourier transform of wavelets.  Their construction is generalized to the
    biorthogonal case and they are used in data compression algorithms, with
    examples concerning image compression shown." }
 Author = "Sweldens, Wim and Robert Piessens",
 Title = "Quadrature formulae and asymptotic error expansions for wavelet
    approximations of smooth functions",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.",
 Volume = "31",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "1240--1264",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This deals with problems encountered when using wavelets
    in numerical analysis.  Quadrature formulae are constructed for the
    calculation of inner products of smooth functions and scaling 
    functions.  Several types are discussed and compared for different
    classes of wavelets.  A modified, well-conditioned construction using
    Chebyshev polynomials is also presented." }
 Author = "Taswell, Carl",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Near-best basis selection algorithms with non-additive
    information cost functions",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics,
   Bldg. 469, Room 314, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 94305-2140",
 URL = "",
 Size = "260,715",
 Pages = "4",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Search algorithms for finding signal decompositions called
    near-best bases using decision criteria called non-additive
    information costs are proposed for selecting bases in wavelet
    packet transforms." }
 Author = "Taswell, Carl and Kevin C. McGill",
 Email = ";",
 Title = "Wavelet transform algorithms for finite-duration discrete-time
 Year = "1993",
 Month = "oct",
 Number = "NA-91-07",
 Institution = "Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics,
   Bldg. 469, Room 314, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 94305-2140",
 URL = "",
 Size = "513,919",
 Pages = "21",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Algorithms are presented for the wavelet and inverse wavelet
     transforms for finite-duration discrete-time signals of arbitrary
     length not restricted to a power of two." }
 Author = "Tchamitchian, Philippe",
 Title = "Wavelets and differential operators",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "77--88",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX" }
 Author = "Tewfik, A. H. and D. Sinha and P. Jorgensen",
 Title = "On the optimal choice of a wavelet for signal representation",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory",
 Volume = "38",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "747--765" }
 Author = "Turcajov{\'a}, Radka",
 Title = "Factorizations and construction of linear phase paraunitary
    filter banks and higher multiplicity wavelets",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "School of Information Sci. and Tech., Flinders Univ.,
    GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia",
 URL = "",
 Size = "211,390",
 Pages = "20",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "Paraunitary matrices can be factored into shift products of
    orthogonal matrices or linear factors.  These factorizations also allow
    the derivation of lattice structures for linear phase paraunitary
    filter banks and also for the construction of symmetric higher
    multiplicity wavelets." }
 Author = "Turcajov{\'a}, Radka and Jaroslav Kautsky",
 Title = "Shift products and factorizations of wavelet matrices",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "School of Information Sci. and Tech., Flinders Univ.,
    GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia",
 URL = "",
 Size = "169,779",
 Pages = "14",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "A class of so-called shift products of wavelet matrices is
    introduced.  These products are based on circulations of columns of
    orthogonal banded block circulant matrices arising in applications
    of discrete orthogonal wavelet transforms." }
 Author = "Turner, B. J. and M. Y. LeClerc",
 Title = "Conditional sampling of coherent structures in atmospheric
   turbulence using the wavelet transform",
 Journal = "J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Techn.",
 Volume = "11",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "205--209".
 Keyword = "coherent structures, atmospheric turbulence, wavelets" }
 Author = "Unser, Michael and Akram Aldroubi and M. Eden",
 Title = "A family of polynomial spline wavelet transforms",
 Journal = "Signal Processing",
 Volume = "30",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "141--162" }
 Author = "Unser, Michael and Akram Aldroubi and Steven J. Schiff",
 Title = "Fast implementation of the continuous wavelet transform
   with integer scales",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "3519--3523",
 Abstract = "This describes a fast noniterative algorithm for the
   evaluation of continuous spline wavelet transforms at any integer
   scale m.  In this approach, the input signal and the analyzing
   wavelet are both represented by polynomial splines.  The algorithm
   uses a combination of moving sum and zero-padded filters, and its complexity
   per scale is O(N), where N is the signal length.  The computation is
   exact, and the implementation is noniterative across scales.  Examples
   of splines wavelets that exhibit properties desirable for either
   singularity detection or Gabor-like time-frequency signal analysis
   are presented." }
 Author = "Vergassola, M. and U. Frisch",
 Title = "Wavelet transforms of self--similar processes",
 Journal = "Physica D",
 Volume = "54",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "58--64" }
 Author = "Vidakovi{\'c}, Brani",
 Title = "A note on random densities via wavelets",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0251",
 URL = "",
 Size = "93,611",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This defines a random density via orthogonal bases of
    wavelets and explores some of its basic properties." }
 Author = "Vidakovi{\'c}, Brani and Peter M{\"u}ller",
 Title = "Wavelets for kids:  A tutorial introduction",
 Year = "1994",
 Institution = "Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0251",
 URL = "[A-B].ps.Z",
 Size = "318,373; 70,903",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "This paper is intended to serve as a very first introduction
    to wavelets for the statistical community.  References for further
    reading are given as well as some Mathematica procedures." }
 Author = "Villemoes, L. F.",
 Title = "Energy moments in time and frequency for two--scale difference
    equation solutions and wavelets",
 Journal = "SIAM J. Math. Anal.",
 Volume = "23",
 Year = "1992",
 Pages = "1519--1543" }
 Author = "Vishwanath, Mohan",
 Title = "The recursive pyramid algorithm for the discrete wavelet transform",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Signal Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "673--676",
 Keyword = "wavelets, recursive pyramid algorithm",
 Abstract = "The recursive pyramid algorithm (RPA) is a reformulation of
    the classical pyramid algorithm (PA) for computing the discrete wavelet
    transform (DWT).  The RPA computes the N-point DWT in real time (running    
    DWT) using just L(log N-1) words of storage, as compared with O(N) words
    required by the PA where L is the length of the wavelet filter.  The RPA
    is combined with the short-length FIR filter algorithms to reduce the
    number of multiplications and additions." }
 Author = "Weiss, Lora G.",
 Title = "Wavelets and wideband correlation processing",
 Journal = "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine",
 Volume = "?",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "jan",
 Pages = "13--32",
 Keyword = "wavelets, wideband correlation processing",
 Abstract = "Wavelets are introduced and discussed along with wideband
    correlation processing.  The connections between the two tools are
    investigated." }
 Author = "Wells, Raymond O., Jr.",
 Title = "Adaptive wave propagation modeling",
 Year = "1994",
 Number = "TR94-10",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "71,435",
 Pages = "12",
 Abstract = "This discusses current attempts to use acoustic and 
    electromagnetic wave propagation to model physical phenomena and the
    role that wavelet analysis is playing in these efforts.  The areas
    of application are (1) computational fluid dynamics, (2) the geophysical
    modeling of the ocean floor using acoustic waves, (3) the modeling
    of SAR radar images in the context of automatic target recognition
    efforts, and (4) global illumination in computer graphics, i.e. simulation
    of reflected and absorbed light in everyday environments." }
 Author = "Wells, Raymond O., Jr.",
 Title = "Recent advances in wavelet technology",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "mar",
 Number = "TR94-12",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "38,567",
 Pages = "8",
 Abstract = "This reviews some recent developments in wavelet technology
    at the Computational Mathematics Laboratory at Rice, which has as its
    primary focus research in the theory and applications of wavelets and
    more generally multiscale phenomena in mathematics, science and
    engineering.  Brief synopses are given of the advances in the areas
    of wavelet mathematics, wavelet multiscale representation of data,
    image compression and telecommunications technology, and wavelet-based
    numerical solutions of differential equations." }
 Author = "Wells, Raymond O., Jr. and Xiaodong Zhou",
 Title = "Adaptive wave propagation modeling",
 Year = "1992",
 Number = "TR92-02",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "629,946",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
 Author = "Wells, Raymond O., Jr. and Ziaodong Zhou",
 Title = "Wavelet interpolation and approximate solutions of elliptic
    partial differential equations",
 Year = "1992",
 Number = "TR92-03",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77251-1892",
 URL = "",
 Size = "76,105",
 Pages = "?",
 Abstract = "?" }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Weng, H.-Y. and K.-M. Lau",
 Title = "Wavelet, period-doubling and time-frequency localization
   with application to satellite data analysis",
 Journal = "J. Atmos. Sci.",
 Volume = "51",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "2523--2541" }
 Author = "Wickerhauser, Mladen V.",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Lectures on wavelet packet algorithms",
 Year = "Nov. 18, 1991",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO 63130",
 URL = "",
 Size = "2,026,711 bytes",
 Pages = "75",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "A series of lecture notes which begin by defining continuous
   wavelet packets and then defines several discrete algorithms and explores
   their advantages and disadvantages.  Linear and nonlinear compression
   methods are also explored." }
 Author = "Wickerhauser, Mladen V.",
 Email = "",
 Title = "Fast approximate factor analysis",
 Year = "1992",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO 63130",
 URL = "",
 Size = "353,603 bytes",
 Pages = "10",
 Keyword = "wavelets",
 Abstract = "The principal orthogonal factor analysis or Karhunen-Loeve
   algorithm may be sped up by a low-complexity preprocessing step.  A
   fast transform is selected from a large library of wavelet-like
   orthonormal bases, so as to maximize transform coding gain for an
   ensemble of vectors.  On the top few coefficients in the new basis,
   in order of variance across the ensemble, are then decorrelated by
   diagonalizing the autocovariance matrix." }
 Author = "Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor",
 Title = "Best--adapted wavelet packet bases",
 Booktitle = "Different Perspectives on Wavelets",
 Editor = "Ingrid Daubechies",
 Publisher = "American Math. Soc., Providence, RI",
 Series = "Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
 Volume = "47",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "155--171",
 Note = "From an American Math. Soc. short course, Jan. 11--12, 1993, San
    Antonio, TX",
 Abstract = "A review of the construction of orthogonal wavelet packets, using
    the quadarature mirror filters algorithm slightly generalized to the
    case of p $\ge$ 2 wavelets and scaling functions." }
 Author = "Wickerhauser, M. V.",
 Title = "Adapted Wavelet Analysis, from Theory to Software",
 Publisher = "A. K. Peters, Boston",
 Year = "1994" }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Willemsen, Jorge E.",
 Title = "Analysis of SWADE Discus N wind speed adn wave height
   time series.  Part I:  Discrete wavelet packet representations", 
 Journal = "J. of Atmos. and Oceanic Techn.",
 Volume = "12",
 Year = "1995",
 Pages = "1248--1270",
 Abstract = "Discus N denotes a single buoy employed during the
   SWADE experiment, equipped to record wave amplitude and wind speed
   time series at a rate of 1 Hz.  Over the course of approximately
   4.5 days, two clear-cut examples of sea response to wind activity
   took place. It is easy to verify tha the spectral content of the
   time series is changing.  Wavelet analysis (WA) is a powerful
   tool for analyzing such nonstationary series.  The paper
   illustrates the use of this technique to characterize the observed
   wave response in a quantitative manner and to compare this
   response to simultaneously measured wind state data.  For reasons that
   will be reviewed, unlike Fourier analysis, a WA requires
   "fine-tuning" of the basis functions to fit the problem under
   consideration.  Within geophysical applications it has become
   common to utilize the "Morlet" wavelet because of its strong
   resemblance to well-known spectrogram analysis techniques.  However,
   it will be seen that a relatively new technique known as the
   discrete wavelet packet transform is in principle especially
   well suited to optimal time-frequency localizations that are
   useful in analyzing nonstationary processes." }
 Author = "Wornell, G. W.",
 Title = "A Karhunen--Loeve--like expansion for 1/f processes via wavelet",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory",
 Volume = "36",
 Year = "1990",
 Pages = "859--861" }
 Author = "Xia, Xiang-Gen and Bruce W. Suter",
 Title = "Vector-valued wavelets and vector filter banks",
 Year = "1994",
 Month = "aug",
 Institution = "Dept. of Elect. and Comp. Eng., Air Force Inst. of Tech.,
    2950 P Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765",
 URL = "",
 Size = "130,957",
 Pages = "24",
 Abstract = "This introduces vector-valued multiresolution analysis and
    vector-valued wavelets, constructed using paraunitary vector filter
    bank theory, for vector-valued signal spaces.  In particular,
    vector-valued Meyer wavelets that are band-limited are constructed." }
 Author = "Xia, X.-G. and Z. Zhang",
 Title = "On sampling theorem, wavelets and wavelet transforms",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "41",
 Year = "1993",
 Pages = "3524--3535" }
 Author = "Xu, Jin-Chao and Wei-Chang Shann",
 Email = ";",
 Title = "Galerkin-wavelet methods for two-point boundary value problems",
 Year = "1993",
 Institution = "Dept. of Math., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802",
 URL = "",
 Size = "179,186 bytes",
 Pages = "22",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Galerkin methods",
 Abstract = "Anti-derivatives of wavelets are used for the numerical solution
   of differential equations.  Optimal error estimates are obtained in the
   applications to two-point boundary value problems of second order.  The
   orthogonal property of the wavelets is used to construct efficient iterative
   methods for the solution of the resultant linear algebraic systems and
   numerical examples are given." }
%% 1/26/96
 Author = "Yamada, M. and K. Ohkitani",
 Title = "An identification of energy cascade in turbulence by
   orthonormal wavelet analysis",
 Journal = "Prog. Theor. Phys.",
 Volume = "86",
 Year = "1991",
 Pages = "799--815" }
 Author = "Yen, Nai-chyuan",
 Title = "Wave packet decomposition",
 Journal = JASA,
 Volume = "95",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "889--896",
 Keyword = "wave packets, wavelets",
 Abstract = "This discusses a signal processing approach conceived from
    the observations of wave packets in scattering phenomena where the
    natural representation of a signal is examined through the dynamic
    time and frequency properties of its energy distribution.  For a
    time-varying signal from a physical system with finite energy content,
    the selected natural frame component functions, which may not be
    necessarily orthogonal, can form a complete set for the particular
    signal under analysis.  The decomposition with these nonorthogonal
    frames then becomes optimal and unique.  Algorithms for evaluting
    the composition of this type of frame are given and examples are
    presented." }
 Author = "Young, R. K.",
 Title = "Wavelet Theory and Its Applications",
 Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Pub.",
 Year = "1994" }
 Author = "Zhang, Jun and Gilbert Walter",
 Title = "A wavelet-based KL-like expansion for wide-sense stationary
    random processes",
 Journal = "IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.",
 Volume = "42",
 Year = "1994",
 Pages = "1737--1745",
 Keyword = "wavelets, Karhunen-Loeve transform",
 Abstract = "The describes a wavelet-based series expansion for wide-sense
    stationary processes.  The expansion coefficients are uncorrelated
    random variables, a property similar to that of a KL expansion although,
    unlike the KL expansion, the wavelet-based expansion does not require
    the solution of the eigen equation and does not require that the process
    be time-limited.  The basis functions of this expansion can be obtained
    easily from wavelets of the Lemaire-Meyer type and the power spectral
    density of the process." } 
 Author =  "Zubair, Lareef M.",
 Email = "",
 Title =  "Studies in turbulence using wavelet transforms for data
   compression and scale separation,"
 Year =   "May 1993",
 Institution =  "Yale University",
 URL = "ftp://(see comments)"
 Size =  "(see comments)"
 Pages =  "221",
 Abstract =  "The ftp address where this can be obtained along with the
  necessary username and password can be obtained via an e-mail message
  to the author.  The wavelet transform is used to study the structure
  of turbulent flows.  The structure of scalar and vorticity fields are
  studied using the continuous wavelet transform, the wavelet-packet
  transform is assessed as a tool for data compression, and a power-spectra
  and filtering technique based on the transform is introduced." }

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