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Chapter Four: The Force

Part One: Philosophies of the Force

The Jedi Bendu are not the only students of the Force in the galaxy. At least a dozen competing philosophies exist, scattered across many different worlds.

All Force-sensitive characters must select an order: Ankalan, Hand of Muros, Hyper-space Lord, Jedi Bendu, Kemba, Machine Thrall of Taspio, Nature-Priest, Noko, Oku, Orwyr Elementalist, Starfallen, Telsus Spinner, or Zarianu.

Each Order has a variety of common Powers. Those in [brackets] are new Force powers described in this document; those in (parentheses) are Force powers described in supplemental material.


Modifiers: Ankalans are naturally skilled given their ability to contact the Ankalan Record. When taking additional time, they gain an additional +1D to their skill roll, but when rushing, they suffer an additional –1D.
Starting Force Skill: Sense
Strictures: Rage, Ignorance, and Treachery.
Fallen Ankalan Strictures: Cowardice, Patience, and Foolishness.
Improvisation: Powers relating to thoughts, minds, knowledge, and skills.
Species: Any
Homeworld: Naroon
Side: Light
Numbers: 40, plus 15 apprentices and 100 initiates

The Ankalans, or Servants of Ankala, are mystics of the mind who study the inner secrets of the self. They fervently believe that all beings are capable of achieving the use of the Force through inner study, and that all beings are intimately linked by a mystical history of the universe called the Ankalan Record or the Great Mind. They are masters of the mind, dream-walkers and mentalists.

[Enhance Skill]
Life Detection
(Short-Term Memory Enhancement)
(Force of Will)
Life Sense
(Danger Sense)
Magnify Senses
(Merge Senses)
Receptive Telepathy
Sense Force
(Beast Languages)
Affect Mind
[Ghost Form]
[Mental Assault]
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Life Bond)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Feed on Dark Side)
(Dim Other’s Senses)
(Control Mind)

Hands of Muros:

Modifiers: Hands of Muros are affected by no particular modifiers.
Starting Force Skill: Control
Strictures: Rage, Treachery, and Fear.
Fang of Muros Strictures: Cowardice, Patience, and Humility.
Improvisation: Powers relating to physical perfection and battle.
Species: Kalatran
Homeworld: Muros
Side: Light
Numbers: 10, plus 5 apprentices and 500 non-sensitive acolytes

The Hands of Muros began as a non-Force-sensitive martial organization, but a century ago one of its masters, Takmos, touched the Force. In his words, he parted the Veils of Heaven and came to understand the Way: the natural order of things. He taught his brothers the Way, and they taught others. The new philosophy remained within the organization, but spread through Kalatran society. The Hands of Muros became an important organization, both politically and because their battle skills meant that they were more deadly without a weapon than even a master warrior armed with a bolter. However, many leaders of the Hands were displeased with this change in philosophy, and were seduced into becoming a Fang of Muros, the Dark-side mirror organization of the Hands.


[Enhance Skill]
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Accelerate Healing
(Detoxify Poison)
(Force of Will)
(Remove Fatigue)
Force Speed
Control Pain
Reduce Injury
Remain Conscious
Resist Stun
(Danger Sense)
(Combat Sense)
Life Detection
[Way Fighting]
(Force Lightning)
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Control Another’s Disease)
(Control Breathing)
(Detofixy Poison in Another)
(Inflict Pain)
(Lesser Force Shield)
(Projected Fighting)
(Telekinetic Kill)

Hyper-space Lords:

Modifiers: The Lords of Hyper-space are thralls of their strange hyperspatial masters. They are forced to perform endless tasks for their masters, including specific, arbitrary goals, often given at the last minute, for any given task. Failing to perform one of these tasks wracks the Hyper-space Lord with pain, incapacitating him for 1D rounds and incurring a –1D penalty to all actions for 1D hours. However, the Lord can cast his Force effects through his hyper-space masters, meaning that he need never use the distance chart—all places are as one to him.
Starting Force Skill: Control
Strictures: Cowardice, Foolishness, and Humility.
Improvisation: Powers related to battle and controlling things at a distance.
Species: Vesuri
Homeworld: Marab
Side: Dark
Numbers: 50, plus 30 apprentices

The Hyper-space Lords are chilling beings who are said to be some of the first users of the Force. They are descended from Vesuri who first experimented with hyper-space technology, back before hyper-space shielding prevented the strange reality of hyper-space from leaking into the ship. The Lords say that they spoke to strange beings—the Secret masters—in the otherworld who granted them powers in exchange for service. Though they have been cast out of their homeworld, they forever seek to reclaim it.


[Enhance Skill]
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Control Pain
Force Speed
(Instinctive Astrogation)
Remain Conscious
(Force of Will)
Resist Stun
Life Detection
(Danger Sense)
(Combat Sense)
(Force Lightning)
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Feed on Dark Side)
(Lesser Force Shield)

Jedi Bendu:

Modifiers: Jedi have no particular advantages or disadvantages. They have a broad selection of combat- and meditation-related skills.
Starting Force Skill: Control
Strictures: Rage, Injury, Fear.
Dark Jedi Strictures: Cowardice, Insubordination, and Humility.
Improvisation: Powers relating to controlling one’s body, and sensing the Force.
Species: Any
Homeworld: Coruscant
Side: Light
Numbers: 40, plus 30 apprentices

The Jedi, currently headquartered on Coruscant, are peaceful philosophers who were forced to take up weapons against the armies of Mandelore, in order to protect their shrine. However, they learned much from the fierce Mandelorian warriors, and are now renowned as deadly warriors. Though they have returned to lives of peace, they still retain their lightsabers, studying the blade as a link to the Force.


[Enhance Skill]
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Control Pain
Force Speed
Remain Conscious
(Remove Fatigue)
Resist Stun
(Short-Term Memory Enhancement)
(Force of Will)
Life Detection
Sense Force
(Danger Sense)
(Combat Sense)
Lightsaber Combat
Affect Mind
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Control Breathing)


Starting Force Skill: Control
Modifiers: Kemba priests are highly ecumenical and eclectic. When performing an improvised effect, they suffer no additional penalty for “foreign” Force powers. However, the Kemban gods and antigods are forever at war, producing fluctuating levels of power. Roll 1D every scene and apply the result to all Force skills:


Strictures: Injury, Violence, and Fear.
Bolki Strictures: Patience, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Can successfully improvise any sort of power.
Species: Amiar
Homeworld: Am-Hokra
Side: Light
Numbers: 15, plus 10 apprentices and hundreds of non-sensitive potion-workers

The philosophy of Kemba is based around a large list of Ashla (gods) and Bogan (antigods), each of which contributes to a certain part of the amiar personality. Kemba, like the amiar who practice it, is an eclectic mix of different philosophies and concepts from all across the galaxy, and the Kemba priests (called Akems) and priestesses (called Kembi) have drawn extensively from other philosophies of the Force. Despite their flexible nature, they do have a core system of beliefs and practices, and all Kemba practicioners are masters of healing and have an extraordinary knowledge of herbs and poultices, though their Dark Side counterparts—the Bolki—are renowned as poisoners.


[Enhance Skill]
Accelerate Healing
(Control Disease)
(Detoxify Poison)
(Remove Fatigue)
Hibernation Trance
Reduce Injury
Remain Conscious
Resist Stun
(Merge Senses)
(Beast Languages)
Life Detection
Life Sense
(Danger Sense)
Accelerate Another’s Healing
Control Another’s Pain
Return Another to Consciousness
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Control Another’s Disease)
(Detofixy Poison in Another)
(Inflict Pain)
(Place Another in Hibernation Trance)
(Drain Life Energy)

Machine Thralls of Taspio:

Modifiers: Machine Thralls gain power based on how many cybernetic implants they possess. For every die of Control, Sense, or Alter, the Machine Thrall must possess one replacement or one rank in an enhancement. Unlike others, Machine Thralls do not have trouble calling up the Force because of their cybernetic implants.
Starting Force Skill: Alter
Strictures: Insubordination, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers relating to machines, materials, and systems.
Species: Human
Homeworld: Taspio
Side: Dark
Numbers: 15, plus 10 apprentices

Taspio was the launching point for the Corellian conquest of hyper-space. However, it was also the birthplace of the chilling Machine Thralls, humans who served as the first hyper-space pilots during Corellia’s experimental phase. Before basic hyper-space shielding was discovered, the hyper-space winds made short work of organic compounds on-board a ship. This caused the first pilots to replace their bodies with cybernetic compounds, and also caused them to reach out and touch the Force. Now, the Machine Thralls are half-mechanical masters of the Dark Side of the Force—which they call the hyper-space currents—and the finest pilots in the Galaxy.


[Enhance Skill]

Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Magnify Senses
(Force of Will)
(Instinctive Astrogation)
(Short-Term Memory Enhancement)
[Material Shape]
Receptive Telepathy
Projective Telepathy
Affect Mind
(Electronic Manipulation)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Telekinetic Kill)


Species: All
Homeworld: None
Side: Light
Numbers: 20, plus 10 apprentices
Modifiers: Nature-priests that leave their homeworld must carry a small amount of living earth with them as an amulet. If this amulet is destroyed or lost, the nature-priest suffers a penalty depending on how far away he is from either his amulet or his homeworld—same city –1D, same world –2D, same system –3D, same sector –4D, otherwise –5D. Nature-priests possess a natural talent with living things and receive a +2D bonus to their Alter rolls when dealing with animals or plants.
Starting Force Skill: Control
Strictures: Injury, Fear, and Chaos.
Fallen Nature-Priest Strictures: Patience, Humility, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers related to living things and the environment.

Nature-priests dedicate their lives to shaping the surface of their homeworld. They are, as one might imagine, masters of the powers of nature, and some are even said to be able to take on the forms of animals, although those that fall to the Dark Side become living cancers upon the world. A handful of nature-priests, called hierophants, travel to other worlds to explore and shape the living things there, though most remain on a single world, nurturing its inner Force.


[Enhance Skill]
Accelerate Healing
[Beast Aspect]
[Beast Form]
Control Pain
Hibernation Trance
(Remove Fatigue)
(Control Disease)
(Detoxify Poison)
(Merge Senses)
Reduce Injury
Remain Conscious
Resist Stun
Life Detection
Life Sense
(Danger Sense)
(Beast Languages)
Magnify Senses
Accelerate Another’s Healing
Control Another’s Pain
Return Another to Consciousness
(Control Another’s Disease)
(Detofixy Poison in Another)
(Place Another in Hibernation Trance)
(Drain Life Energy)


Modifiers: The Noko are twisted Dark-Side Force-users that gain power through pain. If uninjured (not even a stun affecting him), Noko suffer a flat –1D to all their Force uses. If suffering from one or more Stuns, they operate under no penalty. If Wounded, they receive a +1D bonus. If Incapacitated (though still functioning through Force powers) they gain a +2D bonus. If Mortally Wounded (though again, still functioning) they receive a +3D bonus.
Starting Force Skill: Control
Strictures: Insubordination, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers relating to life, death, flesh, and pain.
Species: Duro
Homeworld: Thon
Side: Dark
Numbers: 10, plus 5 apprentices

The Noko, or bloodworkers, are evil Force-users from the world of Duro who studies ways of twisting and warping life—their interpretation of the Force, which they call the Blood. Fascinated by the transition between life and death, the Noko delight in restoring dead things to life, producing vile ghouls that remain living only through hatred and the corrupted energies of the Noko. The Noko Master, hidden away in his ancient tower, has moved beyond even the need for a physical body, becoming a ghostly embodiment of rage.


[Enhance Skill]
Accelerate Healing
Control Pain
(Control Disease)
(Remove Fatigue)
Reduce Injury
Life Detection
Life Sense
Accelerate Another’s Healing
Control Another’s Pain
Return Another to Consciousness
Affect Mind
Transfer Force
[Living Death]
[Greater Living Death]
[Create Wraith]
[Ghost Form]
(Control Another’s Disease)
(Detofixy Poison in Another)
(Place Another in Hibernation Trance)
(Dim Other’s Senses)
(Drain Life Energy)
(Transfer Life)


Modifiers: The Oku manipulate the Force through the use of talismans and items of power. Each power is tied to a specific object, usually a carven crystal. Possessing the object grants a +1D bonus to the Oku’s power, and without it, he suffers a –1D penalty. Further, Oku are creatures of ritual and cannot use improvized Force abilities. (Anyone Force-sensitive who finds an Oku’s talisman can use that power. The talisman possesses a starting effectiveness equal to the Oku’s Control, Sense, and Alter, but each declines by 1D per use. A talisman possessed by a fallen Oku grants a Dark Side Point to anyone who uses it.)
Starting Force Skill: Any
Strictures: Rage, Fear, and Chaos.
Fallen Strictures: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Oku cannot improvize.
Species: Any
Homeworld: None
Side: Either
Numbers: 30, plus 20 apprentices

The Oku originated on Bindar, where the mechanically-inclined Shelibs learned to shape the Force through the use of special talismans. A millennium ago a conservative Shelib regime banished the Oku to the far corners of the Galaxy. They spread across space, and other species came to study the Oku way. Today, “Oku” is a somewhat generic term for any shaman, often on a primitive world, who uses physical talismans to influence the Force. Many “Oku” are not students of the Force at all, but mere Force-sensitives who have come into the possession of an artifact once owned by a true Oku.


Absorb Energy
Accelerate Healing
Hibernation Trance
[Force Charm]
Magnify Senses
Receptive Telepathy
Projective Telepathy
Sense Force
[Enhance Skill]
Affect Mind
[Force Light]
[Calm Elements]
(Control Disease)
(Control Another’s Disease)
(Feed on Dark Side)
(Force Lightning)

Orwyr Elementalists:

Modifiers: Orwyr Elementalists tend to produce wildly disruptive effects with their powers. A failed check in any physical Force skill or a complication causes a an echoing result of the GM’s choice. This result can be (1-3) neutral or (4-6) harmful, but it is always present and is often very destructive (by default, assume that a failed check causes 1D of elemental damage to the Elementalist and everyone within five feet per two dice in the attempted action). For every die of Control, the Orwyr can select one element (electricity, heat, cold, living things, natural but unliving material, artificial material)—the damage from that element is reduced by an amount equal to half his Alter dice.
Starting Force Skill: Alter
Strictures: Treachery, Fear, and Chaos.
Fallen Orwyr Strictures: Cowardice, Patience, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers relating to controlling the living and non-living world.
Species: All
Homeworld: Orasoon
Side: Light
Numbers: 15, plus 5 apprentices

The Orwyr Elementalists are sophisticated students of the physical world, masters of energy and matter, able to shake the very roots of the world with the sheer power of their wills. However, they are also careful and intellectual students of the Force—which they call the Power—as their powers are so great that, without careful study and focus, they can decimate the world around them. Carefully balancing the elements of the world is necessary for an Orwyr to remain on the path of Light, although some fall, filled with rage and hate and tearing apart the very fabric of the world—the Maro, or sorcerers.


[Enhance Skill]
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Life Detection
[Force Light]
[Material Shape]
(Force Lightning)
(Create Force Storms)
[Calm Elements]
(Bolt of Hatred)
(Telekinetic Kill)


Modifiers: The Starfallen have no special advantages or drawbacks. They are the only Force-users able to Starfall, but they only have a small number of powers.
Starting Force Skill: Sense
Strictures: Rage, Treachery, and Injury.
Fallen Starfallen Strictures: Cowardice, Humility, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers related to seeing and traveling to distant places.
Species: Sepith
Homeworld: Patha
Side: Light
Numbers: 10, plus 5 apprentices

The starfallen allowed the winged sepith to become one of the dominant species within the galaxy before the rise of the hyper-drive. The starfallen possess many powers, but their greatest is nearly unique to them: they are able to travel through hyper-space without the use of a starship. In this way they explored the galaxy and kept their people’s colonies in contact. Now they are few in number after a terrible attack by the Hyper-space Lords, and they remain in hiding.


[Enhance Skill]
Hibernation Trance
Sense Force
Force Speed
(Instinctive Astrogation)
(Short-Term Memory Enhancement)
Receptive Telepathy
Projective Telepathy
(Instinctive Astrogation)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Control Breathing)
(Feed on Dark Side)

Telsus Spinners:

Modifiers: Telsus Spinners are unable to produce Force effects that alter the world in any sudden and noticeable way. However, they are naturally lucky, able to ignore the effects of one complication per scene per die of Sense.
Starting Force Skill: Sense
Strictures: Ignorance, Injury, and Violence.
Fallen Telsus Spinner Strictures: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers relating to subtle changes in the world, or divination.
Species: Any
Homeworld: Telsus
Side: Light
Numbers: 10, plus 5 apprentices

The Spinners are a powerful group of Force-users able to see and manipulate fate itself. They are prophets and seers, but far, far more than that: the Spinners’ powers allow them to control the most fundamental truths of the Force (they say), allowing them to adjust probabilities—they are masters of the Great Thread. Spinners respond intuitively to their environments, and without effort their paths are cleared of obstacles and their enemies suffer misfortune.


[Enhance Skill]
Receptive Telepathy
Sense Force
Life Sense
(Danger Sense)
(Create Force Storms)
[Calm Elements]
[Location Shift]
(Life Bond)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Dim Other’s Senses)


Modifiers: Zarianu must wear their masks in order to produce their effects; without their masks, they suffer a –3D penalty. However, most Zarianu have a mask for each power: if they’re using their appropriate mask, they receive a +1D bonus.
Starting Force Skill: Alter
Strictures: Rage, Ignorance, and Injury.
Kezrau Strictures: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.
Improvisation: Powers relating to trickery, illusions, knowledge, and the mind.
Species: Imrians
Home: Imnis
Side: Light
Numbers: 20, plus 10 apprentices

The Zarianu hail from the forest-world of Imnis. The reptilian inhabitants have come to respect and fear the Zarianu (named after an ancient civilization). They are illusionists, thieves, trickster-gods of Imrian mythology given form, who are never without their intricate and beautiful masks. The knowledge the Zarianu possess of illusions and the nature of the mind is incredible, though they use their tricks and phantasms to teach—though often harshly—and not for their own ends. The Kezrau—the Shards—are what the Imnis call those among them who have grown wicked and corrupt, and use their powers for self-aggrandizement or revenge. The Zarianu do not refer to the “Force”, but instead to a collection of masks, dark and light.


[Enhance Skill]
Life Detection
Life Sense
(Danger Sense)
Magnify Senses
[Force Speed]
Hibernation Trance
(Short-Term Memory Enhancement)
(Merge Senses)
Projective Telepathy
Sense Force
[Force Stealth]
Receptive Telepathy
Affect Mind
Shadow Forms
Solid Forms
(Life Bond)
(Aura of Uneasiness)
(Feed on Dark Side)
(Dim Other’s Senses)
(Control Mind)

Part Two: Force Rules

The Temptation of the Dark Side:

The Force possesses a Dark Side that represents cruelty, malice, ignorance, darkness, hatred, anger, and other shadowy aspects of life. A Force-user’s slide toward the Dark Side is indicated by Dark Side points.

All Light Side Force-users possess certain common moral strictures in common. Acts such as murder, wanton cruelty or violence, torture, sadism, emotional torment, selfishness, apathy, misuse of power, and even standing by while evil is done incur Dark Side points.

Futher, all Orders possess certain strictures; violating those strictures cause members of that Order to slide to the Dark Side.

The following strictures exist: Rage, Ignorance, Treachery, Injury, Violence, Fear, and Chaos.

Rage: Using one’s Force powers when angry or enraged, or being so angry that it affects one’s judgment and behavior.
Ignorance: Using one’s Force powers without knowing the full situation, and bringing about misfortune thereby, or acting ignorantly in a way that brings about misfortune.
Treachery: Using one’s Force powers to spread ignorance or misinformation, or lying or betraying others.
Injury: Using one’s Force powers to harm people directly, or using an excessive or inappropriate amount of violence.
Violence: Using one’s Force powers as a weapon, or causing any sort of serious or permanent injury.
Fear: Using one’s Force powers to create fear, using one’s Force powers out of fear, or bringing about excessive fear.

Chaos: Using one’s Force powers to sow discord or disrupt society, or working against the order of society.

Jedi Bendu: Rage, Injury, Fear.
Kemba: Injury, Violence, and Fear.
Nature-Priests: Injury, Fear, and Chaos.
Starfallen: Rage, Treachery, and Injury.
Ankalans: Rage, Ignorance, and Treachery.
Telsus Spinners: Ignorance, Injury, and Violence.
Zarianu: Rage, Ignorance, and Injury.
Orwyr Elementalists: Treachery, Fear, and Chaos.
Hands of Muros: Rage, Treachery, and Fear.
Oku: Rage, Fear, and Chaos.

The Corruption of the Dark Side:

Characters who belong to Dark Side orders begin play with two Dark Side Points, and having fallen to the Dark Side.

Those corrupted by the Dark Side also labor under strictures. A Dark Side Force-user, whether a fallen member of a Light Side order or a common member of a Dark Side Order, receives three strictures from the stricture list. These strictures are: Cowardice, Patience, Insubordination, Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.

Cowardice: Succumbing to fear, fleeing from battle, or other actions that do not show a proper warrior’s spirit.
Patience: Going about matters the long, thoughtful, and unnecessarily complicated way instead of merely cutting to the heart of matters.
Insubordination: Working against one’s master and not looking after the best interests of one’s group.
Foolishness: Acting stupidly and thus being tricked or otherwise humiliated, or failing to succeed in an act of treachery or cunning.
Humility: “Turning the other cheek” and not taking appropriate retribution upon incompetent underlings or those who dare to insult you.
Servitude: Acting within the bounds of civilization, society, or decency instead of taking one’s proper role as a lord of lesser beings.

Fallen Jedi: Cowardice, Insubordination, and Humility.
Fallen Kemba: Patience, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Hyper-space Lord: Cowardice, Foolishness, and Humility.
Fallen Nature-Priests: Patience, Humility, and Servitude.
Noko: Insubordination, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Fallen Starfallen: Cowardice, Humility, and Servitude.
Machine Thrall: Insubordination, Foolishness, and Servitude.
Fallen Ankalans: Cowardice, Patience, and Foolishness.
Fallen Telsus Spinners: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.
Fallen Zarianu: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.
Fallen Orwyr: Cowardice, Patience, and Servitude.
Fang of Muros: Cowardice, Patience, and Humility.
Fallen Oku: Foolishness, Humility, and Servitude.

A Dark Side who betrays a stricture loses one Force Point. If he has no Force Points, the Dark Side tears power away from him. Roll 1D: 1 Dexterity, 2 Mechanical, 3 Strength, 4 Control, 5 Sense, 6 Alter. That attribute is permanently reduced by 1D. If Dexterity, Mechanical, or Strength is reduced to 0D, the Dark Side devours the character and he dies.

Dark Side characters do not gain or maintain Force Points for heroic actions. They cannot merely maintain Force points, and only receive Force Points by performing an act of evil at a dramatically appropriate moment.

Tainted Characters:

Force-users who have received one or more Dark Side points, but who have not yet fallen to the Dark Side, is considered tainted by the Dark Side. This has several effects.

* The Force-user receives a +1D bonus to Dark Side powers
* The Dark Side will whisper temptations to the Force-user
* The Force-user will no longer receive warnings before committing an action that will earn you Dark Side points
* The Force-user can ignore lesser immoral acts that would earn an untainted character a Dark Side Point. These include: selfishness, using the Force for personal aggrandizement, unnecessary (mis)use of the Force, using the Force to harm or defeat (but not to seriously injure or kill), and passive tolerance of evil behavior.

Note that numbers two and three interact in interesting ways: you can be fairly certain that most acts of “petty meanness” will not incur Dark Side points, but you can never be sure, and you will receive no warnings when you have finally crossed the line. The Dark Side is not fair.

Building Unique Force-Users with Strictures:

It is simple to design new Force-using groups, or even unique Force-users. First, decide whether the Force philosophy is Light or Dark. Then, apply three strictures of the appropriate type. Add to those strictures a starting Force skill (Control, Sense, or Alter) and from ten to twenty Force powers. Remember to make sure that several basic Force powers from the group’s preferred Force skill are available.

Improvised Force Use:

Even if a Force-user does not possess the appropriate power, he can still attempt to produce the effect. To do so, he must have the appropriate Force abilities: Control for one’s inner Force, Sense for detecting the Force, and Alter to change the flow of the external Force.

The difficulty is increased by +10. If the Force-user is missing a prerequisite, increase the difficulty by +5; if he is missing two or more prerequisites, increase the difficulty by +10. If the Force power seems outside the Order that the Force-user belongs to, the difficulty is increased by an additional +10.

Improvised Force Powers that use more than one Force ability cannot be rushed; the Force-user can only activate one ability per round.

Lightsaber Combat, Way Fighting, and Similar Powers (Optional Rule)

Normally, Lightsaber Combat and other powers allows a Force-user to add or subtract his Control from the weapon’s damage. However, this amount is reduced by the target’s Control rating. (This prevents lightsaber fights from ending with a single, obliterating, 15D damage attack.)

Part Three: New Force Powers

Alter Powers:

Force Light: Orders: Nature-Priests, Machine Thralls of Taspio, Zarianu, Orwyr Elementalists.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for candle brightness, Easy for torch brightness, Moderate for glow-rod brightness (-1D to all actions if aimed at someone who fails Stamina check vs. Force-user‘s Alter), Difficult for searchlight brightness (blinds for 1D rounds if aimed at someone who fails Stamina check), Very Difficult for starship light brightness (blinds for 1D minutes if aimed at someone who fails Stamina check). Modified by range.
This power can be kept up.

Effect: The Force-user can create light anywhere within sight. The effect can either be circular or cone-shaped; usually cones have double the distance of spheres. When used to blind, the effect produces a very narrow cone. Blinding effects require an attack check to hit, using Alter at +2D (range 10 meters), and produce a very narrow beam.

Pyrokinesis: Orders: Orwyr Elementalists, Hands of Muros.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for +25°, Easy for +50°, Moderate for +100°, Difficult for +200°, Very Difficult for +400°, Heroic for +800°. Required Power: Telekinesis

Effect: The Force-user can increase the temperature in a five-meter radius area. Additional uses of the power can affect larger areas. The effects are as follows.

Up to 50°: Unpleasantly hot.
51°-100°: Painfully hot. Living subjects suffer 1D stun damage per round. Combustibles (like fuel or gunpowder) ignite.
101°-150°: Dangerously hot. Living subjects suffer 2D damage per round. Paper starts to burn. Metal objects cause an additional 1D damage per round. Sealed explosives detonate.
151°-200°: Living subjects suffer 3D damage per round. Wood starts to burn. Metal objects cause an additional 2D damage per round. Hard explosives like grenades detonate.
200°-300°: Living subjects suffer 4D damage per round. Thick wood and plastic burn. Thin plastic melts. Metal objects cause an additional 3D damage per round. Breathing is impossible and suffocation begins.
301°-500°: Living subjects suffer 5D damage per round. Plastic melts. Metal objects cause an additional 4D damage per round.
501°-800°: Living subjects suffer 8D damage per round. Heavy plastic and soft metals start to melt. Metal objects remain constant at 4D damage per round.
800°+: Living subjects suffer 10D damage per round. Metals begin to melt.

The temperature returns to normal at a rate of 10° per round once the effect is stopped. Though a Force-user can maintain the effect, if he attempts to use the effect in the same area he adds his temperate increase to the area’s base temperature, not the modified temperature brought about by previous uses of pyrokinesis.

Orders: Orwyr Elementalists, Hands of Muros.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for -25°, Easy for -50°, Moderate for -100°, Difficult for -200°, Very Difficult for -400°, Heroic for -800°.
This power can be kept up.
Required Powers: Telekinesis

Effect: The Force-user can decrease the temperature in a five-meter radius area. Additional uses of the power can affect larger areas. The effects are as follows.

Down to minus 50°: Unpleasantly cold. Water freezes. Those not in heavy clothes suffer 1D stun damage per round.
Minus 51°-minus 100°. Those not in heavy clothes suffer 2D damage per round. Those in heavy clothes suffer 1D damage per round.
Minus 101°-minus 150°: Those not in heavy clothes suffer 3D damage per round. Those in heavy clothes suffer 2D damage per round. Soft wood and plastic grow brittle.
Minus 151°-minus 200°: All living beings suffer 4D damage per round. Even thick plastic and shatterproof glass grows brittle. It becomes impossible to breathe.
Minus 200°-minus 250°: All living beings suffer 5D damage per round. Metal grows brittle.
Minus 251°-Minus 300°: All living beings suffer 6D damage per round. Even thick metal grows brittle.
Minus 301°-minus 350°: All living beings suffer 7D damage per round. Regular atmospheres freeze, causing vacuum damage.
Minus 351°-minus 373°: All living beings suffer 8D damage per round.

The temperature returns to normal at a rate of 10° per round once the effect is stopped. Though a Force-user can maintain the effect, if he attempts to use the effect in the same area he adds his temperate decrease to the area’s base temperature, not the modified temperature brought about by previous uses of cryokinesis.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for sounds other than voices or simple 2D drawings, Easy for voices and small simple objects, Moderate for man-sized objects with limited movement and simple sounds , Difficult for bantha-sized objects with the normal range of movement and complex sounds, Very Difficult for walker-sized objects with very complex or confusing movement or sounds, Heroic for objects of starship size or up with very subtle and constantly shifting movements or sounds. Modified by distance.
This power can be kept up.
Required Power: Force Light

Effect: The Force-user can create complex audiovisual illusions. These are not hallucinations; they are entirely real manipulations of light and sound that any number of people can see.

The illusions, while convincing, are not solid. If interacted with, or if anything seems out of the ordinary about them, the viewer is allowed a Perception, search, or Sense check against the Force-user’s Alter to see through the illusion. Touching an immobile object immediately reveals the illusion as the viewer passes right through it. If others tell the viewer that he’s seeing an illusion, he receives +2D to his roll.

Shadow Forms:
Alter Difficulty: Easy for sounds other than voices or simple 2D drawings, Moderate for voices and small simple objects, Difficult for man-sized objects with limited movement and simple sounds , Very Difficult for bantha-sized objects with the normal range of movement and complex sounds, Heroic for walker-sized objects with very complex or confusing movement or sounds, Heroic +10 for objects of starship size or up with very subtle and constantly shifting movements or sounds. Modified by distance.
This power can be kept up.
Required Powers: Illusions, Telekinesis. To produce objects that are hot (including blaster bolts), Pyrokinesis. To produce objects that are cold, Cryokinesis.

Effect: The Force-user can create semi-solid forms. These interact with the environment in a distressingly solid and realistic way, though their touch is still artificial and simplistic. Shadow forms act like regular illusions, except that they can move objects with a strength of roughly one-half of what the regular object could move—this also allows the object to cause one-half the damage of the regular object. Further, being touched by the object does not give the subject any indication that something is wrong, though touching the object (or hitting it) allows a Perception, search, or Sense check against the Force-user’s Alter +2D, as does detecting other peculiarities.

Solid Forms:
Alter Difficulty: Moderate for simple 2D drawings, Difficult for small simple objects, Very Difficult for man-sized objects with limited movement, Heroic for bantha-sized objects with the normal range of movement, Heroic +10 for walker-sized objects with very complex or confusing movement, Heroic +20 for objects of starship size or up with very subtle and constantly shifting movements. Modified by distance.
This power can be kept up.
Required Powers: Shadow Forms, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis.

Effect: The Force-user can create solid forms. These are indistinguishable from real, actual objects, and in all ways function as them. They cannot be detected as illusions because they are not illusions: they are physical objects brought into being with the Power of the Force.

Control and Sense Powers:

Way Fighting:
Orders: Hands of Muros
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
This power can be kept up.

Effect: The Force-user is a master of unarmed combat. This skill works essentially like the Lightsaber Combat skill of the Jedi Bendu, except it works in unarmed combat: the Hand of Muros is able to add his sense dice to his Brawling or Brawling Parry skills, and can increase or decrease his unarmed combat damage by up to his control skill.

The Hand of Muros can also use Way Fighting to block or deflect ranged attacks from thrown weapons, slings, arrows, quarrels, or similar low-speed projectiles, but not bullets, flechettes, energy cocoons, blaster bolts, or other high-speed projectiles, nor anything more massive than a large spear.

Enhance Skill:
Orders: All
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
This power can be kept up.

Effect: The Force-user selects this power for a single skill.

If the Force-user’s rolls are successfully, he gains a number of bonus dice, depending on what sort of skill it is. For Dexterity, Strength, and Mechanical skills, the Force-user receives bonus dice based on his Control. For Perception, Knowledge, or Technical skills, the Force-user receives bonus dice based on his Sense. For offensive combat skills (Brawling, Archaic Guns, Blaster Artillery), the Force-user gains a skill bonus equal to his Sense, but can modify his damage up or down by an amount equal to his Control (reduced by his enemy’s Control, if any).

Enhance Skill can be applied to skill defaults as well, though the Force-user’s effective Control and Sense are reduced by an amount equal to the default penalty. So, a character trying to use Enhance Space Transports to improve his Capital Ship Piloting skill (which defaults to Space Transports at –2D) suffers a –2D to his Control and Sense rolls when making the initial rolls, and when determining what bonus the Force-user receives if he succeeds.

If the Force-user fails his check, he cannot attempt to enhance that skill for the rest of the scene.

There are several limitations inherent in using Enhance Skill.

First, the Force-user cannot use any artificial enhancements when using this power. Targeting systems, fire control systems, even climbing pitons—all prevent him from enhancing his skill with the Force. Superior equipment is allowed, but no additional enhancements.

Second, the Force-user cannot use the enhanced skill for evil, or even selfish purposes without incurring Dark Side Points. Though the regular skill can be used for selfish purposes (if not evil ones) without incurring Dark Side Points, the enhanced skill can only be used for knowledge, defense, and the assistance of others.

Third, the enhanced skill is a use of the Force, and is noticeable as such.

Fourth, the Force-user cannot extend the length of his action while using this Power, taking more time than usual. He cannot aim, spend additional time astrogating, or anything else of the sort: his action must be intuitive, reflexive, and immediate.

Fifth and finally, different Orders are familiar with only so many skills that they can Enhance. These are listed below.

Jedi Bendu: All athletic skills, all social skills, all perception skills, Lightsaber
Kemba: All clandestine skills, all natural skills, all medical skills
Hyper-space Lords: All piloting, driving, and space skills, all athletic skills
Nature-Priests: All natural skills, all medicine skills, all perception skills
Starfallen: All piloting and space skills, all perception skills
Machine Thralls of Taspio: All gun skills, all technological skills
Ankalans: All social skills, all perception skills, all close combat skills
Telsus Spinners: All knowledge skills, all perception skills
Zarianu: All clandestine skills, all social skills
Orwyr Elementalists: All knowledge skills, all perception skills, all natural skills
Hands of Muros: All close combat skills, all perception skills

Beast Aspect:
Orders: Nature-Priests
Control Difficulty: Easy for minor modifications, Moderate for moderate modifications, Difficult for significant modifications, Very Difficult for extreme modifications
This skill can be kept up.
Requires Powers: Beast Form
Time Taken: Three rounds

Effect: The Force-user can take on one aspect of an animal’s form. This can include claws, fangs, wings, fur, scales, poison sacs, and so on. The Force-user must have encountered the animal before to simulate an aspect of it.

Minor modifications include cosmetic changes like small fangs or claws (no damage bonus, but treated as armed), light fur, a cosmetic tail, slightly altered limbs (+1 Move), or soft scales, the Smell ability, or one sense at +1D.

Moderate modifications include thick fur or light scales (+1 armor), sharp claws (+1 damage), altered limbs (+50% move, swim at normal move, or glide at half move, losing 1 meter per 10 meters traveled), or one sense at +2D.

Significant modifications include heavy scales (+1D archaic/+1 modern armor), large claws (STR+1D damage), rebuilt limbs (double move or swim, dig through soft earth at 50% move, or fly at full move), enhanced eyes (night-vision, bird of prey vision, etc.), or one sense at +3D.

Extreme modifications include very heavy scales (+2D archaic/+1D modern armor), huge talons (STR+2D damage), massively rebuilt limbs (triple move or swim, dig through soft earth at full move or hard earth at 25% move, fly at triple move), or one sense at +4D.

Beast Form:
Orders: Nature-Priests
Control Difficulty: Moderate for same-size animals, Difficult for similar-size animals (zek-hound or womprat), Very Difficult for different-size animals (yabbi-cat or dewback), Heroic for very different-sized animals (Coruscanti roach or bantha), +10 for each doubling of size past bantha-size. +5 if animal can fly. +10 if animal has unusually potent defenses.
Requires Abilities: Hibernation Trance, Resist Pain
Time Taken: 2D rounds (during which time the Force-user is unconscious)

Effect: The Force-user can take on the form of any animal. He retains his mind and all skills that he can use in the new form, but is otherwise identical to the new animal form.

Control and Alter Powers:

Force Speed:
Orders: Jedi Bendu, Hyper-space Lords, Starfallen, Zarianu, Hands of Muros.
Control Difficulty: Moderate for one additional action, Difficult for two additional actions, Very Difficult for three additional actions, Heroic for four additional actions
Alter Difficulty: Easy for one round, Moderate for two rounds, Difficult for three rounds, Very Difficult for four rounds, Heroic for five rounds

Effect: The Force-user can move extraordinarily fast. This allows him to take additional actions without a penalty. These bonus additional actions occur almost simultaneously; other characters do not take their actions before the Force-user takes his subsequent actions. Note that each additional action also allows the Force-user to increase his maximum number of moves per round by one, but only when moving under his own power, not when using vehicles.

Orders: Kemba, Nature-Priests, Noko, Hands of Muros.
Control Difficulty: Moderate for Virulence 1D, Difficult for Virulence 2D, Very Difficult for Virulence 3D, Heroic for Virulence 4D
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for Potency 1D, Easy for Potency 2D, Moderate for Potency 3D, Difficult for Potency 4D, Very Difficult for Potency 5D, Heroic for Potency 6D
This power can be kept up.
Requires Abilities: Detoxify poison in another

Effect: The Force-user can spread poison in an enemy. The poison is transferred through contact. It can cause either direct damage or attribute drain: either way, the amount is equal to the poison’s Virulence.

To resist the effect, the target must make a Control, stamina, or Strength check and beat the poison’s potency. Failure means he suffers the poison’s effects. If the poison causes damage, it causes 1D damage the first round, increasing by 1D per round until it reaches its maximum. If the poison drains attributes, it drains 1D per round.

Attribute-draining poisons can attack either Strength, Perception, Dexterity and Mechanical, or Knowledge and Technical. If Perception or Knowledge/Technical drop to 0D, the character is knocked unconscious. If Dexterity/Mechanical is reduced to 0D, the character is paralyzed. If Strength is reduced to 0D, the character is Mortally Wounded.

Damage must be healed normally, but the character is allowed a Control, stamina, or Strength check every hour against the poison’s Potency, with the Potency declining by 1D per hour. Every time he succeeds, his attribute increases by 1D until he’s back to normal.

Sense and Alter Powers:

Location Shift:
Orders: Telsus Spinners
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for things that are almost certain to come together, Easy for things that are likely to come together, Moderate for things that could reasonably come together, Difficult for things that would probably not come together, Very Difficult for things that would almost definitely not come together, Heroic for things that would certainly not come together
Alter Difficulty: Very easy for objects within the same city, Easy for objects within the same geographic region, Moderate for objects on the same planet, Difficult for objects in the same system, Very Difficult for objects in the same sector, Heroic for objects not in the same sector
Requires Powers: Farseeing

The Force-user can cause objects to move around. This effect is not direct, like telekinesis; instead, natural events conspire to move the things about. The Force-user selects a being or object, and decides which being, object, or place it will move toward. So, the Force-user could bring his mortal enemy into contact with the man who hunts him, or could bring a valued object into his presence.

If the roll is successul, the objects will move together as quickly as reasonably possible, given the limits of technology. Add to this time 1D minutes if in the same city, 1D hours if in the same geographical region or planet, 1D days if on the same system or sector, and an additional 1D days per sector crossed.

Calm Elements:
Orders: Kemba, Nature-Priests, Telsus Spinners, Orwyr Elementalists.
Sense Difficulty: Based on diameter. Very Easy for 10 meters, Easy for 30 meters, Moderate for 100 meters, Difficult for 300 meters, Very Difficult for 1 kilometer, Heroic for 10 kilometers, +5 for 10 additional kilometers.
Alter Difficulty: Easy to reduce an elemental effect by one step, Moderate to reduce it by two steps, Difficult to reduce it by three steps, Very Difficult to reduce it by four steps, Heroic to reduce it by five steps.
Requires Powers: Telekinesis

The Force-user can calm storms, quakes, and other severe elemental disturbances. All elemental effects are rated from 1 (minor but inconvenient) to 5 (devastating). This power can reduce only one type of elemental effect at a time.

Orders: Nature-Priests, Orwyr Elementalists, Hands of Muros.
Sense Difficulty: Based on diameter. Moderate for 10 meters, Difficult for 20 meters, Very Difficult for 50 meters, Heroic for 100 meters, +5 per 100 additional meters.
Alter Difficulty: Moderate to increase the quake level by one step, Difficult to increase the quake level by two steps, Very Difficult to increase the quake level by three steps, Heroic to increase the quake level by four steps, Heroic +10 to increase the quake level by five steps.
This power can be kept up.
Requires Powers: Calm Elements
Time Taken: Three rounds

The Force-user can summon a quake that shakes the ground and can destroy buildings, daze enemies, and cause massive injury over a wide area.

Though not a Dark Side power, using this power to kill or harm living beings incurs a Dark Side Point.

All quakes are rated on a scale of 1-5. All buildings receive a Strength to resist Quake damage. Typically, this is 2D for huts, 3D for houses, 4D for apartments, 5D for forts, 6D for castles, 7D for bunkers, and 8D or more for reinforced structures. Every round, roll a number of dice equal to the quake rating against the building’s Strength to determine what happens.

Stun: Building systems are at –1D for one round.
Wounded: Light falling debris targets everyone in the building. Everyone within must make an Easy Dodge check or take 2D damage. Building systems are at –1D.
Incapacitated: Falling debris targets everyone in the building. Everyone within must make a Moderate Dodge check or take 3D damage. Building systems shut down until repaired.
Mortally Wounded: The building begins to collapse—roll 2D at the beginning of every round, and if the result is less than the number of rounds that the building has been mortally wounded, it collapses. Every round, everyone within must make a Difficult Dodge check or take 5D damage. Building systems shut down.
Killed: The building immediately collapses into ruin. Everyone within must make a Very Difficult Dodge check or take 8D damage. If the Dodge check is made, a Difficult Running check (harder in larger buildings) is allowed to escape the building; otherwise the character is trapped.

1: Minor quake. People must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked to the ground.
2: Significant quake. People must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked to the ground and take 1D damage.
3: Major quake. People must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked to the ground and take 1D damage.
4: Devastating quake. People must make an Easy Dexterity check or be knocked to the ground and take 2D damage. There is a 1-in-6 chance of a fissure opening up the ground; the fissure targets one random target—that target must make a Moderate Dexterity check or fall in. A fissure is 3d6 meters deep.
5: World-Shattering Quake. People must make an Easy Dexterity check or be slammed to the ground, taking 2D6 damage. 1d6 fissures appear in the ground; each fissure targets one person at random—that target must make a Moderate Dexterity check or fall in. A fissure is 3d6 meters deep.

The Force-user must be within the area to be affected or within 10 meters. If within the area, a two-meter area around his location remains calm.

Material Shape:
Orders: Machine Thralls of Taspio, Orwyr Elementalists
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for fluids, Easy for mud-like materials, Moderate for soft earth or wood, Difficult for hard wood or soft stone, Very Difficult for soft metal or hard stone, Heroic for hard metal
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for less than .1 kg, Easy for less than 1 kg, Moderate for less than 10 kg, Difficult for less than 100 kg, Very Difficult for less than 1,000 kg, Heroic for less than 10,000 kg, +5 for each doubling after 10,000 kg. Modified by distance.
This power can be kept up.
Requires Abilities: Telekinesis

The Force-user can change the shape of material. The material can be bent into any shape, and will remain in that position unless natural forces (such as gravity) change it. Forming materials into exotic or functional shapes increases the Alter difficulty, and may require Technical checks to shape things properly.

Control, Sense, and Alter Powers:

Orders: Starfallen
Control Difficulty: Very Easy in space, Easy near a rotating space station or asteroid, Moderate on a low-gravity world, Difficult on a regular-gravity world, Very Difficult on a high-gravity world, Heroic in an asteroid belt
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for a journey of 1-5 parsecs, Easy for 6-10 parsecs, Moderate for 11-15 parsecs, Difficult for 16-20 parsecs, Very Difficult for 21-25 parsecs, Heroic for 25+ parsecs
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for hyper-speed 1, Easy for hyper-speed 2, Moderate for hyper-speed 3, Difficult for hyper-speed for, Very Difficult for hyper-speed 5, Heroic for hyper-speed 6.
Requires Powers: Intuitive Astrogation, Hibernation Trance
Time to Use: One minute

Effect: The Force-user is able to travel through hyper-space without the use of a starship. The Force-user must make Astrogation checks like normal, likely by using Intuitive Astrogation.

Orders: Telsus Spinners
Control Difficulty: Very Easy is area to investigate is many people or a very busy and cluttered room, Easy if a dozen people or a fairly cluttered room, Moderate if a small group of people or a standard room, Difficult if one or two people or a barren room, Very Difficult if the character only.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for very common items (rock, pen, piece of paper), Easy for fairly common items (wrench, knife, power cell), Moderate for uncommon items (recording rod, video screen), Difficult for rare items (bolter, groundcar), Very Difficult for very rare items (blaster, speeder, vibro-weapon), Heroic for extremely rare items (lightsaber, starfighter). Difficulty +5 if looking for a specific object.
Alter Difficulty: Very easy if almost certain (a medical kit in a hospital), Easy if likely (a hydrospanner in a garage), Moderate if not out of the question (a lamp in a storage closet), Difficult if out of place (a fuel cell in a temple), Very Difficult if very unusual (a blaster in a broom closet), Heroic if preposterous (a speeder in the middle of the woods).
All Difficulties: If trying to decide between multiple paths, Very Easy for two paths where there is reason to suspect one, Easy for two paths, Moderate for three paths, Difficult for five paths, Very Difficult for ten paths, and Heroic for eleven or more paths.
Requires Power: Farseeing
All Difficulties: If enhancing Character Points, Very Easy for +1, Easy for +2, Moderate for +1D, Difficult for +1D+1, Very Difficult for +1D+2, Heroic for +2D.
Time to Use: Three rounds
Effect: The Force-user is prone to exceptional luck. This good fortune has several beneficial results.

First, whenever the Force-user is in a situation where he must choose between multiple arbitrary paths that seem equally likely (such as choosing between two different doors), he may attempt to use this skill.

Second, whenever the Force-user is in need of a common object, he may be able to find one. The difficulty is based on the commonness of the object, the likelihood of the object being found in that location, and the area that the Force-user has to investigate.

The area must be able to reasonably accommodate the object: a person’s pockets cannot hold a vibro-axe, and a janitorial closet cannot hold a starfighter.

Third and finally, the Force-user can increase the utility of his Character Points. However, if he rolls a 1 on his roll when spending an enhanced Character Point, he loses an additional CP.

Mental Assault:
Orders: Hyper-space Lords, Ankalans.
Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by familiarity.
Sense Difficulty: Easy. Modified by range.
Alter Difficulty: Against target’s Control, Perception, or willpower.
Required Powers: Projective Telepathy

The Force-user generates a terrible mental attack that can stun, disable, or even kill a target. If the Alter check is higher than the target’s roll, the attack causes damage as if the target’s resistance was his Strength and the Alter roll was damage. The target also loses a Character Point.

Mental Assault causes regular lethal damage, but since the effect is entirely neurological, only neurological repairs or natural healing can help the target.

This is a Dark-Side Power.

Ghost Form:
Orders: Hyper-space Lords, Noko, Starfallen, Ankalans, Zarianu.
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for abilities –5D, Easy for abilities –4D, Moderate for abilities –3D, Difficult for abilities –2D, Very Difficult for abilities –1D, Heroic for no ability penalties.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for Control/Sense/Alter –5D and one Force power, Easy for Control/Sense/Alter –4D and three Force powers, Moderate for Control/Sense/Alter –3D and five Force powers, Difficult for Control/Sense/Alter –2D and ten Force powers, Very Difficult for Control/Sense/Alter –1D and twenty Force powers, Heroic for no penalties and all Force powers.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for maximum distance 100 meters (speed 10), Easy for maximum distance 1 kilometer (speed 100), Moderate for maximum distance 100 kilometers (speed 1,000), Difficult for anywhere on the planet (speed 10,000), Very Difficult for anywhere in the system (speed as sublight drive), Heroic for anywhere in the sector (speed instantaneous), +5 per sector.
Requires Powers: Projective Telepathy, Emptiness or Rage, Hibernation Trance, Affect Mind, Farseeing
Time Taken: One minute

Effect: The Force-user can create a “ghost” of himself that moves independent from him. The ghost is bodiless and without form, though its senses act normally. The Force-user can use any Force powers that do not rely upon a body, and use any skills, though his abilities are often limited in the ghost form.

It is possible to banish the Force ghost. Damage from fire, electricity, or coherent light (like blasters) causes disruptive damage to the ghost, which defends with its Control.

Stunned: As a normal character.
Wounded: As a normal character.
Incapacitated: Ghost immobile for 1D rounds; Force-user Stunned.
Mortally Wounded: Ghost immobile for 3D rounds; Force-user Wounded.
Killed: Ghost dispelled; Force-user Incapacitated.

If the Force-user dies, he can attempt to live on as a Force ghost. If he succeeds and dies before taking any other actions, he becomes a Force ghost.

Living Death:
Orders: Noko
Control Difficulty: Very Easy if controlling only one other ghoul, Easy if controlling less than three ghouls, Moderate if controlling less than ten ghouls, Difficult if controlling less than thirty ghouls; Very difficult if controlling less than 100 ghouls, Heroic if controlling less than 300 ghouls, +1 for each additional 100 ghouls.
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Requires Powers: Life Sense, Accelerate Another’s Healing, Control Another’s Pain, Return Another to Consciousness, Affect Mind
Time Taken: One minute

The Force-user can return the dead to a parody of life, creating thoughtless ghouls. The ghouls gain a +1D to Strength, but suffer a –1D to Dexterity (minimum 1D). They have scores of 0D in Knowledge, Mechanical, and Technical, cannot speak or think, and move at half speed. Ghouls have no skills.

Creating a ghoul is Difficulty 10.

The Control check governs whether or not the ghoul can be controlled; if the other two checks succeed, the ghoul is created but is not under the Noko’s control.

Independent ghouls seek out the nearest living thing to kill and devour. Ghouls continue to rot, losing 1D to all stats every 1D months. Once a ghoul reaches 0D strength, it rots and is no more.

Greater Living Death:
Orders: Noko
Control Difficulty: Very Easy if controlling only one other greater ghoul, Easy if controlling two greater ghouls, Moderate if controlling less than three greater ghouls, Difficult if controlling less than five greater ghouls; Very difficult if controlling less than ten greater ghouls, Heroic if controlling less than thirty greater ghouls, +1 for each additional 5 greater ghouls.
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Difficult
Requires Powers: Living Death
Time Taken: Ten minutes

The Force-user can create living dead beings of superior abilities and skills that still retain much of their mind. These greater ghouls retain all their attributes. They gain a +1D to Strength and a –1D to Dexterity, and lose 1D from all their skills.

The Control check governs whether or not the ghoul can be controlled; if the other two checks succeed, the ghoul is created but is not under the Noko’s control.

Greater ghouls continue to rot, though basic medical treatments can keep them in their best condition and prevent decomposition.

Create Wraith:
Orders: Noko
Control Difficulty: Very Easy if controlling only one other wraith, Easy if controlling two wraiths, Moderate if controlling less than three wraiths, Difficult if controlling less than five wraiths; Very difficult if controlling less than ten wraiths, Heroic if controlling less than thirty ghouls, +1 for each additional 5 wraiths.
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult
Requires Powers: Living Death

Effect: The Force-user can create a wraith from the vestigial mind of the recently-dead. A wraith is similar to a Force ghost, except it can be damaged by energy attacks regularly—the wraith uses its Perception attribute or willpower to resist damage. Wraiths lack Strength, Dexterity, or Mechanical, and all of their skills are halved. A wraith’s personality and knowledge remains similar to what it possessed in life, although it is twisted and cruel, consumed by the Dark Side of the Force.

The Control check governs whether or not the ghoul can be controlled; if the other two checks succeed, the ghoul is created but is not under the Noko’s control.

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