The Hideaway Guestbook

You have come to view my guestbook, huh? Hope you signed it! If not, I'll give you a second chance:

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With that in mind, view away :)

August 29, 1999
  1. Who are you? Denise Boudreau
  2. What do you want? To test this guestbook & see how it works :)
  3. Who do you want? Wouldn't you like to know, nosy?
  4. What color is your hair? right now, sort of a dark auburn
  5. What is your e-mail address?
  6. Do you have a webpage? If so, what's the URL?
  7. Have you ever heard of Erasure? of course, silly!
  8. What is your most favorite song of all time? it's a tie: "A Long Goodbye" by Erasure and "The Winner Takes It All" by Abba
  9. How do you know me? I don't believe I know you...
  10. Which of the following do you believe in: love at first sight, life after death, the ability to control dreams? all of them! :)
  11. Do you believe in Tarot, Ouija, or other methods of telling the future? certainly! :)
  12. Do you drink? nope
  13. Do you smoke? If so, what brand of cigarettes? I've tried them...
  14. Have you been naughty? ;) Always, dearie :)
  15. What is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you? Romance? You're asking me about romance?!?
  16. Who is the greatest person you know? A tie: Paul M & Paul S from work
  17. Do you know anyone who could love me & is available? - I had to ask!! ;) *gives sad puppy dog eyes* nope... *sniff*
  18. Alright, you must be getting sick of this. One more question, then you may go: am I sane? nope, absolutely not!

The Hideaway
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