My thoughts on life

8/11/99: "What is there to do? Only rain, falling down from the sky..."

Well, the webpage is finally finished - yes!! After many long hours of work, I have a chance to show it off :-) Okay, okay - you don't want to hear my boasting about my little old page, so I'll fill you in on my life today. I went shopping for CDs today with my friend Melanie - we only wound up getting lost in Boston, but it was still a lot of fun :-) Now I'm listening to Erasure (gee, what else would I be listening to?!?) I have to go back to work tomorrow... lucky me... Can you sense the sarcasm in my voice? Anyway, I guess that's about it for now... I'm going to work on some Latin stuff for school (yes, for you people wondering if I am actually crazy, I'm doing school work over the summer!) Take care!

~ Denise

8/11/99: "Money, money, money... Must be funny in the rich man's world..."

As you can see, I've added quite a few new things to my page since I last left you all a message :) I've got a new webring, The Inner Reaches of Emotion, an Erasure webring, which I'm quite proud of! And then there's the guestbook, which I put together by myself & am running by myself, without the help of Perl scripts! Please please please sign it!! I really want to hear everyone's responses :) Believe me, after the week I've had, it will cheer me up. As you can tell from my quote of the day, I'm broke... I got my check cashed today, and I'm broke four hours later. And I hardly bought anything for myself! But, at least my college fund is growing, that's always good. And yes, for those of you wondering, my hair is now dark auburn :) Temporarily, however, but nonetheless, auburn! I guess it's nice to have good things happen... I'm rather upset because one of the managers at work, Martha, worked her last day in our store yesterday... and Paul's last day is September 6th... I'm very upset because I don't want either of them to leave. The managers I grow closest to are always the ones to leave... But, that's life, and I'll eventually be moving on to the Wendy's in Dartmouth when I go to college! :) Anyway, I've bored you enough... Take care, all!

~ Denise

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