My Poetry

Rather than posting poems that I already have up somewhere else, I'll refer you to my poet's page at to read my older stuff. The newer poems I will post in both places. I'm only going to add one every once in a while, since I haven't been all that creative lately, but I'll start you off with a classic of mine, then go from there... and, the copyright stuff: remember, please, these poems are all written by me, so if you want to use them anywhere, just ask me first, okay? After all, you wouldn't want anyone stealing stuff you've written, right? And with that, enjoy!

To my poetry page!!
Look Into My Eyes

Look deep into my eyes
And describe the one you see there.
Is it just a girl of sixteen?
Simply another friend and admirer?
Or is there something else there,
Some hope that I can cling onto?
How I wish you were here,
Just so I could talk to you.
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Now I know what they mean.
I wish we could talk about us,
Or even just about you.
I would be willing to listen forever.
But we'll have to talk about us,
If not tonight, then someday.
I love to be your friend,
But I long to know who you see
When you look into my eyes.

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