Online Friends

My friend Em from Vermont... One of the most awesome people I have ever had the pleasure of talking to :-)

This is another bud Jester, in a rather serious pose. A rather interesting character, but a good friend.

My friend with a thousand and one names, known best to me as Sin and Melissa... Hope she's doing okay, haven't talked to her in a while!

Maggie, once known as Chef, also once one of my best internet friends - hopefully still a friend...

Cosmo, webmaster of Cosmo's Factory. Rarely see him around anymore, but alas, he is a friend!

Fellow Rocky Horror fan and fellow "Weird Al" Yankovic fan. Hoping to see her around at one of Al's concerts this year :-) Here she is, as "Fatman" with Al himself.


At this point, Darleen was looking wondering why the heck her picture was not on my shrine of internet friends, right? Well, fear not! Here are Darleen and her sister Sam :-)

Here's Darleen with a group of her friends which she talks about oh-so-much :-)

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