Please Do Not Taunt The Amazing ImproLynx
Parent of this psychotic freak of a website! :D
The Octagon Rumble
The source of a great many good ideas, which we shamelessly copied. :P
Anime Capsule Rumble
Folks with the same idea as us. :)
GMCA Member Pages
Blue Nothing Productions
Yun Ch'òlsu's homepage.
The Devastation Dojo
Team Kaiju's Homepage
Draco Primus
The Blacky Wyvern of Armorica's Homepage
Dan Mastriani's New Homepage
Gaijin Dan's Homepage
The MultiMediocre Page
MMK's Homepage
The Realm of the Artist
Myth's Homepage
Link to the GMCA!
Here's how:
- Download this image to put on your page:
- Copy this piece of HTML onto your page:
<br><center><a href=""><img src= "GMCAlink.GIF" alt="The GMCA"></a> </center><br>
- Upload your edited page and put the image file in the same directory.
THAT'S IT! Here's the result: