Harry Potter Fan Fiction

Feather Falling Thoughts, by Krystyn Poe
Summary: Hermione escapes to the Astronomy tower to have some time to herself, but ends up helping someone else instead...

A Parting Dream, by Krystyn Poe
Summary: A good friend of Cedric's has to deal with a nightmare that's about to come true...MAJOR GoF spoliers

One Last Chance, by Krystyn Poe
Summary: When someone tries to contact Cedric from beyond the dead, Harry, Ron, and Hermione get caught up in the aftermath.

  • Part One
  • Part Two
  • Part Three
  • Part Four

    Medicor per Ignis, by Krystyn Poe
    Summary: Five years after Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, and Ron find their destinies intertwined with an ancient prophecy that could bring the magical world to its knees...

  • Part One
  • Part Two

    Lost Minutes, by George Weasley's Girlfriend
    Summary: Alternate Universe - What happened when Hermione went back to get Ron after letting Harry retrieve the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone?

    Confrontation, by George Weasley's Girlfriend
    Summary: Each day of his life, Professor Severus Snape fights a battle within himself. A filk to Jekyll & Hyde's Confrontation explores the turmoil inside what is left of Snape's battered heart and the secrets that tear apart his very being. PG-13 for dark themes and some language.

    I Never Should Have Let Them Dance, by George Weasley's Girlfriend
    Summary: Who could ever have thought that a simple detention paired with a chance dance lesson could amount to such change in the lives of so many? (L/J - some in MWPP time, some during HP's first year.)


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